Direction dream meaning

The direction you are heading in the dream, and the atmosphere or conditions surrounding the direction, suggest your intuitive summary of where you are going in life, and whether it will be profitable or difficult. So a direction into a storm for instance speaks of difficulties ahead. (read all at source)

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specific direction
North, south, east, west, NNW, SSE, etc. can represent:... (read all at source)

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Category: Directions
General Meaning: Mostly this shows the actual or external visibility,a dream symbol of obverse stands for a symbol of life and consciousness. * Please, see meaning of positions. (read all at source)

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Direction :
If you changed direction in a dream you must try to change something in your life. (read all at source)

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East - Beginning (Genesis 11:2); Law (therefore blessed or cursed); birth; first (sun rises in the east bringing hope and new day); false religions (as in 'Eastern religions')... (read all at source)

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Directions with important and remarkable symbols would mean how a certain symbol affects someone's life. This may either bring a good or a bad idea/interpretation depending on the role of the symbol in your life. (read all at source)

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Example dream : Going in the 'opposite' direction in a dream linked to the dreamer thinking about his boss being away from work. For a week he had had complete freedom but now his boss was due back. He wanted to have the freedom he had just had but things were heading in the opposite direction. (read all at source)

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Well being at the airport can usually mean change, something new happening, changing direction in life and so on. Here though you are sending someone off for a year which means THEY are going through a change or your relationship with this person is heading for a change or turning to a new direction. (read all at source)

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Directions-to dream of a geographical direction can signal a location of interest for prayer. A direction can also be an an�swer from God concerning a move in life
Dirty clothes-symbolic of sin and dead works, Isa. 64:6
Disciple-symbolic of following Christ, Isa. 50:4... (read all at source)

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direction look where you are going; following trends single-mindedly; feeling directionless. Who is giving you directions?
director giving orders; guiding others. What would be the title of your real-life movie? (read all at source)

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Having to choose: The need to make a decision in life. Fork in the road: A choice to be made. Going in: The recognition that one is on a journey of sorts.
Talking or treating you: Check your self, it may be health related. Someone else: May indicate medical need or focus. (read all at source)

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(Direction) To wend one's way, or to take the road, or to go in the direction of the door in a dream means establishing the course of one's life on the basis of righteousness, or finding the real cause of things, or it could mean success, depending on how close one gets to his goal in the dream. (read all at source)

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See direction
More on the meaning of "Compass" in my dream
Court/Courtroom... (read all at source)

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Finger - direction in which you are going or should go; phallic symbol. (read all at source)

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Your life direction, a decision, or a series of choices
A question of whether you're feeling on-track or off-track in your life
Following in someone else's footsteps somehow in your life... (read all at source)

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East (as a direction): Ancient truths, one's beginnings, the mysteries of the unconscious, renewal, enlightenment, and wisdom. As with all directions, one might ask, "Where am I heading?"... (read all at source)

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Support and direction. Difficulties followed by success later. A friend is trying to help you secretly.
Elimination. It portends quarrels, disappointments and disagreeable companions. (read all at source)

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Basic beliefs. Direction in life. You should mend your ways in life otherwise you will suffer from your foolishness.... Continue dream interpretation - Foot"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Foot-log... (read all at source)

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To dream of the direction left signifies your repressed thoughts and emotions. It speaks of the early signs of meekness. (read all at source)

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To dream of the direction left, symbolizes the unconscious and your repressed thoughts/emotions. It is an indication of passivity.
Legislature... (read all at source)

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The four cardinal directions (north, south, east, west).
The four major season (winter, spring, summer, autumn).
The four cosmic elements (suns, moons, planets, stars).
The four common phases of human life (birth, child, adult, death).
The four prime elements (fire, earth, air, water). (read all at source)

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Referring to a new direction for ministry:
1 Corinthians 16:8 "But I will stay on at Ephesus until Pentecost,
9 because a great door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many who oppose me." (NIV)... (read all at source)

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that which requires teaching, guidance, and direction Cayce (900-98, A-2). 6. the harmonious union of two people (dreamed that he and his wife had triplets; Cayce interpreted this as harmonious relations between the two at the physical, mental and spiritual levels) Cayce (900-183, A-2). 7. (read all at source)

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If you destroy a calendar, you either feel hopelessly unorganized or you've decided to make a brand new start in the direction of your life. Camera To see a camera in your dream means you are trying to live in the past, or that you don't have a clear picture of a current situation. (read all at source)

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As we get up to leave we hear a very satanical laugh that seems to be coming from all directions when 3 demonic looking men( at lest i think there men) start to come out from be hind the walls around the old building. (read all at source)

