Following Dreams
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Following someone in a dream can be a sign that you are looking for someone or something to provide you with direction in your life. (read all at source)
If you are being followed by another, this dream indicates that you need to identify whether that person or animal which following you is negative or positive. (read all at source)
The following are sample entries.
Friends are familiar aspects of Self. People in dreams represent aspects of Self. Friends are aspects of Self well known to you.
Dict. One who is attached to another by affection; one who has esteem and regard for another. (read all at source)
following a path
Your life direction, a decision, or a series of choices
A question of whether you're feeling on-track or off-track in your life
Following in someone else's footsteps somehow in your life... (read all at source)
dog, echo, employ, emulate, end, engage in, ensue, ensure, equate, equidistance, escort, esquire, establish, eventuate, evoke, exercise, eye, eyeball, fail, fall astern, fall back, fall behind, fall in with, fall out, fall short, fare, fathom, favor, feature, fill, fish for, fit, fix, flow, follow a... (read all at source)
Following something may show you are being influenced by someone. You wish to support them or just to show that you agree with them? Perhaps you just want to keep a close eye on someone?
Are you unable to get away from someone or some problem? (read all at source)
Follow-Ups to Answer from Expert gypsy
steve wrote at 2010-10-14 13:17:08
A nearby neighbour may be vaporising strong incense oil. When the wind comes your way, the incense appears with it. Anything that has any odour will smell more when this vapour comes around. (read all at source)
When you have a clear sense of following the crowd or being led, it can represent how some patterned or conditioned aspect of yourself is currently dominant. (read all at source)
4. Follow your Focus whilst Dreaming
When you become aware that you're having a lucid dream, carry out the intentions you set as part of your dreamscape. Note your impressions and be aware of all the contents of your dream.
5. Come out of Lucidity... (read all at source)
The following list shows dreams on this site which all featured snakes or similar symbols. (read all at source)
Love if follow a polar bear - In the dream you are following a polar bear indicates that you are loved;
Revival if see a polar bear - The dream shows the revival of your soul and mind;
* Please, see meaning of bear.
Posted in Animals Tagged B, P... (read all at source)
Follow the links below for deeper understanding in each area of animal meanings.
And stay tuned as more animals will be added in time.
Astrological/Zodiac Animals... (read all at source)
Followers. String. Connections. Be aware of present changes in your life.
Journey. Freedom. Change. Change in attitude. (read all at source)
The following dream symbols are taken from the hundreds of dreams interpreted by Edgar Cayce.
see also Quotes on Dreams
Messages from Spirit and Angels... (read all at source)
The following list is sorted into alphabetical order to make it easy to quickly determine the subject matter of your dream. The list includes general locations along with locations and devices in the home. The meanings still hold if the house or home in the dream is not actually your own. (read all at source)
The following dream work basics provide instructions that can be applied to any dreams, but are particularly useful to interpret dreams about snakes. (read all at source)
The following examples will explain this further. The next example is given by a man who was experiencing spontaneous movement and emotion. (read all at source)
The following excerpt from The Unknown,[1] a recent book by Flammarion, the French astronomer, supplemented with a few of my own thoughts and collections, will answer the purposes intended for this book. (read all at source)
The following passage speaks of dough that is not leavened. In this context it speaks of not completing a task and following through due to laziness or sin:... (read all at source)
They followed me and I could tell they were very angry. When I opened a closet door, I saw a woman in their standing looking towards me. Then two more Spanish-looking women with dark skin found me behind the curtains. It was as if they were looking for me and I for them. (read all at source)
This follows the pattern of most obstacle dreams; if you got rid of the gag or managed to speak in spite... Continue dream interpretation - Gag"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Gaiety... (read all at source)
Ending followed by a beginning.
Decapitation top list
This dream suggests that the dreamer is losing control. In a decapitation there is a dramatic and violent separation of the head from the body. Under normal circumstances the mind controls and directs the body. (read all at source)
See the following blogs concerning the meaning of mirrors in dreams:
mistletoe: Symbol of love and the bearing of many children. Symbol of peace between enemies. Certain European Celts believed that children came from the male spirits of trees. (read all at source)
Pleasure follows this dream. Entertainments, festivals and pleasant journeys may be expected. Suffering will cease.
