Kidnapping is a powerful image for us because it includes strong victimization and loss-of-power issues. Someone who is kidnapped goes from being in control of their own destiny to being completely in the hands of another. (read all at source)
Dream "Kidnapping"
Modern dream interpretation
Saw a dream that is associated with kidnapping - it does not promise you anything good. At a minimum, your head will fall down on family well-being and unimportant differences. (read all at source)
Kidnappingtop list
The main theme in abduction dreams is fear. The dreamer may be afraid of losing a very important part of himself or of losing his safest and most familiar surroundings. (read all at source)
Kidnapping :
If you kidnapped someone you are in danger of being the victim of a theft. If you saw someone being kidnapped you can get big changes in your life. If you got kidnapped you can become embarrassed. (read all at source)
Kidnapping someone else: Influencing someone else against their will. This may of course be about oneself, referring to forcing oneself to do something that ones feelings are against.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Have you recently felt influenced by someone else or by your own anxieties? (read all at source)
A dream featuring a kidnapping implies that you are facing concern or issues that you have not dealt with fully yet. If someone is kidnapped then it may suggest that ..Read more →
KILL ... (read all at source)
The thing about a kidnapping is that it’s a surprise removal from ones routine. Ask yourself, are you in a rut? And you secretly wish that someone would snatch you out of your routine. If your feeling vulnerable or uneasy, is it because your out of your comfort zone? (read all at source)
A dream about witnessing a kidnapping means you will receive unexpected news. Kill To dream about killing is not necessarily negative. It often means the dreamer is letting go of old habits and attitudes in order to go on to a new stage of life. (read all at source)
Kidnapped by aliens: if you are convicted of a crime (for example kidnapping) then this shows that you are likely to feel oppressed and overpowered by a family member in the future. If you are victimized then this shows that you are likely to find a project at work complex and hard to understand. (read all at source)
Kidnapping shows you should proceed in the affair, otherwise you will lose her. To know more contact us directly by phone. Please give us a good rating.
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Kidnapping a child was symbolic of their innocence and vulnerability. He was characterising them as the victim rather blaming them. (read all at source)
dream felt like i was accused of kidnapping my nephew from his aunt (not my sister), to bring him to a disney type land, and had her tell the courts that she forgot the i was suppose to pick him up. (just to save me from the arrest.) there is no mallace whatsoever between any of the involved. (read all at source)
However, if you did the kidnapping, you are being warned to guard your valuables against theft or loss, and if you can't do that, then be sure your insurance is in order. To dream of a kidnapping in which you were not personally involved is a sign of sudden important changes in the offing. (read all at source)
Experiencing being kidnapped in a dream is our unconscious making us aware that we are being held captive by our own "demons". If the dreamer is kidnapping someone else, the person is likely attempting to assume some quality of the person they are abducting. (read all at source)
In a sense, you are 'kidnapping' yourself or repressing some aspect of your real self. Being kidnapped by anything portrays the internal conflict created when one side of you is evolving, yet is blocked by your more ingrained or critical nature from the pressure of conformity. (read all at source)