genie dream symbol
Wish fulfillment. Perhaps you have a need that is not being met. Maybe you can grant yourself a wish? (read all at source)
To see a genie in your dream is a good omen. It symbolizes your hopes and wishes.
Ghost... (read all at source)
He may discover an Aladdin's Cave of jewels or a dangerous genie. These dreams and fantasies are often accompanied by feelings of fear and dread because they threaten the security most people have built for themselves and their family. (read all at source)
Wish fulfillment. Perhaps you have a need that is not being met. Maybe you can grant yourself a wish?
A mean genie could represent:... (read all at source)
genie Jeannie or Gene; a magical person; being impractical; hoping that magic will solve the problem. What are your three wishes? (read all at source)
Dreams about meeting a genie or finding a genie's lamp, especially if the genie grants your wishes, is a positive omen foretelling good luck for the dreamer.
Genius... (read all at source)
Seeing a genie in your dream, represents your creative and mind power. (read all at source)
To dream about a genie signifies your fertile imagination and the strength of your intellect. (read all at source)
To see a genie in your dream, represents your creative and mind power. (read all at source)