Eating dreams by DreamMean
To dream of eating alone, signifies loss and melancholy spirits. To eat with others, denotes personal gain, cheerful environments and prosperous undertakings.
If your daughter carries away the platter of meat before you are done eating, it foretells that you will have trouble and vexation from those beneath you or dependent upon you. The same would apply to a waiter or waitress. See Food, Dinner, Meal.
eating dream symbol
Eating food can represent:... (read all at source)
To dream that you are eating alone, signifies loss, loneliness, and depression. You may feel rejected, excluded, and cut off from social/family ties. Eating may be a replacement for companionship and provide comfort for you. Alternatively, eating alone may reflect independent needs. (read all at source)
Satisfying one's needs or 'hunger'. This can be any area of need, such as emotional, mental, sexual, depending on dream context. To eat is to continue involvement in the fundamental processes of life, a celebration of interdependence. (read all at source)
Eating a raw onion in a dream denotes an evil happening. If a sick person eats a small amount of onions in a dream, it means that he will die from his illness, but if one sees himself eating a large quantity in his dream, it means that he will be cured of his illness. (read all at source)
Eating Dreams
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In real life, we eat to satisfy physical hunger. Eating in a dream can be a sign that you need to satisfy an emotional or spiritual hunger. It can mean that you are feeling spiritually or emotionally neglected. (read all at source)
Eating food can represent:
Nourishing the body, mind, emotions, soul, or spirit
Hunger or low blood sugar while you're sleeping
Consider the food you are eating in the dream, its meaning, and how you feel about it. (read all at source)
Eating raw meat is a dream about underdeveloped plans or ideas in your life. The act of eating the meat in a raw form, whether you cook it yourself and it comes out undercooked or you are served it, is a sign of not thinking things through. (read all at source)
Eating - a reflection of the desire to get to the essence of something (as a need or possibility of it). Condition - the need to get rid of the gnawing thoughts.
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Of course cheating will also explore thoughts surrounding right and wrong. Do you feel you have been treating people unfairly? Have you realised that you are in the wrong? (read all at source)
Ordinarily, cheating dreams happen when you start to feel neglected - if your husband were spending time on anything when he could be spending it with you, then you could start to have dreams about him cheating. (read all at source)
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Actions, Feelings, Conditions - Dream Dictionary
Eating is a way that we incorporate things into us, so you may be eating food that represents qualities you think you need or desire. (read all at source)
Eating Food in a dream shows how you are exploring the idea of fulfillment from a broader perspective. Fulfillment is being explored in what you are currently doing and how you might find greater nourishment from experience. (read all at source)
Eating Disorder
If you dream that you have an eating disorder, most often this signifies that you have this problem in real life. But if you eat healthfully in your waking life, then this dream signifies your need of spirituality and fulfillment in your waking life. (read all at source)
- also see Dream Dictionary: Devour, Dream Dictionary: Food and Dream Dictionary: Nourishment... (read all at source)
Eating top list
Nourishment given to the body for good or otherwise.Are you having to swallow something you would rather not? (read all at source)
Eating: See also Dining Room under House: Experience; covenant; agreement; partake; friendship; fellowship; devour; consume; consuming wisdom; meditation; digesting the Word of God; forbidden fruit; no blood; no unclean foods; gluttony; adoption; must work to eat;... (read all at source)
Eating a sweet apple in a dream - Eating sweet, tasty or ripe apple in a dream, announces you pleasure, harmony in your life. Also this dream shows that you will get good earnings because of your hard work. You will experience happy love and happy family. (read all at source)
Measles To dream that you have measles, denotes much worry, and anxious care will interfere with your business affairs. To dream that others have this disease, denotes that you will be troubled over the condition of others. (read all at source)
Eating. The interpretation of this dream differs greatly according to the circumstances and other factors involved, so you must look up the various foods, fruits, vegetables, meat, etc. (read all at source)
A dream of eating might suggest a craving for love or nurturance. It can also mean you are enjoying life or indulging in its pleasures. If you are the one being eaten in the dream, ask yourself if something is eating at you. Do you feel as if you are being eaten alive?
echo... (read all at source)
Cheating-to dream of cheating on a test or at a game can symbolize the use of underhanded tactics in your life, Gen. 31:7
Cheating (relationships) see Adultery... (read all at source)
If you dream that you have cheated at something, whether by taking a shortcut in a race or copying off of somebody else's exam paper, pay attention to the consequences of your actions. Are you caught cheating, or are you rewarded despite your dishonesty? (read all at source)
To dream that you are cheating on your spouse, mate, or significant other, suggests feelings of self-guilt and self-betrayal. You may have compromised your beliefs or integrity and/or wasting your energy and time on fruitless endeavours. (read all at source)
A warning to play it straight. If, in the dream, the dreamer is cheating, he should watch out for someone trying to cheat him. If the dreamer is being cheated, he can expect a stroke of luck.
