Fog dream meaning

Fog dreams by DreamMean
To dream of traveling through a dense fog, denotes much trouble and business worries. To emerge from it, foretells a weary journey, but profitable.

For a young woman to dream of being in a fog, denotes that she will be mixed up in a salacious scandal, but if she gets out of the fog she will prove her innocence and regain her social standing.

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If you see fog at sea, this represents that there are going to be some domestic affairs. It is likely that you are going to have arguments with the family. If you see fog on land, this shows that there is going to be business or financial confusion, which is going to require patience. (read all at source)

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Dreaming that you are going through a thick fog means much confusion, troubles, scandal, and worries. You may not be seeing things the way they really are or you may have lost your sense of direction in life. (read all at source)

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If you dreamt about fog on land you can get economical problems. Fog on the ocean symbolizes problems in your love life. You may also not manage to see a person or situation as clearly as you should. If fog went away you will get over your problems with ease. (read all at source)

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fog dream symbol
Confusion, a daze, mysterious, or lacking clarity (for example, getting lost in a fog could represent being unclear about your direction or next steps in your life)
A lack of understanding of past events or why they happened as they did... (read all at source)

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Fog Dreams
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If you dream that you are surrounded by fog, it can be a warning that you are hiding something important from yourself. (read all at source)

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Confusion, a daze, mysterious, or lacking clarity (for example, getting lost in a fog could represent being unclear about your direction or next steps in your life)
A lack of understanding of past events or why they happened as they did
See also: confused smoke... (read all at source)

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To dream of traveling through a dense fog, interpret much trouble and business worries. To emerge from it, foretells a weary journey, but profitable. (read all at source)

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Fog in dreams represents confusion and the need to explore one's unconsicous mind for answers to a real life problem.
Folder... (read all at source)

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fog. Uncertainty, unpreparedness, and procrastination. To be enveloped in fog suggests shortsightedness or danger.
fortress. The self's defense system; hence a crumbling fortress symbolizes vulnerability
fruit. Productivity, the desire for children, or an intimate relationship. (read all at source)

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Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren
Fog in a dream means going on a journey or returning from one. Fog in a dream also means confusion or obscurity about a material or a spiritual matter. (read all at source)

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Fog-something that is short in duration, James 4:14 NLT
Folded hands-symbolic of inaction or sluggishness, Prov. 6:10
Fool’s gold-false religion, Col. 2:23... (read all at source)

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fog getting a clear picture of what you are doing; things not clear. confused and puzzled; a Mel Torme fan. Who is in a fog? (read all at source)

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An obstacle dream, dependent on other circumstances in the dream for exact interpretation. A fog at sea indicates blockages in emotional situations, such as romance. A fog on land indicates setbacks with regard to business or financial progress. (read all at source)

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Fog. An obstacle dream the meaning of which alters according to it's location. A fog at sea predicts seriously doubtful issues in love or domestic affairs. A fog on land indicates a sudden business or financial dilemma which will require great patience and ingenuity to handle. (read all at source)

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The inability to see your way forward in some situation can be portrayed by fog. As the emerging or transforming and therefore, temporary state of affairs, it can also signify being ‘cold and wet’ or reserved in your feelings.
Following... (read all at source)

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A dream where it is foggy suggests you are afraid to face the facts about something, feel unnoticed, confused, or lack sense of direction or clarity in some part of your life.
FOOD ... (read all at source)

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A grey fog indicates you cannot see your way from where you are now to where you need to go with regard to the subject matter of the dream.
Grocery cart
A grocery cart / trolley symbolizes your stomach. This is where you first place food that will end up in your body. (read all at source)

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fog: Confusion; to obfuscate or hide from sight. Lack of clarity. Something to obscure or confused; mysterious. Is the fog frightening or oppressive? Why? Is there something in your life that you can't quite see that is bothering you? (read all at source)

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Like fog, mist indicates a period of temporary uncertainty. Seeing others in a mist may mean things are not clear in your relationships with these people or in some situation involving others.
mistletoe... (read all at source)

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- Mist (fog) can be understood in terms of a lack of "insight" and confusion behind it can hide insecurity and self-doubt.
- The cooker can also hide wants and needs, so that intent is expressed, should give you. (read all at source)

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Lion killing a bull or horse, means sun, withering humidity and fog. Black horse - a sign of the funeral. Portends death and symbolizes chaos. Appears in the twelve days of chaos between the old and the new year. Victim of October means the death of the horse's death. (read all at source)

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When at first the gates open I am afraid by the thick fog which is everywhere, I can't see anything, and I feel scared; I started running and I call for the livings; then the fog disappears and I am entering among the deads; they are all packed together, it's a crowd of beings,... (read all at source)

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There were many people, or what looked like good spirits, that were witnesses, like a cloud of great fog. These people were peering in on me over the cliffs of the valley to my left. I raised my hands over my head and started to speak to the young man that was lying under the rock. (read all at source)

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Focusing on the libido, Freud thought that flying was another way to express sexual desires. The details of your dream will give you clues as to what it symbolizes, if your dream was a spiritual experience or ego based. Fog - not seeing clearly;... (read all at source)

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I've flown through the fog blinded by it and come upon a roof down in Berkeley. The oakland/Berkeley hills are fill with huge artistic homes of the wealthy. I guess a place I find untouchable for myself, but always excited to visit. (read all at source)

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I believe the underlying foundation of these diamond symbol meanings to be profound in our quest to pierce the fog that sometimes surrounds these common symbolic motifs in time and culture. (read all at source)

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Journal your dreams (write dates and titles) so that you remember them. Otherwise, they may vanish like a fog before you discover their meaning. (read all at source)

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Faces Fainting Fairy Fairy Falling Famous people Fan Father Fear Feathers Feces Feet Fences Ferris wheel Fighting Fire Fish Flies Floating Flood Flowers Flying Flying Fog Food Forest / Woods Friends Frog Fruit Funeral
... (read all at source)

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Distant sounds can be beautiful and frustrating. In dreaming, they may just be rounding out the scene in the suconscious. For example, dreams of beaches or boats may include requisite sounds effects such as waves, fog horns, or birds. (read all at source)

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For a young woman to dream of being in a fog, denotes that she will be mixed up in a salacious scandal, but if she gets out of the fog she will prove her innocence and regain her social standing.
Foot-log... (read all at source)

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Fog - clouded issues or thoughts; uncertainty; confusion; temporary
Hail - judgment; destruction; bombardment
Ice/Ice Storm - hard saying; slippery; dangerous... (read all at source)

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dream interpretation
meaning of dream
When driving, fog is an obstacle or a hindrance that makes things obscure. In a dream it may represent those things that are creating confusion and prevent the dreamer from seeing clearly. (read all at source)

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