Gemini:The duality of nature is a concomitant of the twin (Gemini) sign. This sign represents duality in thought, causing contradictions. However, the symbol is also indicative to adaptability. Those with this sign have a knack for "twinning" their personalities to fit in.
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Gemini (Twins) - Shoulders, arms, and hands.
Cancer (Crab) - The stomach and higher organs of the digestive system.
Leo (Lion) - The heart, lungs, and liver. (read all at source)
Gemini has the characteristics of smart, energetic and furious. Since the sign of Gemini represents yin and yang it is the great reflection of twins. The dream about Gemini mostly signifies the two sides of the problem, situation or person. (read all at source)
Twins are symbol of Gemini which means success in business. If somebody is angry on you in dream, it increases your lifespan. Contact us. Please give us a good rating.
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Institute of Astrology and Occult Science
Nuagaon Square, Vijoy Vihar, Bhubaneswar 2.
Orissa, India... (read all at source)
Mercury in Roman mythology, the messenger of the gods; the god of commerce; ruler of Gemini; skillful; quickness of wit and eloquence; identified with the Greek god Hermes. Who do you know who is quick witted? (read all at source)
Gemini: This is an interesting zodiac sign as it represents twins, often shown as two halves of the same thing, or the male and female aspects. As well as representing two aspects, it is also connected with pairs of things on the body: hands, shoulders and arms. (read all at source)
Camelopardus, Cancer, celebrity, Columba Noae, Corona Australis, Corona Borealis, Corvus, Crater, Crux, cup, cynosure, destination, destiny, dies funestis, doom, Dorado, Draco, end, Equuleus, fatality, fate, figure, folk hero, foredoom, fortune, Friday, Friday the thirteenth, future, galaxy, Gemini,... (read all at source)
Gemini. Also: Gold: Leo.
5. Pink: Love. Compassion. The attainment of a dream.
6. Purple: Spirituality; status in one's own circle. Increased social life, or the desire for same.
7. Orange: Message from a great Master. Metaphysical or spiritual knowledge.
8. Brown: Illness. Materialism.
9. (read all at source)
Associated with the astrological sign Gemini as an Archetype, dreaming of twins can show diverging sides of your nature that need to be synchronized. (read all at source)
Here are some common Gypsy interpretation of zodiac signs: Gemini. It is easy to adapt to all. Know about everything. Are able to learn foreign languages. Libra. The gift of intuition and foresight. Love peace. Heightened sense of justice. Aquarius. He likes to plan everything. Always looking ahead. (read all at source)
beautiful girl i didnt meet b4 and she is verry pretty with blonde hair beautiful blue eyes and she was pale and she was looking at me the time was night and after few months i saw her on a website the same girl i saw in my dream she is russian we i think we both match she is Libra and i am Gemini... (read all at source)