Garage dream meaning

Garage - place to rest & refresh; place of protection; covering for ministries or people
Garden - a person's heart; love; intimacy; growth
Gas Station - receiving power; refilling or 'refueling' of the Spirit; empowering... (read all at source)

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A dream featuring a garage is there to remind you of the qualities and skills you have to call upon when required. It could imply that you are setting goals ..Read more →
GARDEN ... (read all at source)

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Garage If you dream that you are in a garage, you may be bored with your life. You may also be feeling that you have no direction or guidance when it comes to achieving your goals. If you dream of opening a garage door, you have made up your mind about something. (read all at source)

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Garage - place for tempoary resting of goals. A storage place for ideas or ambitions, or storing hidden aspects that unconsciously drive you in your waking life.
Garbage - discarded ideas and attitudes; trahy thinking;ngativity
Garden - creative self which needs attending... (read all at source)

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i had a dream last night that i was outside and i saw a black snake slide under the house then when i run to tell my husband i notice that the garage door was slightly open and freaked out and told my hubby to keep the kids upstairs but just as was telling him that i heard my 18month old scream and... (read all at source)

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A garage is an element of context that aims at your personal resources: financial, of character, hidden talents, knowledge, or any kind of good or value held in reserve, in order to be used as needed. (read all at source)

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A garage can portray a place of storage, representing ideas that are packed away that might need to be cleaned out. (read all at source)

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- also see Dream Dictionary: Workshop
To dream of a garage suggests we may have stored away some useful manner of thinking that may be applicable to a current situation. We perhaps need to search for it and utilise it now.
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I had a reoccurring dream that I had a airplane in my garage. It was really weird because somehow or another my car and the airplane was in the garage together. I open the garage and the plane released and start rolling. (read all at source)

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garage dream symbol
Your activities that allow you to progress and get things done in your life—planning, strategizing, goal-setting—things that propel you forward. (read all at source)

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Your activities that allow you to progress and get things done in your life—planning, strategizing, goal-setting—things that propel you forward. (read all at source)

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Garage: refueling point is healing for your heart. Fuel drives the engine and the engine is the heart of the car. Also fuel is pumped and your heart is your body's pump. Lastly fuel, being an energy source, symbolizes healing.
Garage: car repair center is healing for your body.
Garbage... (read all at source)

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garage time to get rid of stuff you don't use; look at what you have stored away; look after your body. What do you keep in your garage that is important to you?
garbage old stuff to throw out; look at who you treat like garbage; clean out things. Who is handing you a line of garbage? (read all at source)

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garage: This image takes on meaning when you explore what you feel when in your own garage both in the sleeping and waking dream. (read all at source)

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A public garage signifies an upturn in your general affairs; an empty private garage is a warning that you are in... Continue dream interpretation - Garage"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Garbage... (read all at source)

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down the waterfront with my bestfriend ashley and talking about random things like the hot guys and such and then i remember that there was some eveent going on and there were going to be fireworks going off at some point so me and my dad and my uncle drove the rental car up to the parking garage... (read all at source)

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far away from the cabins there's no trail but it's quickly spreading through the cabin I try and get out but I'm surrounded Im jumping through climbing things nearly at the end I see afew small children coming towards me I yell to them to go back they duck into a cabin and come out through a garage... (read all at source)

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If you park your car in the garage you create your own security. An empty garage symbolizes deceit. A public garage is a good sign.
The dream symbols are also available in an iPhone app which you can download from iTunes:
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Normally if a dream happens 3 times something last time was about fire and the 3 time i drempt and in my dream i lost dogs and only the things that ment alot to me i couldnt save 2months later the garage burnt down a month later the dog died of cancer.. (read all at source)

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He was pulling like hell, and I was going to hit him to make him walk more calmly, but the lead broke. He ran off and played with an Alsatian dog belonging to the man who works at a nearby garage. We were all in the churchyard near my old school - St Marylebone. (read all at source)

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Garage Dreams
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You take your car to a garage in order to keep it in good condition or to repair it, so if you dream about a garage it can be a sign that you need to look after your physical,... (read all at source)

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Garage Sale
To dream about a yard sale suggests that you are learning from your past experiences and making productive use of the lessons and skills you have learned.
Garbage... (read all at source)

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Parking garage dream interpretations
Show All or Refine: by Religion - Christian, Islam, Hindu; by Author - Christian, Islam, Hindu
Complete meanings of dream's symbols... (read all at source)

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Garage: Protection; storage; ministry potential for outreach. (Du. 28: 8; Luke 12: 18; Matt. 13: 30)
Kitchen: See also Cafeteria and Restaurant: Preparation for teaching or preaching; heart of the matter; hunger for the Word; motives; revealing. (Ho. 7: 6; Heb. 4: 12; 1 Corinthians 11: 24)... (read all at source)

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Dream Symbols
Refuelling point: healing for the heart; Repair centre: healing for the body; Attached to house: heart, emotions... (read all at source)

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Is the garage in your dream neat and tidy, or is it so cluttered and messy that you can’t even fit your car in? How do you feel about the state of your garage? How you feel may indicate that you either want to be more organized or not so anally retentive? (read all at source)

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To dream that you are in a garage represents a period of indolence in your life. You may feel that you have no direction or guidance toward achieving your goals.
To dream that you are opening the garage door indicates that you have made up your mind about something. (read all at source)

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Garagetop list
This is an interesting symbol and many people have requested that it be added to the dictionary. Traveling is very common theme in dreams and traveling in a car is the most common. (read all at source)

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Dreaming that you are in a garage means a period of inactivity and idleness in your life. You may feel that you have no direction or guidance toward achieving your goals. (read all at source)

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Garage - harboring bad deed or concealment of the crime from the police.
Small Dream Book... (read all at source)

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If you find yourself in a garage or car park, two different inferences can be made. Consider the dream's content and mood in it as well as your current dilemma or situation in life. The parked car could represent a period of inactivity and indecision. (read all at source)

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