Guide dream meaning

fugleman, gasket, genius, genius domus, genius loci, get ahead of, get before, ghost, give instruction, give lessons in, go before, goatherd, go-between, good angel, good genius, govern, grateful dead, grommet, ground, groundbreaker, guard, guardian, guardian angel, guardian spirit, guideboard,... (read all at source)

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Dream Guide
The Physical Self
We are the stars in our own dreams, so the sybolism of the physical body is ripe for interpretation. The way your body appears to you in a dream can represent the way you see yourself in life. (read all at source)

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A guide may suggest that you have been thinking through the best way to do something. Try to think how guides could symbolise your thoughts? Have you been trying to keep to a set of guidlines in some way? What guiding principles were you using yesterday? What plan of action have you set for today? (read all at source)

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Spirit Guides
The use of spirit guides as a means to acquire aid and understand a larger reality has become common in recent years. In these dreams, sacred or supernatural knowledge comes from a stranger who seems to have mostly human attributes but also seems to possess some supernatural quality. (read all at source)

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Mountain guides are available in the old dream books as a warning to people who flatter while pursuing, but selfish intentions. Positive dream figure who brings us over hill and dale to the amount and the patrons who supported us during our ascent. (read all at source)

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keyword search keywords words dreams angel angels dream nightmares nightmare symbol symbols sleep disorder zencyn cyndi guide teeth symbology night terrors insomnia terrified sleepwalking sleeptalking talking apparition ghost new age metaphysical spiritual altered consciousness vision precognitive... (read all at source)

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I believe there were two messages in that, first to be a spirit guide to your son then next since you saw her, I believe it was to let you know there is something going on with your son, the next step is yours to make. (read all at source)

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Guides/ Guidancetop list
A character that offers you advice or who appears to be an authority figure or just someone with a smile that may not particularly fit into dream is most likely one of your guides. (read all at source)

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Guide :
This show that you need advice from someone to solve your problems. It can be from your higher self. (read all at source)

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GUIDE TO DREAMS : Read the following guide to help interpret and analyse your dreams and nightmares
- CLICK HERE... (read all at source)

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Guide-symbolic of God, the Holy Spirit, and righteousness, Ps. 23:3
Guitar-worship, melody, joyousness, Ps. 45:8
Gum-chewing gum can symbolize a person’s immaturity... (read all at source)

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guide something to show you the way; in need of guidance; a special guide for you. What has your dream guided you to do?
guillotine thoughts and feelings separated; cutting up important papers. What, or who, have you 'lost your head' over? (read all at source)

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A guide symbolizes one of your guardian angels. They are often silent in dreams and indicate their message by what they are doing, wearing, or have with them. For example, if he or she is ignoring you it means you are ignoring your guide in reality. (read all at source)

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Quick guide to the colors and what they mean in your dream...
Red: this color represents inner passion. It can also stand for your anger or blood.
Astrological parallel: Aries.
Orange: this dream is associated with tranquility, balance and healing. Good news. (read all at source)

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Guides (more)
See also: Karen Ravn , Tail , Palace , Identity , Magic
Dream-Dictionary INDEX:... (read all at source)

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Guide - your unconscious offering information to self knowledge; help for the ego-self in its exploration of the unconscious mind; following your instincts
Guillotine - to remove from your unconscious to your conscious self; intellectualizing or rationalizing... (read all at source)

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To see or dream that you are a guide, indicates that a higher force is guiding you toward your goals. You are on the right path.
Guillotine... (read all at source)

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A guided, step-by-step process in real life
A desire for clear guidance
Following recommendations
Obeying, or complying with rules or an authority figure
Paying more attention to others' input than your own inner guidance... (read all at source)

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To guide you with your interpretation, we have interpreted over 2000 keywords and symbols in our ever expanding dream dictionary. These meanings are in no way, the final say in what your dream means, but it will inspire you to explore and understanding your own dreams. (read all at source)

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You are guided by foolish persons. Beware of such people..
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller... (read all at source)

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Complete Guide to Divination
Cassandra Eason
Complete Illustrated Book of the Psychic Sciences... (read all at source)

