Line dream meaning

Zigzag line
In general:
If in dream the dreamer is moving like zig-zag line or see something, what moves like zigzag , then the dreamer is concerned with the possibility of an accident, example: may be hitted by lightning. An energy discharge is expected. (read all at source)

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coordinated fire line
How to Plot a Navigation Course on a Nautical Chart
The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud
Photograph of Civilian Conservation Corps on the Fire Line During the Great Depression
Dreamer: Inspired By A True Story... (read all at source)

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Line dancing is a symbol of energetic life, invigorating passion, desire, feelings and sexuality. A dance symbolizes the stages and rhythms of life. A dream about line dancing is a happy dream. (read all at source)

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line of defense against hurts.
sky: Limitless freedom. Your potential and possibilities as in, "The sky's the limit" e.g. your hopes for something (especially if it's green). A red colored sky can signify danger, or something coming to an end, or just dawning. (read all at source)

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Wavy Line - Shapes - Dream Symbols
Where a straight line represents the straight path to a goal, the wavy line is one that meanders around, taking in the sights, taking its time. (read all at source)

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Dreams will link to any situation or any emotion that we can connect in any way with a symbol. Use the key words below to help you remember key feelings from yesterday. Think also of your general moods and your thoughts about relationships. (read all at source)

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Clothes Line
To dream that you are hanging up clothes on a clothesline, suggests that you are clarifying your thoughts and elevating yourself to a new state of awareness.
Clothes Peg... (read all at source)

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A power line symbolizes you are a hands-on healer. See power plant.
Power plant... (read all at source)

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Crooked Line
To dream of a crooked line (e.g. drawing, line of people) symbolises the likelihood that we might not be being completely honest in our dealings during waking life.
- see Dream Dictionary: Shapes... (read all at source)

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danger line, danger zone, Dangerful, Dangerless, dangerous, dangerous undertaking, dangerously, dangerousness
Dream Dictionary
Definition:... (read all at source)

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A long line of ants on the ground is thought to be a symbol of good luck.
The anus can represent childish behavior, since a child's first experience of control is control over his or her own bodily functions. (read all at source)

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*Please see Line.
To dream that you are sinking in quicksand, signifies that your assumption that you are on solid ground will prove misleading and you will slowly find yourself in an expected situation. (read all at source)

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see also Explosion, Fire Electric power line the driving force that energizes a situation Cayce (900-158, A-2). see also Hammer Elephant 1. power and might combined with heightened knowledge and cunning Cayce (341-15, A-3). 2. (read all at source)

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[5] The seven terraces of Mount Purgatory (one per deadly sin) The Seven Virtues: chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, kindness, patience, and humility In the genealogy in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus is 77th in a direct line The number of heads of the three beasts (7 �- 10 �- 7 + 7 �- 10 �- 10 +... (read all at source)

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As you are growing up and subjected to critical analysis of the concept of "normal", leading it in line with your own views on life, these traditions are stronger or deeper in your mind, or in conflict with your own ideas. (read all at source)

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to see a woman in the corner maybe pouring coffee or something of that nature, another man on the opposite side of her also busy with work, i look down at maybe a time sheet or some sort of number sheet with dates and things of that sort, i look back up to see the woman bending over to do a line of... (read all at source)

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Is it a new line of work, perhaps indicating a desire to change jobs or professions?Work is associated with commitment; so think of it in relation to what you feel committed to in your life. Also consider work as a symbol of expression—a way to make your mark in the world. (read all at source)

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It does not need to specifically pertain to your exact line of work. In other words, an office worker dreaming of a loading dock still can relate the dock to work, because that's the association made in his mind. (read all at source)

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Electrical shock and other energy emanations are often associated with trying to cross a taboo line or some other kind of punishment. (read all at source)

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The spiritual world always fixes its orbit upon a straight line, while the material world is fonder of curves. (read all at source)

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Trees can relate to our familial line and genetic traits. We can dream of an orchard when we are attempting to either draw on our heritage, or eliminate patterns of behavior adopted from the family in order to find a greater sense of fulfillment. (read all at source)

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I had a dream where I was in the deep dark woods in a open wood line and this big green snake was trying to get close to me and I was watching it and all of a sudden a man or something came outta the woods and had some type of flamethrower and lit this snake on fire and I remember I was really... (read all at source)

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These are an attempt to synchronize our lifestyle in line with our stars to reduce frictions leading to synergy and happiness. The success also depends on our devotion and faith in the almighty. (read all at source)

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A division or dividing line. For example, curtains in a window divide the inner world and the outer world. A curtain on a stage divides the real world (audience) from the pretend world (stage). A curtain in a hospital room divides one patient's space from the next one. (read all at source)

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In a straight line, or on a winding road?
If you are a passenger in a vehicle, this may mean you are not in control of your life or some aspect of it: so who is driving - what unconscious mechanism has taken over your life? (read all at source)

