Famous dream meaning

To see famous people in your dream, signifies an increase to your prosperity and honor.
To dream of famine, signifies a negative turn in business and in health. This is generally a bad dream. (read all at source)

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To see a famous singer in your dream represents harmony, spiritual vibrations and the glory of the human spirit.
To dream that you are a singer denotes that you will realize your desires and wishes.
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Famous Dreams
Written by dreamdictionary.net
A dream that you are famous can mean that you are looking for recognition. You could be feeling neglected, or you could be feeling that your achievements have not been acknowledged properly. (read all at source)

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Psychological Meaning: People who appear in your dreams represent aspects of your own self that you may be unaware of. Famous people usually represent the person you would like to be. Ask yourself what psychological characteristics and traits this person symbolises for you. (read all at source)

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Famous :
If you dream you are famous this indicate that you are dissatisfied with your social life, but you will get disappointed if you try to change it. A friend who is famous means you are afraid of loosing this person as a friend. (read all at source)

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Famous People
All people in our dreams represent sides of us. When you dream of famous people you are exploring the side of you that would be associated with the character. What are the adjectives you would use to describe this icon? (read all at source)

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Fame / Famous
To dream of being famous suggests you will have trouble achieving some of your ambitions and goals. To dream of famous people means you doubt your own ability to rise to a high status. (read all at source)

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To see a celebrity in your dream, or even to be dating or making out with a famous person in your dream, represents your understanding about him or her and the feelings he/she generates in you. Something in your waking life has triggered these similar beliefs and feelings. (read all at source)

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Though descriptions of the Last Supper of Jesus speak of a cup in which Jesus poured wine and offered it as his own blood and that they should drink it in remembrance, the famous painting by Leonardo DaVinci shows no cup on the table, only a plate, or dish. Was the plate, or dish the original Grael? (read all at source)

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Famous Dreams
Al Hoots
Welcome to our Famous Dreams page.
In 1916, a horse owner by the name of Al Hoots entered his mare, "U-See-It" in a claimer. U-See-It was a better than average horse and Hoots' pride and joy. (read all at source)

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Famous people, pop stars (singers, politicians, artists) - our capabilities and forces; signs of progressive movement, development. Being the most famous - to shame, disgrace, loss of authority.
Dream in other languages:... (read all at source)

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Try to think how famous links in with day to day thinking right now. Do you want to be famous for something? Have you just become famous in your own way - has someone just recognised you? Has someone just treated you in a very special way - as if you were very special and important? (read all at source)

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he is a very famous person in politics and is now competing to become a president. I have not seen him in person. however saw his biography and interviews in TV. what i admired most is his simpleness and the way he talks. when i saw this dream i was not even thinking about him or anything like that. (read all at source)

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famous wanting attention; wishful thinking; not appreciating what you have. How are you developing qualities similar to your famous dream character? (read all at source)

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Famous peopletop list
See Also: Actor
Fantop list
Has to do with the mind being cleared and stirred into action. (read all at source)

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To dream of being famous signifies you long to be in the public eye and to be rewarded for your previous efforts. This dream can be a release dream or a wish-fulfillment dream.
fan... (read all at source)

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Famous people - See Also: Actor
dream interpretation
meaning of dream
Dreams with fathers in them can be looked at on several different levels. You may be dreaming about your father and expressing your feelings about him in a safe way. (read all at source)

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famous people
Adds the quality with which that person has. Uplifting or negative qualities apply.
Applies to remoteness, security, peace and calm, work. (read all at source)

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Famous (People) - what you would like to be; what part of the famous person represents a part of you?It could be good or bad.
Farm - nurturing, cultivating part of yourself. A need to place more emphasis on personal growth
Fat - poor self-image; also rich and abundant. (read all at source)

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The famous theorist Freud said that most games within the dreaming state are associated with sexual urges, and therefore this may have significance in your romantic life. (read all at source)

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See Famous
A dream with a cemetery implies either that a part of you or your character has been left behind, or it symbolizes your feelings about the transition to the afterlife. (read all at source)

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The two famous psychiatrists that come in mind when we think about dreams and dream meanings are Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. Even though Carl Jung was Freud student they both had a different spin on dream interpretation. (read all at source)

