General Meanings:
The wish or need to get rid of bad feelings, actions and start the new beginning A farewell dream is similar to the death dreams. It remains to find out to whom or what you say goodbye or farewell in reality. (read all at source)
To dream of bidding farewell, is not very favorable, as you are likely to hear unpleasant news of absent friends.
For a young woman to bid her lover farewell, portends his indifference to her. If she feels no sadness in this farewell, she will soon find others to comfort her. (read all at source)
To dream of saying farewell to anyone is a warning to guard your health.... Continue dream interpretation - Goodbye"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Gooseberries... (read all at source)
To see your dead parents in your dream signifies the apprehension of their ultimate fate or the way you are handling the loss. You may simply need one more chance to bid them farewell. (read all at source)
A dream where you are saying farewell suggests that something in your waking life is coming to or has come to an end; this could be anything from the end ..Read more →
FAT ... (read all at source)
D. Farewell.
(With family) - complication of relations; with the unknown - a new friendship; say goodbye to you - change of place. (read all at source)
It means that someone in your life wants you to do things that you want to do.
You are feeling a certain level of anxiousness.
You want to sort your life.
You are worried that someone you love will bid you farewell. (read all at source)
Quick Decode: Quick decode: Farewell; grief; wrapped up
Popular Expressions: Final nail in the coffin; dead on your feet; bury your head in the sand
Possible Meanings:... (read all at source)
Then I asked my friend to leave my husband's body as I feared that his own family members would be worried about him. On the other hand, I wrote a farewell note to my husband's facebook so as to let his friends knew of his demise.
Now, I feared that it will happen in reality. (read all at source)
If the ex offers friendship or advice, though, listen carefully before bidding him farewell Masculine ideal, either integrated or rejected. Something accepted or failed to accept within yourself. To have a romantic dream about an ex-boyfriend portends sexual dissatisfaction. (read all at source)
- "it was a sad farewell"
- "he was eager to go"
- "she wouldn't let him go"... (read all at source)
To dream that you are saying farewell, foretells of unpleasant news from absent friends. To dream that you are saying farewell to you lover, signifies your lover's indifference towards you. (read all at source)
For a young woman to bid her lover farewell, portends his indifference to her. If she feels no sadness in this farewell, she will soon find others to comfort her.
Farm... (read all at source)
As you bid farewell to the summer months, while holding the clarifying power of Mars in your awareness, new discoveries will be made known to you. Mars has an uncanny power to reveal truth behind the veil. (read all at source)
Hands that caress the dreamer or someone else in the dream, including a pet, imply happiness in love, while hands that are waving in farewell indicate temporary separations.
5. (read all at source)
delight, cocktail party, coffee klatch, comfort, content, contentment, costume party, coziness, creature comforts, debut, dinner, dinner party, distraction, diversion, divertisement, divertissement, donation party, ease, endpleasure, enjoyment, euphoria, exhibit, exhibition, extravaganza, farewell... (read all at source)
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Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren
The suggested element contained in bidding farewell in a dream entails ultimate comfort. (read all at source)