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As I often point out to those I am advising we are a human face on a long line of beautiful animals. In fact 'You ride an ancient beast.' The ancient beast is your body, and your conscious self is the modern and recent rider of it. (read all at source)

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Speaking of generational bondage from the line of the father:
1 Kings 15:3 "And he walked in all the sins of his father, which he had done before him: and his heart was not perfect with the LORD [Yahweh] his God, as the heart of David his father." (GMR)
See also: Man, Mother, Woman... (read all at source)

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A person who manages others or keeps them in line (as a cowboy manages cattle)
Freedom or independence
Cowboy-related activities such as horseback riding
A certain geographic region you associate with cowboys
A certain historic time period
Romantic ideals... (read all at source)

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It goes along the same line that imitation is the best form of flattery.
To imitate others in your dream symbolizes indecisiveness and qualms about your fitness in addressing a situation at hand. (read all at source)

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You are keeping your temper in line. Alternatively, it indicates a need for love and acceptance. You are lacking attention from others and are feeling neglected. The pet may also be a pun for "petting" as in some sexual behaviour. (read all at source)

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Achievementtop list
A dream of achievement is in direct line with its aspect--the bigger the achievement in the dream, the bigger will be the satisfaction coming your way. (read all at source)

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Although dreams can result from a variety of different factors, more often than not, the dreams we recall can be understood. We can recreate the story line, which we can later write down and analyze. (read all at source)

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Sure, just drop me a line. (My list is stirctly from scripture)
No worries BD, I shall ask you if I get stuck on a dream meaning. I do like to think that we are given the ability to dream as a means of receiving warnings or messages either from God or from our deceased loved ones. :)... (read all at source)

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If you are busy brushing your clothes, you will soon receive reimbursement for laborious work. To see miscellaneous brushes, foretells a varied line of work, yet withal, rather pleasing and remunerative. (read all at source)

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My dad stopped at one point and the mansion was a hospital and had a gift shop. We went inside. Then on the way out was a sort of breakfast line where we grabbed some weird food. I grabbed a lot of sweet lollipop type things and some little egg-rolls. (read all at source)

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If you have a dream of purchasing leather from a tannery then you will find a loss in friendships but you will enjoy a measure of success in your enterprise. Dreaming that you are the tanner shows that your present line of work is not what you want to be doing but there are others you must consider. (read all at source)

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Are you having difficulty with the phone in some way, or is someone annoying or threatening as they talk; can you not hear anyone on the line...what is said and who says it? All this needs to be factored in together within the full context of the dream. Do look at this symbol closely. (read all at source)

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Have your partner lie down. Hold the pendulum over the center line of their body and move it very slowly from the base of their spine to the top of their head. When the pendulum is directly over a chakra it will spiral in harmony with the energy. (read all at source)

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They will be more than happy to worship God and speak of the blood flesh of Jesus freely. What they say will also come in-line with the Word of God, as well. At times, God can feel like He is hard to find. (read all at source)

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For merchants,it denotes a change for the better in their line of business.
To see cotton in bales, is a favorable indication for better times.
To dream that cotton is advancing, denotes an immediate change from lowto high prices, and all will be in better circumstances. (read all at source)

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This dream usually announces some unexpected and sorrowful events. The rooster warned the Apostle Peter when he was about to perjure himself. It may also warn you in a dream when the meshes of the world are swaying you from "the straight line" of spiritual wisdom. (read all at source)

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To see clothes brushes, indicates a heavy task is pending over you.
If you are busy brushing your clothes, you will soon receive reimbursement for laborious work. To see miscellaneous brushes, foretells a varied line of work, yet withal, rather pleasing and remunerative. (read all at source)

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16:15; Jer 3:3; 1 Sam 19:24; Gen 2:25) in (or of ) the flesh; impure; temptation; lust; self-justification and self-righteousness (not under grace, see Galatians 5:4); using sex to control others (which is witchcraft); ashamed; stubborn, exhibitionism; Nuts and Bolts-Essentials: Bottom line... (read all at source)

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A crooked line in a dream can be a sign that your life is off balance. You may have been spending a lot of time developing some aspects of your personality while neglecting others. Your dream could be a message that you need to focus on the aspects of your personality that you have been neglecting. (read all at source)

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forked line/fork in the road
You'll have to make a decision soon. This dream indicates you should choose the simplest route for now.
fortune-teller/fortune-telling... (read all at source)

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assembly line repetition and boredom; a chane may be indicated; looking at your role in putting something together. What needs to be put together, or taken apart? (read all at source)

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If the center line of the Z slants left it indicates the path of the soul - the journey the spirit takes and the walk that is made on within the spirit. (read all at source)

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(Throng) Seeing a crowd gathering or standing in line or a large number of people suffering in wretchedness in a dream means increase in one's power, rising in station, gaining fame and recognition. (read all at source)

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