An old or broken arrow, portends disappointments in love or business. (read all at source)
rail following the beaten track; conforming to society's norms; no choice; complaining. Who would like to 'ride the rails'? (read all at source)
** More to follow as time permits ** But please remember--I'm not putting an A-Z list up here. It will be in my book one day, or you can check the book list available on the links page. Better yet, take the tips on this site and start your own journal for inner guidance that can't be beat!... (read all at source)
Now click the following link for important information on Dream Interpretation and how to interpret your dreams:
Interpreting Dreams
Now click the following link for important information on Dream Interpretation and how to interpret your dreams:... (read all at source)
Footprint-following foot prints in a dream is symbolic of following in someone else’s path in life. If the foot print is bloody it symbolizes the path of wrongdoers, Hosea 6:8
Footstool-worshiping God, Ps. 99:5. A footstool can also symbolize an enemy being subject to you, Ps. 110:1... (read all at source)
Anger could have followed you into your dream from something that happened in waking hours. Dreams are a safe harbor with which to deal with these intense emotions. You simply haven't yet accepted these strong emotions of anger consciously. (read all at source)
Love - to healing followed by boric memorable novel.
Dream Interpretation birthdays in September, October, November
To dream you are passionately in love, and to suffer because you do not reciprocate - an echo of your single life. (read all at source)
Quick Decode: Following directions; escapism; entertainment
Popular Expressions: In the picture; Give someone the flick; Get the picture... (read all at source)
Although I do not follow the Buddhist way today, I feel that Tibetan wisdom and teachings still influence me. It may explain why I was born with mediumistic powers and how easily I grasp Tibetan Buddhist and Bon ideas that many people find hard to understand. (read all at source)
Sickness sometimes follows dreams of old man.
To see one nude, abject despair, and failure to cope with treachery may follow. Enemies will work you signal harm, and bad news from the absent may be expected. (read all at source)
It follows that a poor man dreaming that such a woman is considering his situation should expect luck to smile on him again. Flowers in his garden will blossom, his dead fields will start greening again, and he will become self-sufficient. If ill, he shall recover. (read all at source)
Fleeting pleasures usuallyfollow this dream.
To see yourself riding a fine bay horse, denotes a rise in fortuneand gratification of passion.
For a woman, it foretells a yieldingto importunate advances.
She will enjoy material things.
To ride or see passing horses, denotes ease and comfort. (read all at source)
Map To dream of following a map means you are going in the right direction in a real life situation. It also symbolizes emotional and spiritual growth. Marathon Dreaming about a marathon represents an ongoing situation or circumstance that you are currently living through. (read all at source)
If one sees them standing in a stately form, or if one prays behind them, or follows them on the road, or eats something from their delicious food, or drinks from their drink, or if one is anointed with their perfume, or learns something from them,... (read all at source)
Difficulties are more than likely to follow. To see dogs on the chase of foxes, and other large game, denotes an unusual briskness in all affairs. To see fancy pet dogs, signifies a love of show, and that the owner is selfish and narrow. (read all at source)
To dream that you are following directions, represents your need or ability to accept criticism. It also relates to your feelings about authority.
To dream that you are giving directions, refers to your goals and search for purpose. You are on a path toward self-realization.
Dirt... (read all at source)
Ill luck in business transactions will follow, also sickness is threatened. To dream of walking on graves, predicts an early death or an unfortunate marriage. If you look into an empty grave, it denotes disappointment and loss of friends. (read all at source)
If you yourself are following Jesus, wearing period garb, and actually observing his work, this could be a past-life memory, especially if the dream is especially vivid. (read all at source)
Highway- Way: Truth; the Christian Faith; way of life (as in "life in the fast lane"); Christ; a person (as in "he knows the way, follow him"); way of error. Under Construction= In Preparation; change; hindrance. (read all at source)
Then pay close attention to the dreams that follow. (If you go the next few nights without dreaming - or, more precisely, without recalling your dreams - this probably means that you are backing out of the pact and setting up a defence against what you fear your unconscious might have to tell you). (read all at source)
The following should be considered when interpreting the individual colors:
BLACK must be regarded as a signal of a state of non awareness in the sense of a standstill.
WHITE can indicate forebodings of death.
YELLOW is like gold. In a dream, it is the color of mental, intuitive activity. (read all at source)
As we stated above you loose almost 90% of your dreams the first minute when you wake up but can stop this right now by following the few simple steps. You can remember your dreams by using a tape recorder or writing down everything that happened in your dream when you wake up. (read all at source)
The planet Mercury may be seen as following the Sun (universal father; consciousness; life) and the Moon (universal mother; birth; unconscious). In Greek mythology Hermes was the messenger of the gods and the god of speed. (read all at source)
Followers of some sects view their bodies as their own worst enemies in terms of the ability to adhere to particular social or religious codes. (read all at source)
of coming distress, unless you follow the advice given you.
