Played games with friends.
Played games alone.
Played games with strangers.
Won a game.
Participated in a game.
Watched a game.
Seen a game between children.
Encountered a game with financial gains.
Encountered a poker game.
Encountered any game with cards.
Gone bowling.
Gambled at a game. (read all at source)
Video games
Association: - High-tech competition, ability, skill. Question: - What new skills do I have to access?
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Playing games in the loft (a high position) could be a reference to "head games." As your b/f is winning, it could be that you feel he's the one playing, or at least doing a better job of it.
There's also the possibility that you suspect him of cheating on you - i.e., he is "scoring" and you are not. (read all at source)
Dream " G " Games
The interpretation of the dream "Games"
In psychoanalytic dream interpretation. Samohvalova... (read all at source)
Playing games in dreams is symbolic of how we play the game of life; if we are winning or losing in the dream it will be a direct reflection of how we are fairing in the game of life. To gamble in dreams is indicative of risk taking.
Additional Dream Interpretation... (read all at source)
To dream that you are playing games, signifies relaxation or competition. (read all at source)
Playing a game in a dream brings the idea of various aspects within you vying for competence. Just as you can dream of pursuing or being pursued by non-integrated or emerging aspects, the game shows a deeper movement toward integration. (read all at source)
In order to translate this dream, notice what kind of game you're playing and whether you win or lose. If it's a board game, you may feel a bit insignificant in your current dealings. If you win, it's a good omen of what is to come. (read all at source)
A dream where you are playing a game can symbolize how you are progressing in the game of life. To do well in a game suggests that you are doing well in ..Read more →
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8. Games are the dreamer's perspective of life. 'Game of Life' or we can say the 'games people play' and how they play them. Games have to do with learning skills, rules, talents, showmanship, training, practice, winning or losing, teamwork or solo performance. (read all at source)
Games represent the perspective of life held by the dreamer.
Individual games such as solitaire, indicate the dreamer's tendency for self-direction where excelling or enjoyment is a significant motive. (read all at source)
Games are diversions that let us forget about life for a while. Does the game in your dream indicate that it’s time to lighten up and play?What kind of game are you playing in your dream? Depending on how serious the game is, it may be a symbol of childhood innocence and fun. (read all at source)
In social games, seeing diamonds indicate wealth; clubs, that your partner in life will be exacting, and that you may have trouble in explaining your absence at times; hearts denote fidelity and cosy surroundings; spades signify that you will be a widow and encumbered with a large estate. (read all at source)
Many of the games that children play reflect the psychological processes that are unfolding within as their awareness of themselves and the world expands. Distressing experiences a child has had may manifest themselves in play. (read all at source)
As with all games, card games can symbolize camaraderie; team or partner cooperation; competition. It may give you clues about your strategy or behavior in a waking situation. (read all at source)
Playing card games with someone you recognize implies that this person, or perhaps someone of whom he or she reminds you, is "playing games" with you and is not to be trusted. Gambling with cards is a warning to avoid financial risk of any kind.
2. (read all at source)
In some football games there is real prizes, money, but in many there is the sense of success or feeling of defeat, so dreaming of football can indicate these. But in dreams, football is often used to represent life, where chances we take can have very direct connection with real events. (read all at source)
Baseball - Playing games. Setting goals and achieving goals. Sexual innuendos where the masculine aspects is depicted by the bat and the feminine aspects is depicted in the form of the ball or the ballpark. (read all at source)
(This is taken from Games for Halloween, first published in 1912)
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childhood games Cayce (137-61, A-2). Band the forces of one's life in harmony Cayce (900-89). Bath 1. cleansing and freeing from old ideas Cayce (900-189). 2. (read all at source)
disposed, favorably inclined, fearless, feign, feint, fencing, fetch, field, fight, figure of fun, figuring, finagling, final cause, finesse, fishing, five hundred, fives, flesh, flinch, fool, football, forcemeat, foresight, forethought, forward, foursome, frame-up, fright, frog, fun, fun and games,... (read all at source)
I realized that I can pull in the reins of my runaway heating habits and be more conscious as I eat instead of watching TV or playing computer games. I next look up roof. The phrase 'wanting protection' rings a bell. (read all at source)
People dream about all different types of games. Some are simple and borrowed from daily life, like basketball or Monopoly. Other games in dreams are bizarre, incredible, totally unrealistic, and some are even sadistic. (read all at source)
important figure, influential, "power games", ruthless control, showing anger, worrying you are despotic, "control freak", fanatic, feuding and duels, "fight it out", threatening, forcing your will, Hitler figures, "king of the castle", showing courage, in misery, obnoxious boss, strong opponents,... (read all at source)
An area with many different video games or other games can represent:
A real-life situation with variety of activities or choices, such as a wide selection of activities on a recent trip you took or all the channels to choose from on cable TV... (read all at source)
Dreams often mirror real life experiences but can also include fantasies and frightening elements from the imagination or movies, books or even computer games. To avoid sleeping trouble, sleep problems or sleeping disorders ensure your sleep comfort in the beds that you sleep in. (read all at source)
On the above date I dreamed that after playing our usual evening games we took our departure for our rooms, and on the way up the second flight of stairs I heard a slight movement behind me; on looking around I found I was being followed by a tall figure robed in a long, loose white gown,... (read all at source)
If you dream of walking or playing games in an arcade, attractive temptations will soon be put before you. If you were just walking past an arcade or looking into it, you should avoid repeating any secrets you hear, or else your own will be betrayed.
Arch... (read all at source)
For young persons to dream that they are being cheated in games, portend they will lose their sweethearts through quarrels and misunderstandings.
To dream of palming off false checks on your friends, denotes that you will resort to subterfuge in order to carry forward your plans. (read all at source)
Childhood toys and stereotypical childhood games often illustrate the childlike approach you take to many relationships. To understand the marble dream, think about how well you play and how high the stakes are in the dream. (read all at source)
But it's not all work and no play in the Beaverville. Play, enjoyment, fun and games are also among the beaver animal symbolism. Specifically, the beaver shares quality time with family. This is also another key symbol for us - it reminds us to take time for ourselves, and our family. (read all at source)
Casino-a casino is symbolic of worldly living. The games within are symbolic of gambling with your life. Winning at a casino is symbolic of the treasures of the world
Castle-symbolic of a stronghold, 2 Kings 15:25... (read all at source)
Croke Park is Ireland's national games pitch. Due to the pun on ‘croak', to dream of it indicates that something you are doing has the potential to shorten your life. (read all at source)
Baseball bats are used in baseball games. They are also sometimes used as weapons. (read all at source)
This is the type of dream that is usually taken to mean the opposite unless you are one of the rare people who dream true. To dream of winning at games of chance portends many losses. To lose a game shows you will either win at gambling, or win at the game of love.
Game (wild animal)... (read all at source)
To dream of being cheated in business, you will meet designing people who will seek to close your avenues to fortune. For young persons to dream that they are being cheated in games, portend they will lose their sweethearts through quarrels and misunderstandings. (read all at source)
Playing football or hopping with a ball, or jumping while performing acrobatic exercises, or gymnastic feats in a dream means profits or benefits for someone who is used to play such games, or participates in such training. Otherwise, it could mean facing dangerous or severe adversity. (read all at source)
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All sports and games have specific rules and boundaries. Your performance within this framework may represent the struggle against inner conflicts such individual fears and weaknesses, or may be referring to a pragmatic problem or situation at work or in your relationships. (read all at source)
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