Knots dreams by DreamMean
To dream of seeing knots, denotes much worry over the most trifling affairs. If your sweetheart notices another, you will immediately find cause to censure him.
To tie a knot, signifies an independent nature, and you will refuse to be nagged by ill-disposed lover or friend.
Knots or tying a rope: each knot in a rope is said to represent a timeframe or period of time that it is going to take to finish a task or get to a desired result. (read all at source)
To see knots in your dream, signifies much worry over trifling affairs. You may be trying to find a resolution to a situation. It also denotes constraints and restrictions in your thoughts, feelings and actions. (read all at source)
Dreaming of knots suggests you're all tied up about something - worries and anxieties are troubling you. You may feel as if you're tied in a knot. Alternately, if you or someone close to you is tying the knot, the dream might signify concern about an upcoming marriage or a desire for marriage. (read all at source)
Celtic Knots and Meanings
Explore and learn more about fascinating Celtic knots meanings and interpretations.
Dara Celtic Knot Meaning
There are various legends corresponding with Celtic knots. This page is devoted to the Dara Celtic knot meaning. (read all at source)
A dream that your tongue is tied in knots means that you are, metaphorically, 'tongue-tied' - unable to find the right words.
If you dream that an animal is licking you with its tongue, you need to look to your instincts and your intuition in order to find comfort. (read all at source)
Symbolism ties (social, family), the boundary between the conscious and the unconscious. Knots on the rope point to hidden information (secret knot letter). Path (Ariadne).
Dream in other languages:... (read all at source)
Twisting a thread, or tying it around someone neck, then dragging him or her in a dream represents a pimp soliciting clients for a prostitute. Knots in a thread mean sorcery or evil spells. A white thread in a dream represents the dawn, and a black thread represents the night. (read all at source)
The sacral chakra, which is located close to the stomach, is energized by this color and helps with assimilation / digestion of new ideas. When given good news, we can feel it here as butterflies in our stomach. When given overwhelmingly bad news, we feel it as if our stomach is in knots. (read all at source)
Restriction. Holding together. Complications. Something that you want or fear to tie together.
Laboratory... (read all at source)
tapestry a colourful story told in embroidered pictures; lots of knots underneath the outer beauty. Who is weaving a spell around you?
tar feeling black and stuck; someone who has the same faults, as in tarred with the same brush; a sailor. Who do you feel like 'tarring and feathering'? (read all at source)
You can be ‘tied up in knots’ and dream of the knot as an objective symbol of being overly caught up in a situation. The knot can be untied and suggests you may need to ‘detach.’ See Not under Homonyms. (read all at source)
i ran with him when we got out of the tunnel we went up stairs and there were men in suits that said i they could tell i didnt belong there n they would help me then snakes started coming from everywhere hidden in piles of clothes black n yellow snakes with yellow demon eyes..and they tied in knots... (read all at source)
Seeing knots in your dream means much worry over trifling affairs. You may be trying to find a resolution to a situation. It also indicates constraints and restrictions in your thoughts, feelings and actions. Dreaming that you are tying a knot, symbolizes your independent and unyielding nature. (read all at source)