joint dream symbol
A joint in the physical body can represent:... (read all at source)
A joint in the physical body can represent:
Adaptability to situations or challenges
Ability to take things in stride, go with the flow, or change directions... (read all at source)
parlor, blended, boiled meat, bolt, bordello, bough, bouilli, boundary, box canyon, branch, breach, break, brothel, buckle, bunched, bundled, butt, button, canyon, casino, cathouse, cavity, cervix, chap, chasm, check, chimney, chink, civet, clasp, cleat, cleft, cleuch, clinch, clip, clip joint,... (read all at source)
Joint :
Painful joints symbolize material wealth. (read all at source)
Joints in the body can relate to flexibility and a new way of reaching for or attaining your desires. While the elbows can symbolize exerting your power as in 'elbowing your way in,' the knees have an association with groveling or not standing up for yourself. (read all at source)
Joints. Oddly enough, a dream of painful joints predicts an increase in material wealth, unless you actually suffer from such trouble, in which case the dream obviously has no significance. (read all at source)
Connection .Joints are associated with favorable things. Happiness and domestic joy. Change for the better and plenty of money.
Knee... (read all at source)
By joint disease; spine to the disease.
Dream in other languages... (read all at source)
Then he was able to add some things he wanted in the lodge and we continued working together to create the space in our 'joint imagination'. We continued building the lodge over the next few years, adding rooms or spaces for various things. (read all at source)
Another joint meaning of this dream is demonstrated in your working life. It sometimes shows that you feel that things are going well but you wish to progress further. (read all at source)
To feel or notice your joints in your dream, represent flexibility. It also refers to a give and take situation and the need to work together as a team.
To dream that you are having joint problems, suggests that things are not coming together the way you want it to. (read all at source)
The most common desk lamps are very like an arm, with a joint in the middle where your elbow would be and a joint to control the direction of the lamp where your wrist would be. This means that you have a creative writing ability that works in combination with your psychic ability. (read all at source)
Hips (Loins)- Mind: Truth; joint (as in a relationship "out of joint," i.e., offense between brethren); reproduction. (1 Pet 1:13; Eph 6:14; Ezek 47:4b; Heb 7:10)... (read all at source)
I live alone 50% of the time as I have joint custody of my 17.5 year old daughter. I don't believe that anyone is trying to scare me or get me committed to an institution. I don't really believe in ghosts either and I suppose that is why I have been so concerned. (read all at source)
Quick Decode: Natural high; dope; joint venture
Popular Expressions: What a buzz; Snake in the grass; High as a kite
Possible Meanings:... (read all at source)
stiff health risk may be indicated; related to muscle tension and joint problems; acting stiff, as in being rigid or inflexible; unwilling to change; stiff-necked; a stiff penalty; a stiff decision; being drunk; a 'working stiff'. Who is rigid and uptight? (read all at source)
It warms and you can also "hide under it" - so it's important that you look after such a dream notes on who you "cahoots": it is a symbol of intimacy - and also for joint return - eg before the indiscretion of others. (read all at source)
Lal Kitab Astrology People in this world are depressed and anguished mentally, some are physically, some by children and some by spouse. There is no harmony between in the family as before. The tradition of the joint family has already been shattered. Who is not in distress ?. (read all at source)
A Freudian approach would be to discern what might be gained by overcoming the barrier and then attempting to associate that gain with a taboo event. If you have any helpers to get you over, through, or under your obstacle, they may be co-conspirators in the violation-or, your joint conquest of the... (read all at source)