Kitchen: See also Cafeteria and Restaurant: Preparation for teaching or preaching; heart of the matter; hunger for the Word; motives; revealing. (Ho. 7: 6; Heb. 4: 12; 1 Corinthians 11: 24)
Living Room: See also Den: Formal fellowship of church or family or friends. (Mark 2: 4-5)... (read all at source)
A dream featuring a kitchen symbolizes your well-being. Focus on the state of the kitchen for ideas about this. To cook for others or yourself suggests that you are open ..Read more →
KITE ... (read all at source)
KitchenDreaming that you are in the kitchen may be a sign that you long for warmth or spiritual guidance. The kitchen is a very emotional part of many homes and is also closely associated with a nurturing mother, so you may be lacking the love of a parent or a parental figure. (read all at source)
A place of transformation where you can change parts of your nature. It also links with how well you provide for yourself or neglect your body needs. It might also portray you caring for others, or in the mother role. (read all at source)
A kitchen in your dream portends the visit of some of your relatives, but also that you could receive some money in the near future. Having a kitchen is the omen of a good and important benefit for you and your dear ones. If the kitchen in your dream is well stocked, this means abundance. (read all at source)
Kitchen - heart (as in the 'kitchen is the heart of the home'); spiritual preparation; going deep in the Word; spiritual food & feasting
Restaurant kitchen - teaching ministry; greater influence or impact; preparing to serve people the Word... (read all at source)
To dream of a kitchen, denotes you will be forced to meet emergencies which will depress your spirits. For a woman to dream that her kitchen is clear. and orderly, foretells she will become the mistress of interesting fortunes. (read all at source)
A kitchen sink with dirty dishes stacked up can represent a catch-all—someone or something who takes on any and all problems from other people, or someone who has trouble saying no.
See also: drain bathroom sink faucet
Category(s): Objects... (read all at source)
But this could also mean your time. Sometimes, the time spent to help another could mean all the difference in the world. Your time might be spent in that soup kitchen peeling spuds, having a game of ball with the street kids, or filling a small need next door. (read all at source)
QUESTIONS to help you make associations(pick the one that makes most sense to you)
- Have you been thinking about your own kitchen?
- Did something happen in your kitchen yesterday such as an argument?
- Are you in need of some new interesting challenge? (read all at source)
Kitchen :
The kitchen symbolizes yourself, your health or how you act towards others. (read all at source)
To dream of a kitchen, interpret you will be forced to meet emergencies which will depress your spirits. For a woman to dream that her kitchen is clear. and orderly, foretells she will become the mistress of interesting fortunes.
Kite... (read all at source)
Kitchen walls indicate the walls of your intestines. If the paper or plaster is falling off the walls it indicates the lining of your intestines is damaged.
Since most days start in your kitchen it can also symbolize facing the day or your outlook on the day.
Knife... (read all at source)
For most people, the kitchen connotes the 'heart' of the home. This is the place where you were nurtured with food and sustenance in childhood, and where you still nurture yourself and your loved ones. (read all at source)
Okay so i start out in the kitchen and walk out the kitchen doors after talking with D...don't remember what was said but i didn't have that feeling of idiocy i had in real life. (read all at source)
Kitchentop list
Houses in dreams generally represent the dreamer (dreamer = house). The kitchen is the heart of the house. For most families, the kitchen is a place of warmth and nourishment (emotional as well as physical). (read all at source)
A kitchen represents the heart of a home. It is the place where most communication takes place and most work is done. As such, it is associated with motherly-type nurturance in dreams; either the dreamer needing it or wanting it.
Kite... (read all at source)
Since rooms in a house represent our 'inner architecture' the kitchen has associations with nourishment from a more broad perspective. Whatever is happening in the kitchen has associations with our sense of well being or how we are feeling nourished in life. (read all at source)
kitchen place of transformation; life is changing due to a new job or relationship; associated with mother's role; nurturance, food and warmth; all the parts of your life that make it whole; don't throw away the pieces that you treasure. Who can you turn to for support? (read all at source)
To see a kitchen in your dream, signifies your need for spiritual nourishment. It also forewarns that you will be met with some depressing news. (read all at source)
Kitchen - A place of preparation, where one receives certain knowledge {food} about oneself. This knowledge may be unconscious contents that have not received proper attention {not properly prepared}. What 'foods' are you cooking up in your life? (read all at source)
kitchen: Nourishment.
porch: Where you meet the world. Where you are approachable.