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Seeing a famous singer in your dream, represents harmony and some divine influence or vibrations. It indicates glorification of the human spirit. Consider also your general impression of this singer and how those specific qualities may be triggered by someone or some situation in your waking life. (read all at source)

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The becoming famous is a frequent dream symbol. One would be the focus of attention and be noticed. The question is whether or not this dream symbol is that I traversed over to his needs. (read all at source)

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If you dream of famous people this portends that you will soon see an increase in your prosperity and a rise... Continue dream interpretation - Fame"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Family... (read all at source)

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To dream about a famous person suggests that your distinguished position will be recognized. (read all at source)

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To dream of being famous, denotes disappointed aspirations. To dream of famous people, portends your rise from obscurity to places of honor.
See also related symbols: David, Comet, Beggar, Forest, Idols, Grass, Hand
Visitors who dreamed about fame:
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To dream of being famous, could denote disappointed aspirations. To dream of famous people, indicates your rise from obscurity to places of honor.
Now click the following link for important information on Dream Interpretation and how to interpret your dreams:
Interpreting Dreams... (read all at source)

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To dream of being famous, interpret disappointed aspirations. To dream of famous people, portends your rise from obscurity to places of honor.
To dream of a famine, foretells that your business will be unremunerative and sickness will prove a scourge. This dream is generally bad. (read all at source)

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.means fame, recognition and knowledge, or a discovery one will become famous because of it. (read all at source)

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Dreaming that you are a famous actor or actress can mean that you are seeking recognition and praise in waking life. (read all at source)

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The life of Helen Keller, a famous historical character, throws an enormous light on children's ability to learn. Helen was struck dumb and blind at an early age when she had only learnt one word. She lived like an animal without self awareness until the age of eleven. (read all at source)

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If you dream of a famous artist, you need to ask yourself what this particular artist means to you, and how you feel about his or her work. If you're a fan, then you're on the right track, either with regard to a specific matter you're concerned about or your life in general.
2. (read all at source)

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Dreams of being a rock star onstage applauded by thousands of shrieking fan obviously touch on the aspect of desire to be famous, wanted, approved of, and loved. It is not enough that just one person adores us, but lots. This doesn't necessarily mean you are insecure or that you are pompous. (read all at source)

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It is common to dream of a famous character such as the president or a pastor. Now when you have a dream of such a person, instead of applying the dream directly to them, consider what they would represent. (read all at source)

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Celebrity-to dream of a celebrity can symbolize the desire to interact with famous people or to become famous yourself
Cellphone-to dream of an incessantly ringing cellphone is symbolic of being busy or overly talkative
Cemetery-symbolic of being spiritually dead, Matt. 8:28 NLT... (read all at source)

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To dream of seeing rich headgear, you will become famous and successful. To see old and worn headgear, you will have to yield up your possessions to others.
Hearse... (read all at source)

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To dream you are safe on base means you will have good luck with a project. To see a famous ball player safe on base means you will have success coupled with fame and honor.
Saffron... (read all at source)

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To females, this dream foretells that they will be famous, or exceedingly happy in domestic circles. To dream of walking with one's lover through a garden where flowering shrubs and plants abound, indicates unalloyed happiness and independent means. (read all at source)

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To see vegetables, denotes misery or loss of fortune and calumny. To females, this dream foretells that they will be famous, or exceedingly happy in domestic circles.
Garden... (read all at source)

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Dream Facts
20 Most common Dream Symbols
10 Dream Symbols That Can Indicate Stress
Famous Inspirational Dreams... (read all at source)

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To dream that you have fame, denotes unrealized achievements and disappointed aspirations. It suggests your need to be admired by those around you. To see famous people in your dream, signifies an increase to your prosperity and honour. (read all at source)

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5) Fame. If your dream involved a famous person, keep trying because you will get help from an unexpected source.
I hope these definitions helped. :) :)
Cherish77 5 years ago... (read all at source)

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This could mean you are admiring courage or wishing you had more of it, or you've experienced in somehow in your life recently, etc. A famous character can also represent fame or celebrity, or the actor themselves, or you may be dreaming about them because something reminded you of them lately. (read all at source)

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Fish and Shells: According to myth (and the famous painting by Botticelli) Venus emerged from a(and is associated with) the seas sailing on a half shell. This fits in nicely with water being symbolic of emotion and love. Ergo, creatures of the sea will be natural animals associated with Venus. (read all at source)

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