Seeing the framework of a house or other structures in your dream means integrity and your basic, core characteristics. Houses in dreams represents your self and its framework is symbolic of your belief system and the traits and attributes that makes you stand up for yourself. (read all at source)
Round and round the door turns, the glass spinning off shards of luminous light with each revolution, the metal framework glimmers - become hypnotized by each revolution of this January door of potential. (read all at source)
If the question mark is neat and beautiful, your resentment is short-lived, it will give you the impetus for further action, and as a result will help Break out the framework of the usual and strive for new goals. (read all at source)
The apartment complex is a reflections of the framework which may be described as "complex" and restrictive. By contrast there is some calmness and the potential for fun (the swimming pool). (read all at source)
Dreaming of an orchestra is concerned with how we operate within a team framework to obtain results. It is also symbolic of needing to be focussed on what we give to keep harmony with others.
Ore ... (read all at source)
Often they are about how we perceive people and how we think others perceive us. To construct a framework for interpreting sexual dreams, it is important to identify who is with us in the dream and how we feel about the experiences being had while dreaming. (read all at source)
Law enforcement officers in your dream represents a framework, rules, as well as trying to manage others. A far more clearer interpretation of seeing the police in your dream forewarns that you need to steer clear of reckless behavior. (read all at source)
Something or someone who supports or helps accomplish what you want or need (a tool, catalyst, support person, etc.)
Something or someone who provides a structure or framework... (read all at source)
Do you need to look at the structure, support or framework of things? Or could it indicate that you need to rely more on your intuition, ie. you knew it in your bones! If you dream of skin, is it about sensitivity and outward appearances? Are you only looking at what is on the surface? (read all at source)
All sports and games have specific rules and boundaries. Your performance within this framework may represent the struggle against inner conflicts such individual fears and weaknesses, or may be referring to a pragmatic problem or situation at work or in your relationships. (read all at source)