Astrological parallels: Pluto. (read all at source)
Repeating activities - God establishing a matter or issue; repeating because you are not listening
Flying - call or ability of move in the higher things of God; understanding the spirit realm of God... (read all at source)
Eating to stay asleep
Some people get to sleep but then awaken during the night. To overcome this problem the serotonin needs to be released later in the night. Eat a snack of high carbohydrates combined with some fats immediately before going to bed. (read all at source)
A dream where you eat something may suggest that there is something missing in your life, or you are looking for some kind of fulfillment in some way. It could also symbolize new ideas. To eat ..Read more →
EGG ... (read all at source)
eating food
This may be an indicator that the dreamer is concerned about a weight problem or eating disorder. It may be a health warning to draw attention to one's eating habits or weight problem. (read all at source)
Eating or baking them, indicates ill health and family peace ruptured over silly disputes.
To dream of a bishop, teachers and authors will suffer great mental worries, caused from delving into intricate subjects. (read all at source)
Eating them, denotes sorrow for a time, but final happiness.
For a young woman to dream of eating or trying her fortune with them, she will have a well-to-do lover and comparative plenty. (read all at source)
Eating or tasting alum is a message to your consciousness. You might be repressing feelings of guilt for a bad action undertaken against someone you know. In all cases, you regret your actions and hope fo forgiveness. Just seeing alum indicates some degree of failure in your personal plans.
... (read all at source)
Eating eggs mean that your health will get better. If they had colors will the family celebrate a happy event. If they are destroyed a will disappointment turn to joy. A nest filled with eggs mean you will earn more money. Rotten eggs symbolize that someone you trust can disappoint you. (read all at source)
Eating macaroni in a dream could mean you are in for various small losses. Seeing it in large quantities means you are being urged to economize and save money. In general, it is a warning that your finances may take a downward spiral if you are not vigilant.
Machinery ... (read all at source)
Eating the flesh of one, denotes the possession of a powerful will that would not turn aside in ambitious struggles even for death. You will come immediately into rich possessions.
To see a dead eagle killed by others than yourself, signifies high rank and fortune will be wrested from you ruthlessly. (read all at source)
Eating them, denotes sorrow for a time, but final happiness.
Chickens Chiffonier Chilblain Childbed Children Chimes Chimney China China Store Chocolate Choir Cholera Christ Christmas Tree Chrysanthemum Gate Purchases Cemetery Whalebone Sweet Oil... (read all at source)
Eating yams in a dream predicts an increase in your weight. It is therefore a warning to over weight people.... Continue dream interpretation - Yam"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Yankee... (read all at source)
Eating ice, foretells sickness. If you drink ice-water, you will bring ill health from dissipation.
Bathing in ice-water, anticipated pleasures will be interrupted with an unforeseen event.
Ice Cream... (read all at source)
Eating - nourishment is needed or is being provided;a substitute form of self- gradification, replacing your love life, fulfillment in work, etc.
Egg - something new in your life is being born. (read all at source)
Eating fish, denotes warm and lasting attachments.
To dream of a fisherman, denotes you are nearing times of greater
prosperity than you have yet known. (read all at source)
eating: Satisfying your hunger and not necessarily with food—e.g., hunger for any of the hierarchy of needs.
egg: One's potential or any potential, what you may wish to develop as in the seed to something new.
empty: What has gone? This can suggest a lack of something in your life. (read all at source)
Are you eating macaroni in your dreams? A small amount of macaroni represents small losses in life; seeing excess amounts of macaroni are a warning to slow down on your spending. (read all at source)
ham eating high on the hog; communication over the air waves. Who is always 'hamming it up'?
hammer time to repair something; going at it with 'hammer and tongs'; beating something into shape. What are you hammering away at and getting little or no results? (read all at source)
Also See Eating.
To dream that you have measles, denotes much worry, and anxious care will interfere with your business affairs. (read all at source)
Food, like eating, is a powerful image. Foods may be scenery, or may be central images in the dream. Who prepared the food can also be an important detail to understanding what it means. (read all at source)
To dream of eating tomatoes, signals the approach of good health. To see them growing, denotes domestic enjoyment and happiness. For a young woman to see ripe ones, foretells her happiness in the married state.
