Frustration, discouragement, disappointment, anxiety, excitement, happiness.
Naked or Nude
Hen or Chicken... (read all at source)
check, checkmate, circumvention, comedown, conflict, confounding, confusion, counterbalancing, cruel disappointment, dash, dashed hope, decompensation, defeat, disappointment, discomfiture, disconcertion, disillusionment, dissatisfaction, elusion, emotional shock, evasion, external frustration,... (read all at source)
Frustration is a word in the English language and simply put it will link to any way you would use that word in daily life. It may link to things that simply frustrate you or hold you back. It may also link to some thoughts about your ability to handle and overcome problems. (read all at source)
Frustration :
If you were frustrated in a dream you can also get frustrated in real life. Analyze all the symbols in your dream to find the cause, and what you can do with it. (read all at source)
To dream that you feel frustrated represents your difficulty in coping with a situation in your daily life. It may reflect your concerns that your life is not going in the direction you want.
Guilt... (read all at source)
Frustration if go idle - In the dream you see a roller and it is not used, this denotes that you will experience disappointments;
Happiness if working - In the dream you are working with a roller, you may hope for a happy life. (read all at source)
Anger or frustration about something you've heard, or don't want to hear. Unwilling to hear, especially something that feels hurtful.
See also: ear
Category(s): Conditions... (read all at source)
Anguish, frustration, doubt. If you dream someone points a finger at you, it means that you are in reality a doubt.
Old English dream book (Dream Book Zedkielya)... (read all at source)
scream frustration; fright; a need to be heard; anger; making a loud noise. What are you screaming to say?
screen covering something up; not wanting to be seen; keeping something out; going to the movies; needing to be examined; sifting things through. What are you screening out? (read all at source)
paralysis. Frustration, fear of failure, or hopelessness.
passageway. Transition, advancement, or escape.
people. Social interests or need for social acceptance. Strangers represent a new situation or the need to be cautious. (read all at source)
Frustration Dreaming about being frustrated represents a feeling of being unable to cope with something going on in your life. You are concerned about the direction of your life. Funeral If you dream of your own funeral, you are giving up a part of yourself or an old way of acting. (read all at source)
When you dream of seeing ballons it represents your frustration of finding your soul mate, the true love you have been looking for a very long time. It seems that there is a possibility for you life to get completely upsidedown. (read all at source)
I responded back out of anger and frustration to tell Marsh that I did not lie. She told me of two situations and I adamantly told her I was not lying. But in the back of my head I knew that I could not remember the two situations in full. Dawn made life heck for me. (read all at source)
You may be expressing some fear or frustration especially when something is not going as planned.
To see a black cat in your dream, indicates that you are experiencing some fear in using your psychic abilities and believing in your intuition. (read all at source)
Your dream is a way to regain some emotional balance and a way to safely let out your fears and frustrations. In our daily lives, we tend to ignore, deny, or repress our feelings. But in our dream state, our defense mechanisms are no longer on guard and thus allow for the release of such emotions. (read all at source)
harassed by boy-man while trying to relate to ManA hit boy-man - expressed frustration or anger at own immaturity? proud of attacking him - proud to be trying to gain control of immaturity? (read all at source)
Examine your life to see what area may be causing you frustration or worry. Are you are having difficulties at work? These problems may have you feeling tense and while you need to act normally while awake, the worry can manifest into chase dreams at night. (read all at source)
They are a safety valve that lets out your pent-up frustrations and sexual inhibitions. They may compensate for your unfulfilled sex. People who have balanced and happy sex lives in their waking life do not, as a general rule, dream about sex. (read all at source)
Dreaming on a strange woman may be lack of sexual desires and frustration. For a woman to dream on another woman may indicates envy and enemy rising. A woman also shows the connection of an individual with the nature. (read all at source)
You are releasing some pent-up frustration and anger. You feel that you have been wronged. Such feelings may be easier and safer for you to express in your dream. To dream that you are being attacked by someone, signifies questions on your character and the need for you to defend yourself. (read all at source)
It suggests feelings of frustration, anger, and powerlessness on the part of the dreamer. This dream may also be related to a radical removal of something from one's life. (read all at source)
Example: A powerful wave of emotion flushed through me leading me to bang on the floor with anger and frustration. I was shouting out that I was pissed off about forever chasing a carrot or rainbow and never getting the reward. (read all at source)
A dream that you abuse someone else can mean that you are feeling frustrated or angry and you are releasing your feelings of anger and frustration in your dream. If you are a victim of abuse in your dream, you could be feeling vulnerable or you could feel that you are being used unfairly. (read all at source)
Aggression in a dream could be an emotional release dream of pent-up frustration or anger at a person or situation in your waking life - even at yourself. If you are not the aggressor in the dream, you might feel someone has control over you. Perhaps you feel weak and vulnerable. (read all at source)
Waiting for a bus indicates frustrations ahead - obstacles on your path to success, love, fame, enlightenment, or whatever it is that you want the most. It can also be reassuring, however, in that it means that the frustrations will be temporary.