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FREE Mini Guide Reveals the Simplest & Most Effective Ways to Analyze Your Dreams!
Join thousands of others who have already grabbed their free guide and get all the latest tips and updates!
GET INSTANT ACCESS... (read all at source)

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If guide wears or brings peach or pink and green it means that the dreamer has the potential to be a counsellor (having empathy and harmony).
Meaning: Acceptance, tolerance, a growing maturity or a need for tolerance. (read all at source)

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As a general guide, seeing or preparing food is an auspicious omen, provided the food was fresh and sufficient for the... Continue dream interpretation - Rotten"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Rouge... (read all at source)

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Ancient dream guides tell us that to dream of passing an examination forecasts success in life but if you fail the exam you likewise fail in life. However, other sources say that to dream of failure augers success, so who knows what is the correct answer to this dream interpretation? (read all at source)

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Oftentimes the Teacher represents the activation of the intuitive self or Guide. Sometimes the teacher may represent a side of you that ‘thinks you have all the answers’ and continues to operate on ‘rote’ or routine. (read all at source)

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22. Teacher/Guide is your higher Self. This is your source of knowledge. The soul holds the complete plan for its maturity and its desires and goals here in this lifetime and all others before and after this lifetime. (read all at source)

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An angel or spirit guide can represent the idea of receiving guidance, support, comfort, etc., or that you would like to.
see also: paranormal religious figure spiritual Light messenger
categories: People
What Does Your Dream Mean?
About Dream Symbols... (read all at source)

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Wash: As a general guide washing by hand suggests you should refrain from getting involved in the personal affairs of others at the present time. Washing in a machine indicates an unexpected vacation or change of location. (read all at source)

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Alarm Clock in a dream - it's a reminder of the guides and limitations. Its appearance may be the reflection of everyday worries (lack of time, inability to rationally use it), or conceptual problems (inability to perform a certain stage of life to bring the problem to its logical conclusion). (read all at source)

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If you are a passenger on a plane, you are being guided, perhaps by divine energy, to change how you think about things or to change beliefs that no longer support who you are. (read all at source)

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In exploring the dream the dreamer said, "As Lurch I am the Guardian of the Threshold, and I am the guide to what is beyond. My task is to produce fear in those who reach this place. For only those who can face fear can go beyond here safely. I also test the traveler, as I did with B. (read all at source)

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Here are dream interpretation hints to guide the analysis of your snake dream. A general interpretation method consists in associating traits that belong to the animal you dreamed about with situations in your waking life or aspects of your personality. (read all at source)

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However, a beacon in a dream can be a guide toward any type of goal. This can include the achievement of material success, for example, in the form of a better job, or the attainment of emotional happiness, for example, in a better relationship with a family member. (read all at source)

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If a Boy Scout guides you somewhere, your intellect is leading you toward new experiences. If a Girl Scout guides you, then your supportive mind (emotions and intuition) will lead you to the new experiences. For what those experiences might be, look to other symbols in the dream. (read all at source)

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Is this star a heavenly sort of star, twinkling? It could be a beacon that wants you to guide a new path. Stars guided sailors to safety. Stars foretold momentus events. The star could be telling you to wake up, to pay attention and make sure your life is going the way you want it to. (read all at source)

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We can only let ourselves be guided in our judgment and our appreciations by the same feeling that is created in us by the discussion of phenomena. This is how all science has been started. (read all at source)

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The angel can be a guide to higher consciousness or an epiphany. It can be the symbol for self-realization. The angel can be a messenger, as was Gabriel who foretold the coming of Jesus and gave Mohammed the Qur'an. Angles gave most prophets their responsibilities. (read all at source)

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Gentle Angel Lessons - Let the angels guide you through the spiritual path of life. Learn many training lessons that will develop your intuition, your healing abilities and enhance your life.
Abandon - Accordion
Accounts - Advice
Advocate - Angels
Anger - Axe... (read all at source)

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The following is an A to Z guide of dream meanings taken from the "10,000 Dreams Interpreted" work by Gustavus Hindman Miller. (read all at source)

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Please note that we can only give you guideline to act upon, you have to put your efforts in order to get benefit from our guidelines.
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Lal Kitab consultations... (read all at source)

