Fridge dream meaning

that this is a meaningful day between you and your significant other. This may be the day you met, the day your broke up, or perhaps the day you two always went out. Whatever the significance, there is something personal between this particular day and which only you can correlate.
Fridge... (read all at source)

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So I fed it warm milk from the fridge. (And it looked exactlylike I did when I was a baby?) So I Asked My Mom Why she looked like me and she said ''because i is you.'' and I was super confused? (read all at source)

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Fridge :
If you took something out of a fridge or a freezer you will get unexpected guests. If you put food into it you will get progress. (read all at source)

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fridge putting your plans in cold storage; keeping things fresh. Who's turned off?
friend a person similar to you; a helpful part of yourself; phone your friend; an enemy in disguise. Who is there to help you? (read all at source)

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*Please see Refrigerator.
To see your friends in your dream, signifies aspects of your personality that you have rejected, but are ready to integrate these rejected part of yourself. The relationships you have with those around you are important in learning about yourself. (read all at source)

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Dreaming of standing in front of the fridge means you are looking for more than just something to your solve your immediate hunger, but something more chronic. (read all at source)

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A fridge symbolizes your stomach as it is located in the kitchen (digestive system) and is used to temporarily hold food. For example, to dream of moldy bacon in a fridge shows that your digestive system cannot digest bacon properly. See Kitchen.
Front Door... (read all at source)

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A fridge is a utility people use to keep things we wish to preserve. Thus, a refrigerator in a dream is an indication that there is something in waking life worth preserving. This may be a friendship, a belief, a value etc. (read all at source)

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Example: 'I went to the fridge to get out some mincemeat to feed the cat. It came in. As it fed I had a strong urge to touch it, such strong feelings of love were pouring out of me. The animal looked up at my face as I wanted to kiss it. The lips had pink lipstick on. (read all at source)

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dreamt lots of fyls ( insects ) in a house in the fridge but I drove them away. what does this mean?
lailla says:... (read all at source)

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To dream of any type of radish indicates that good luck is likely to enter your life in the near future. If you keep radishes in the fridge, business affairs will prosper in the future. Eaten radishes generally mean that you are going to encounter some happy and content times with friends. (read all at source)

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Their father (now a huge, powerfully muscled man-lion wearing a sleeveless undershirt) was seated at the table by the fridge, and I had to reach around him for access. When I opened the door, I didn't see the kittens. (read all at source)

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Ice, cracking down with a fridge freezer when defrosting - it is a sign of your failure due to an impatient desire to get ahead of events.
Suffer dream of ice - then meet with a misogynist, whose heart will melt when meeting with you. (read all at source)

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what does it mean to dream of a fridge full of foo dream interpretations
Show All or Refine: by Religion - Christian, Islam, Hindu; by Author - Christian, Islam, Hindu... (read all at source)

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