Disastrous consequences could often be averted if minds could grasp
the inner workings and sight of the higher or spiritual self.
The voice of relatives is only that higher self taking form to approach... (read all at source)
To dream that you are conversing with a dead relative, and that relative endeavors to extract a promise from you, warns you of coming distress, unless you follow the advice given you. (read all at source)
If you are amorous you should not follow your desire because it can result in a scandal. If someone else are amorous you can be persuaded not to follow your moral principles, something you should not do. (read all at source)
To dream that you are followed by a monster, signifies that grief and misfortune are in your immediate future. Monsters represent parts of yourself that you find brutish and ugly. You may possess some fears or some repressed emotions. (read all at source)
The dream symbols & their definitions found in this dictionary stem from Autumn Mann's own study & experience, as well as the following men & women , who have impacted this ministry profoundly. Recognition given to: 'Dictionary of Dream Symbols' by Dr. (read all at source)
i had a dream that i was chasing my girlfriends sister through a old abandoned house it was more like i was following her. we are on bikes and she makes a turn but i always go the wrong way. the dream keeps repeating till i turn the right way and i find her again. (read all at source)
Loss from bad deals generally follows this dream.
Mad Dog
To dream of seeing a mad dog, denotes that enemies will make scurrilous attacks upon you and your friends, but if you succeed in killing the dog, you will overcome adverse opinions and prosper greatly in a financial way. (read all at source)
To dream of pickles, denotes that you will follow worthless pursuits if you fail to call energy and judgment to your aid.
For a young woman to dream of eating pickles, foretells an unambitious career.
To dream of pickles, denotes vexation in love, but final triumph. (read all at source)
From Sleep Consciousness to Pure Consciousness
Follow the progression of dream states discerned by trained meditators and highly conscious individuals.
Let's Sleep On It:
Called the Incubation Approach, you can receive inventive solutions to your problems through your dreams. (read all at source)
The dreamer is particularly unfortunate if he/she dream about these awful little ugly creatures as death almost always follows the dream of the bat, often it is the death of a child, or a youth. (read all at source)
To dream that you are chased or followed by a monster, represents your repressed emotions of sorrow and anger.
To dream that you kill a monster, denotes that you will overcome your rivals and rise to a better position.
Mother... (read all at source)
However, Zigzags do tend to follow a specific direction or straight line, only that they veer from left to right along the way. One often uses Zigzag patterns when searching for something or someone, so Zigzag dreams could reflect exploration and an inquiring subconscious mind. (read all at source)
More on the meaning of "Pursued, Chased, Pursuer. Pursuing, Followed, Follow" in my dream
Pyramid, Pyramids
Places - Buildings - Dream Dictionary... (read all at source)
So if your dreams are telling you that you could be extremely happy in a certain line of work - follow your dream and turn it into a reality!
Dream Symbol Dictionary
Main Menu of Dream Information... (read all at source)
If you dream you are marching or being forced to march with others, you may feel you are following someone else's lead or that you don't have control over the direction your life is taking. Are you following your own dreams or someone else's? (read all at source)
A dream featuring a nose suggests that you are curious about something, or maybe even over-curious. It may also imply that you need to follow your instincts and intuition, or ..Read more →
NUMBERS ... (read all at source)
Where were you in your dream last night? Before you forget where you've been hanging around in your sleep and forever lose its life-changing meanings, read the following dream interpretation. Next time you find yourself there, you'll know your way around. (read all at source)
Fortunately, we have the ability to study our dreams and interpret the common dream symbols they contain. Although there is no hard and fast rule book of universal definitions, the following dream meanings offer a sound starting point for most people.
Finding Dream Symbols - Quick Tips... (read all at source)
You look around to try to locate where you need to be, but you feel disoriented. You even ask someone for directions, but when you try to follow the directions, they seem to make no sense. You cannot even retrace your steps to return to your starting point!... (read all at source)
As Dolores Krieger discovered in the hospital, some people who do not respond to conventional medical treatment will respond to Therapeutic Touch. Sometimes a client will feel no results at the time of treatment but the following day will be pain free. (read all at source)
following a procedure dream symbol
following a procedure
Following directions, a procedure, or an example can represent:... (read all at source)
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qlcoach 5 years ago from Cave Junction, Oregon... (read all at source)
If you dream of being followed, this signifies that fights with friends and uneasy times are ahead. If you dream of following somebody, the meaning depends on the outcome - if you followed them to a good result, you will soon overcome your difficulties. (read all at source)