Fern dream meaning

fern soft; gentle; a need to be taken care of; a reminder of Victorian times. Who has ferns in their house?
Ferris wheel going around and around and getting nowhere; just swinging in mid-air; going high and getting stuck; wheel of fate. When were you last at the fair? (read all at source)

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rattlesnake fern, rattlesnake master, rattlesnake orchid, rattlesnake plantain, rattlesnake root, rattlesnake weed, rattlesnake, but has no rattle., rattlesnake's master
Dream Dictionary
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A fern might represent a feeling of dampness and shadiness or darkness. A flowering plant or fruit tree might represent being productive or making useful things. A prickly cactus might represent a threat, obstacle, or irritable person. (read all at source)

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