Guinea pig dream meaning

guinea pig maximization test, Guinea-pig director
Dream Dictionary
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Guinea Pig
To see a guinea pig in your dream suggests that you are keeping your temper in line. This dream can also indicate a need for love and acceptance. (read all at source)

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Guinea Pig: Something being tested or tried out. Being used.
Humingbird: flighty, hovering, hyper about something. (read all at source)

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It was a mammal of no particular type - a bit like a mixture of dog, rat and guinea pig. It seemed very ordinary and tame, and stood looking at me. I walked toward it and stretched out my hand. (read all at source)

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See the letter "X", written with needles sticking out of the tip up - it's a sign that says that within ten years, people are trying to become better and thus deserve a better life, to avoid becoming guinea pigs in a more advanced civilizations. (read all at source)

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What is you association with guinea pigs?
That is the program that is being pointed to you in the dream that association is what is being presented that you need to look at.
THere is obviously an emotional charge dealing with this program. (read all at source)

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Guinea Pig
To see a guinea pig in your dream, represents your need to be more responsible and attentive. Alternatively, it suggests that through experimentation and taking risks, you learn how and how not to do something. You learn from your mistakes.
Guitar... (read all at source)

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