Fleas dreams by DreamMean
To dream of fleas, indicates that you will be provoked to anger and retaliation by the evil machinations of those close to you.
For a woman to dream that fleas bite her, foretells that she will be slandered by pretended friends. To see fleas on her lover, denotes inconstancy.
Example dream : An insects dream linked to the dreamer thinking about getting a pet dog but worrying it might get fleas.
Example dream : An insects dream linked to the dreamer going camping but thinking about all the dirt and creepy crawlies. (read all at source)
Fleas Dreams
Written by dreamdictionary.net
Fleas in dreams can symbolize things that are annoying and irritating. (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of fleas, indicates that you will be provoked to anger and retaliation by the evil machinations of those close to you. For a woman Dreaming that fleas bite her, foretells that she will be slandered by pretended friends. (read all at source)
To see fleas in your dream, signifies that you will be provoked into anger and manipulated into retaliation by someone close to you. To dream that fleas bite you, signifies that unkind rumors by false friends will slander your character.
Flea Market... (read all at source)
To see fleas in your dream denotes that you will be irritated by someone close to you.
To dream that fleas bite you signifies that you will be slandered by false friends. (read all at source)
Fleas. To be annoyed in your dream by these revolting pests is a straightforward omen of deceit and malice around you; but if you managed to kill them or get rid of them, you will triumph over your enemies. (read all at source)
Fleas Lice Parasites
About Dreamhawk
Dreamhawk is the website of author and dream analyst Tony Crisp. It contains a fully searchable online Dream Dictionary, Dream Enclopedia, and many other articles... (read all at source)
They denote sickness and minor irritations. You are feeling the need to deal with old troubles also.
Flies... (read all at source)
See also related symbols: Leeches, Fleas
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