3. (read all at source)
To dream that you are in a corner, signifies feelings of frustration and lack of control in making decisions. You may feel trapped and "cornered". If the corner was outside or in the open (such as a street corner), it predicts new opportunities which will change your lifestyle. (read all at source)
Depending on your experience with them, boats can represent riches, travel, isolation, danger, romance, or complete and utter frustration. Rowboats and canoes are often found on fairly placid lakes and streams. (read all at source)
Alum seen in a dream, portends frustration of well laid plans. To taste alum, denotes secret remorse over some evil work by you upon some innocent person.
For a woman to dream of quantities of alum, foretells disappointment in her marriage and loss of affection. (read all at source)
If you are dreaming of frustration it represents some things in your life that you find hard to cope with, and... Continue dream interpretation - Frustration"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Fry... (read all at source)
Self-expression, including hurt, sadness, anger, frustration, desperation, loneliness, etc.—consider your feelings when you were crying during the dream
An alert that something needs attention (when a person or baby cries, they often need help or support)
categories: Activities... (read all at source)
The hammer allows you to ‘nail something’ of get it right, while you may also be pounding out your frustration. A sword can be sexual, although a sword or knife can suggest defensive tendencies or cutting through something to see the truth. (read all at source)
If you see a gallows in your dream your future plans will meet with frustration. Bad luck in a sudden and inexplicable manner will befall you if you see yourself led to the gallows. A friend will betray you if you see yourself standing on the gallows. (read all at source)
To hear a racket be made in your dream symbolizes frustrations over unmet expectations from a supposedly pleasurable experience. (read all at source)
To dream of the bereavement of a child, warns you that your plans will meet with quick frustration, and where you expect success there will be failure.
Bereavement of relatives, or friends, denotes disappointment in well-matured plans and a poor outlook for the future.
Bet... (read all at source)
You have repressed feelings of anger or frustration and they are being released in your dream. If you dream that you are attacking someone who represents authority, such as a parent or a police officer, your dream can mean that you feel that you have lost control. (read all at source)
A dream with a volcano can imply that you are feeling some level of frustration. If you see a volcano erupting then it suggests that you are feeling emotionally out ..Read more →
VOLUNTEER ... (read all at source)
Missing a flight or any other kind of transport is another popular dream, showing your frustration over possibly missing out on important opportunities in life. It's most common when you're struggling to make a big decision. (read all at source)
frustrations, out-of-control aspects (or need for control), suppressed fears, pride, freedom from restrictions, mustering courage, camaraderie, loneliness, struggle, fatigue, longing, or am I good enough?). Every dream image is personal. (read all at source)
Intimidation. Violence. Feelings of power being thwarted and frustration.
Examination. Proof. Knowledge. Abilities being challenged. (read all at source)
To see a zipper in your dream, implies sexuality and innuendos. To see a broken zipper in your dream, signifies your frustration in not being able to resolve a situation or problem.
Zodiac ... (read all at source)
When one dreams of things unknown this is an offering from the unconscious as a warning to cease pursuing something in our waking life. Usually, the accompanying feeling is frustration and the unconscious is making the dreamer aware that the energy being invested and wasted is an exercise in... (read all at source)
To dream that a cat is biting you, symbolizes the devouring female. Perhaps you are taking and taking without giving. You may be expressing some fear or frustration especially when something is not going as planned. (read all at source)
To see a shovel in a dream, signifies laborious but withal pleasant work will be undertaken. A broken or old one, implies frustration of hopes. (read all at source)
If you chance to dream of the crucifixion, you will see your opportunities slip away, tearing your hopes from your grasp, and leaving you wailing over the frustration of desires.
Crucifix... (read all at source)
Bus. Traveling by bus indicates progress toward your heart's desire; waiting for a bus signifies setbacks which will be very temporary. A bus accident predicts a period of frustration due to financial embarrassment.
C... (read all at source)
Or are you concerned that they are doing too much? Does the juggling symbolize frustration—that is, you feel that too many things are up in the air and nothing is coming to fruition? Is your life going around in circles right now? (read all at source)