Extraterrestrial being
Distances, unfamiliar or unknown, not human. (read all at source)
extraterrestrial looking beyond the ordinary; keeping open to new discoveries; time to phone home. What do you believe about aliens from other planets and how might you feel about knowing them? (read all at source)
A sense of being beyond the possibility of understanding. Can be a threat or a sustaining feeling.
::... (read all at source)
NASA Confirms Extraterrestrial Life DOES Exist On Other Planets
Pentagon Secret - The Anunnaki Are Returning
Awakening the Third Eye - Be Careful What You Wish For... (read all at source)
disunite, division, eccentric, emigre, enemy, ethnocentrism, exclusiveness, exile, exotic, exterior, external, exterrestrial, exterritorial, extragalactic, extralateral, extraliminal, extramundane, extramural, extraneous, extrapolar, extraprovincial, extrasolar, extraterrene, extraterrestrial,... (read all at source)
Your True Tales - December 2003 - Page 29 - Extraterrestrial Contact
Ask the Love Lady - Teen Advice from the Love Lady
The Café - Community Corner Story
Why do I keep attracting abusive relationships?
Disturbing Premonition - Your True Tales - May 2007 - Page 10... (read all at source)