Keel dream meaning

Similar to foundation, or basis upon which your life is built, but also represents that which holds you steady against opposing conditions. Basic personal strengths. The foundation of your personality or identity. Perhaps also the strength to built a new you from.
Buildins Kennel... (read all at source)

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hesitation, hew down, hit, hit the skids, holiday, hot seat, incinerate, inclination, incline, incur loss, inhalant, inside track, interim, interlude, intermezzo, intermission, intermittence, interruption, interval, involution, iota, jackknife, jade, jigger, jilt, jolt, jot, jugulate, jump, keel,... (read all at source)

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Camels can also help regulate our metabolism. Try meditating with the camel; specifically ask the camel to help with keeping resources and metabolism on an even keel. You'll be amazed at how effective this request of the camel can be. (read all at source)

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