roof: Protection. (read all at source)
A KITCHEN would symbolize the need or act of supplying nourishment or food for the body/mind/soul...whatever is currently "cooking" or developing in your life. If the food is plentiful, you have what you need. (read all at source)
The kitchen sink is one of the items that is usually left behind when people move on. Does the sink in your dream signify that you want to move on in your life? The sink may also be a symbol of looming danger. (read all at source)
Kitchen Dreams that take place in a kitchen signify the dreamer's need for emotional and spiritual nourishment. Kitten To see a kitten in your dream signifies deceit and trouble ahead. If you dream about a litter of kittens, you may be drawn into a social conflict. (read all at source)
lit a ' save' one I left it lit to go shower I think and go to one of the main cabins then a small fire breaks out in the kitchen then I go to check my cabin discover that alot of the cabins are on fire it doesnt make sense cause the kitchen is far away from the cabins there's no trail but it's... (read all at source)
I was walking my baby girl(13 months) into the kitchen to see my mother.
My mother was making something and I was telling my baby " look! There is grandma!... (read all at source)
A bathroom, may pertain to your general health and hygiene habits, and a kitchen might be about your eating and nutrition. What you associate different locations to mean in general, usually points to what the dream was getting at specifically. (read all at source)
If you dream that you are baking something in the kitchen and poured the wonderful smell of vanilla, which you sniff with delight - you are invited to a birthday party.
Dream Interpretation Birthday May June July August
Smell the vanilla in a dream - an aesthetic pleasure. (read all at source)
*Please see also Bathroom. or Kitchen,.
To see a rooster in your dream, indicates that you or someone is being a show-off. It is an indication of cockiness and arrogance. You have little or no regards for others. (read all at source)
You may be having some fears or anticipation in regard to having children. A warm oven is said to have "fruitful," or positive, connotations while a cold oven the opposite. Of course, an oven may simply represent housekeeping and cooking. See also: Kitchen... (read all at source)
It was supposed to have some type of explosion upwards but it didn't happen, it only gave out a few lines of glittery sparks. The angel looked at me and asked if some witchcraft had happened in the house or if someone had died in the kitchen. (read all at source)
Last night I had a very disturbing dream where a man (a stranger to me) was attempting to attack me with a knife. This stranger was unsuccesfull as I was stabbing him before he could stab me. The knives i was using were clean shiny knives such as kitchen knives. (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of a kitchen, denotes you will be forced to meet emergencies which will depress your spirits. For a woman Dreaming that her kitchen is clear. and orderly, foretells she will become the mistress of interesting fortunes.. (read all at source)
Kitchen and Stoves - Dream Symbols
Are you dreaming about kitchens and stoves and other kitchen situations? What do these sorts of dreams mean? (read all at source)
Seeing a kitchen in your dream means your need for spiritual nourishment. It also forewarns that you will be met with some depressing news. (read all at source)
Kitchen-home life, serving others, or worrying too much, Lk.10:40
KKK (Ku Klux Klan) symbolic of racism and bigotry
Knife-symbolic of weaponry against a perceived enemy, Prov. 23:2. If the knife is dull it symbolizes the need to use God’s wisdom, Eccl. 10:10... (read all at source)
Sewage (kitchen or bathroom)
Psychological Meanings: This is a symbol of the need "Wash away dirt". You want to get rid of a burden, something unpleasant "rather do not know", save yourself for the better opportunity. (read all at source)
The kitchen might represent your core personality, kitchens tend to have a lot of activity and creativity going on. In your core, the scary parts are pressing in, demanding expression? You fear they will kill you. If you acknowledge them, will they destroy an image you have of yourself? (read all at source)
Attic: brain; Basement: subconscious; Bathroom: elimination, liver, kidneys; Bedroom: rest, sexuality, meditation; Corridor: transition; Dining: digestive system, sharing; Kitchen: digestive system; Hallway: uterus;... (read all at source)
"That which the fire operates is alchemy, whether in the kitchen or in the universe" as stated by the alchemical forefather Paracelsus 1493-1541. More specifically this ancient alchemy symbol represents divine energy, purification, revelation, and transformation. (read all at source)
Absorption is usually related to items like sponges or kitchen towels, soaking up water and spills etc. Absorption is also related to education, absorbing information that we are told or taught. (read all at source)
If you are cleaning a kitchen in your dreams, you could be thinking about your health or about what you need for nourishment.
Cleaning a bathroom can symbolize clearing your mind of negative thoughts.
Dusting or cleaning furniture can represent revealing your inner strength. (read all at source)