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Whether it is a happy clown or a sad clown that will help guide you through how you may be feeling. The actions of the clown signify your uninhibited nature. Alternatively, it is an indication of your thoughtless actions. (read all at source)

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With ease or difficulty, guided or pulled by someone?
Some believe that dreams in which you are having difficulty traversing a canal reflect memories of your birth experience. Is your creativity momentarily stuck in its birthing?
See [.]... (read all at source)

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Visits From The Deceased and Spirit Guides
Dream Dictionary
Meanings of Dreams Through Their Symbols ... (read all at source)

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Although spirits do not contain any shape or form, these symbols stand as a guide to us as to what the Holy Spirit is saying. Flies are often spoken negatively of in scripture. The connotation of such insects is one of contamination and filth. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are leading a donkey by a halter, signifies your abilities to guide and control every situation and your way of convincing people to see things your way.
Dragon... (read all at source)

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The significance of a dream featuring the head, will also depend on the other details of the dream. But as a general guide, here are some interpretations:
A disembodied head predicts a new situation in which you will have to stay calm and "use your head."... (read all at source)

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This site provides you with the answers you are looking for regarding all those images which make little apparent sense while you sleep. This extensive A-Z guide Dream Dictionary opens up the world of dream interpretation which when pieced together make sense of the puzzling images and strange... (read all at source)

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Hopefully you will find the above dictionary of dreams useful, remember though it is only a guide and nothing in there should be taken as 100% accurate, though it is based on well-known theories. (read all at source)

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Accident. To dream of an accident indicate feelings of apprehension and worry. Ancient dream guides tell us that when we dream of accidents, we should be extra careful in our day to day lives for a while. (read all at source)

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Online Development Classes
Psychic Development, Tarot, Mediumship, Empathy, Runes, Chakra Cleansing, Reiki, Spirit Guides, Shamanism, Witchcraft, Inner Sciences, Spiritual Development, Clairvoyance, Awarness, Spiritualism, Divination... (read all at source)

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It indicates how the dreamer is seen by his fellowmen or how he behaves towards the world around him. It also means influential friends are there to guide you.

To dream of a urinal denotes disorder will predominate in your home. (read all at source)

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What is Holistic Healing?
10 Ways to Grow Your Spirit
Balancing Your Chakras
Which Animal is Your Spirit Guide?
Readers Speak - Give Your Input... (read all at source)

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It can also by symbolic of the sky - openness, eternity, and heaven. If you see blue in your dream, it could be your spiritual guide. However, blue can be negative in that people often 'feel blue,' so you may dream of blue if you are currently depressed. (read all at source)

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I did not create this list but I have added to it over the years as more numbers have come to my understanding. This is only a guide, the interpretation still belongs to the Lord. And we have to talk to Him about the understanding. (read all at source)

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Seeing the cartoonish character of godzilla in a dream is pure fantasy and has no significance as for as the dreamers life and fortunes. It is mainly for entertainment, but, if you are frightened, or happy, you could use these emotions to guide you with the rest of the dream.
Gold... (read all at source)

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Wolves are considered to be powerful guides who offer wisdom and enlightenment. When interpreting your dream consider your feelings in it and the mood upon awakening. If you were mesmerized and not afraid, then give your dream positive meaning and accept its message. (read all at source)

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If you don't see a definition that fits with your dream, use the suggested meanings as a starting place to think of your own meaning. The dream is yours so only you know if the dream meaning makes sense or not. If you don't see a meaning that makes sense to you, use the suggestions as a guide to... (read all at source)

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Note the color of the vehicle, if it is a car, what is the make and model? Observe who is driving it. Do you know the person? Is it someone from your past? If the driver is faceless, this may refer to a person who will appear sometime in your future or that the Holy Spirit is your driving guide. (read all at source)

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People who are beginning to explore a spiritual path may consider meeting their 'guardian' or guide through their dreams. In fact some cultures still believe today that dreams are communications from a more divine authority. (read all at source)

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Room If a strange room was the main feature of your dream, the meaning depends on the action and other elements in the dream, but as a general guide: to enter a strange room is a warning that a casual affair could turn out to be very dangerous to you if you aren't careful. (read all at source)

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