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Bible Dream Dictionary... (read all at source)
To dream that you find yourself in contact with faces, signifies aspects of yourself that or dirty or that you believe to be undesirable and repulsive. According to Freud, faces are related to possession, pride, shame, money/financial matters, or aggressive acts. (read all at source)
Faeces Feces
At times a dream about this could be a sign of a digestive problem. Also it could indicate you have a lot of difficult emotions that are pouring out of you. (read all at source)
I have had a few dreams about excrements I can remember the latest two : - (1) I have to empty my bowel and walk in a filthy public toilet, covered with faeces. I feel disgusted, but is forced to get on emptying my bowel. (read all at source)
Dream Interpretation/Dream of animal faeces
I dreamt I was standing in my garden talking to someone when I stepped on dog faeces. (My dog died 10yrs ago.) The girl I was with then exclaimed in surprise that there was dog poo all over the garden. (read all at source)
A dream featuring feces suggests that you need to be more optimistic, organize yourself or part of your life better, spend less time around negative people or things, or take more care of your physical health.
FAINT / FAINTING ... (read all at source)