Infirmities dream meaning

Infirmities dreams by DreamMean
To dream of infirmities, denotes misfortune in love and business; enemies are not to be misunderstood, and sickness may follow.

To dream that you see others infirm, denotes that you may have various troubles and disappointments in business.

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These are usually your spirits of infirmities. I see them in the spirit as insects, small crustaceans and so forth. I remember one time really suffering with a pinched sciatic nerve on my left side. (read all at source)

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Eyeglass, Torture, Mortification, Question, Torch, Carnival, Jumping, Celery, Molasses, Crucifix, Vineyard, Bachelor, Luxury, Wake, Fawn, Minx, Nuts, August, Wreath, Flies, Puddings, Ropes, Load, Fox, Danger, Violets, Caterpillar, Coral, Convicts, Bosom, Mushroom, Dome, Safe, Cabbage, Infirmities,... (read all at source)

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