Find more dreams containing 'tomatoes'
Find the meaning in Gematria for 'tomatoes'... (read all at source)
To dream of eating macaroni, denotes small losses in business.
To see macaroni in large quantities, suggests that you need to save money.
Mango... (read all at source)
To dream of eating fresh almonds, foretells that you will have much success and financial gains.
To see an almond tree in your dream, signifies happiness. Wedded bliss is also in your near future.
Alms... (read all at source)
As a place for eating, a dining room can also indicate your digestive system in health related dreams.
Dirt indicates your colon needs cleansing. Your colon is symbolically the dirt track of your body. (read all at source)
cheating - Common dream of those who have suspicions real or imaginary about their mates. Some times can be a hint from the subconscious to investigate.
cliff - A place that represents a threat and feeling vulnerable. Falling from: Losing control of oneself or situation. (read all at source)
Sweat/Sweating To dream that you are sweating foretells that you will successfully come out of some difficulty, which has caused much gossip, with a new and better reputation. (read all at source)
During this process your mind is going through stages of steps like creating images, impulsive thinking, types of images and experiences in the near future or your past. Sort of like lucid dreaming. (read all at source)
Here is a good example: A woman on a diet and really wants to loose weight but is prone to binge eating. She has tried and failed many times, but this time has resolve. That night in a moment of weakness, she eats a big slice of cake, and a bowl of ice cream. (read all at source)
Many people write about "dreams of cheating." Either they are cheating, or they believe that their boyfriends/girlfriends are cheating on them. In either case, they are upset and outraged by such dreams. (read all at source)
Peas: Dreaming of eating peas, augurs robust health and the accumulation of wealth.
Much activity is indicated for farmers and their women folks.
To see them growing, denotes fortunate enterprises.
To plant them, denotes that your hopes are well grounded and theywill be realized. (read all at source)
When we sleep, that proverbial "Veil of Forgetfulness" that prevents us from "cheating on the test" is lifted, and we are shown what type of progress we are making (or, *GULP*, not making) and given guidance on what to do next. (read all at source)
Does the piranha in your dream signify that something is eating away at you?What are the piranhas doing in your dream? Are they attacking you or someone else? Do you feel that they are a symbol of hidden danger? That something is lurking behind the scenes ready to pounce? (read all at source)
When life becomes too serious with everyday stress such as worries of your job or paying bills, your mind may dream of eating sweets as a release of the daily pressures of life. It may be your mind's way of telling you to slow down and enjoy what you love - family, friends, or a hobby. (read all at source)
By eating the salmon it is believed you gain wisdom and knowledge. Dreaming of your mother could mean your consicience is bothering you about something. You will have to try to figure out what the fish means in your own dream. Why did it have it's mouth open? Why was she throwing it at you? (read all at source)
They are matrons of enchantment, entreating sailors with beguiling beauty, grace and mesmerizing melodies. Seductive and charming, all those in contact with mermaids are subject to their persuasion.
A quick-list of mermaid meaning and symbolism includes (but is not limited to):... (read all at source)
To bake bread, means to prepare and make it ready for eating. Raw dough would indicate a ministry or a people that is not yet mature. To bake that dough would mean to prepare and ready such a person or ministry. (read all at source)
They had been terrorizing the people that lived in the area, eating the fishermen's catches and tormenting the fishermen, threatening swimming children, things like this. I really felt that I was just about ready to transform into a shark to find those other sharks and get them to leave. (read all at source)
There was a sister in the lord mocking me the saying with a loud voice, "Nakia you are just all full of fear, you are full of fear". She was floating around as she kept repeating this. I was very troubled inside and felt afraid. Then I saw the Angel, he said, "Don't be afraid". (read all at source)
It is one of the changes that happens when you become a senior citizen, losing the ability to care for yourself. You loose your teeth, and now eating becomes more difficult. It may be a part of a general deterioration that leads to loss of freedom and confinement to a nursing home. (read all at source)
i just saw that i am having a delicios meal and i am loving it .suddenly i realised these are all snakes what i am eating
Reply... (read all at source)
This person may or may not be your romantic partner - it could be a sibling, parent, child, co-worker, friend, teacher, etc. It in no way indicates that you desire to cheat or that anyone is cheating on you. It's more about trust than lust. (read all at source)