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If you are piloting the plane - you are in control and are the one with direction and know how. You are utilizing a higher power to get to your goal. If you are a part of the crew, you support the pilot, and care take the passengers. Unusual experiences, upcoming good luck. (read all at source)

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The darkness was already present as a component of the interpretation of dreams in the articles Cave and Basement / cellar: the darkness is always disorientation of sleep, in dreams, it symbolizes the need to fear the most traffic and the loss of both the short time the situation and the direction... (read all at source)

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All the little nuances of the office can provide direction about what is holding you back or what you can do to achieve your aspirations. Items hung on the walls portray beliefs and allow you to see the ideas that you 'surround yourself with. (read all at source)

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Crosswords= Decision; change of direction, (See crossroads, path, sign and auto wreck). (Isa 35:8; Matt 7:13-14; John 14:6; Nahum 2:4). (read all at source)

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Road junctions symbolize choices ahead A T-junction symbolizes a choice you have to make - literally in reality you are faced with having to change direction with regard to pursuit of a goal. (read all at source)

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You may be hesitant in pursuing a new direction in your life due to fear, pressure, personal conflict or moral obligation. The dream may also be a reflection of your own real-life abortion and thus serves as a way of healing from the trauma and working towards self-acceptance. (read all at source)

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In general, images of walking are aligned with the direction we are headed in life. If the walk is straight it implies we are moving forward. A purposeful walk can imply that we are sure of our direction and know exactly the path we must tread. (read all at source)

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If it’s you driving, do you want to take more control of your life and its direction? Where are heading in your dream? Are you moving assuredly toward your destination, or are you driving around in circles? How does this reflect upon your life? (read all at source)

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To see a road in your dream, indicates your sense of direction and pursuit of your goals. To see a winding and bumpy road in your dream, signifies that will find many obstacles and setbacks toward your goals. You may be met with unexpected difficulties. (read all at source)

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Vehicles that you ride in usually reflect two things; the direction you are heading in life, and your body. (the thing you travel or "ride" through life in) Unusually over exposure to a specific vehicle type may easily change the meaning. (read all at source)

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But these times are fast disappearing as the girl is heading in the opposite direction. That's the same as saying "those easy days are a thing of the past". (read all at source)

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Roads symbolize the dreamer's direction in life.
In the Universal Language of Mind a road represents the direction of the dreamer's life. The direction in life is determined by the goals and ideals the thinker makes his own. (read all at source)

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He was walking towards me and then passed by me in the direction of the sea. I knew that He wanted me to follow Him. So I follow him into the sea, until I was in the water just above my waist. There was a pitch black pillar that was standing out of the sea (it was like a Egyptian obelisk). (read all at source)

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The dream can indicate fears about a direction you are taking in your life. It may warn you that you have a tendency to stop out of fear and miss opportunities the new direction presents. (read all at source)

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Climbing may represent an achievement of your ambitions and a movement in a positive direction. Descending may symbolize your doubts or a period following hard work and achievement of a significant goal. (read all at source)

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The four directions on a compass. The four corners of a strong building. It could be that you seek that stability and order in your life, and aren't quite sure how to get to it. Look at how the square is used in your dream for a hint on what direction to take. (read all at source)

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19. Roads symbolize your direction in life. The direction of your life is determined by your desires and goals. There are highways, streets, roads, dead-end streets, bumpy roads, smooth roads, etc. You can make a right turn, a U-turn or a left turn (not right or unpredictable). (read all at source)

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Turning a corner in a dream symbolizes changing direction in life. If you dream that you turn a corner, you could be ending one phase of your life and beginning another.
A dream that you turn a corner can mean that you are looking at things from a new perspective (from a different direction.)... (read all at source)

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A tranquil sea voyage that is moving in the right direction can mean that you are looking forward to being successful at a task. A boat that is drifting aimlessly can imply that you feel that your life lacks direction. (read all at source)

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You are so frightened to be there that stopping to ask for directions is not a possibility. The only thing you want to do is get home, but no matter which way you turn, you cannot seem to find your way. You may awaken scared and fearful. (read all at source)

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A dream featuring the direction East suggests that you may be considering a new direction in life or new beginnings. It may also imply some kind of self-focus. You may be ..Read more →
EAT / EATING / EATEN ... (read all at source)

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Giving Birth: Birthing a new idea, undertaking a new direction, or entering a new life stage
Experiencing Labor Pains: Growing pains or painful life lessons.
Experiencing False Labor: Misunderstandings or wrong timing. (read all at source)

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Arch. Your efforts are in the right direction if the arch was whole and/or attractive, but if it appeared to be broken, or damaged in any way, a new line of endeavor is suggested.
Arrest. You'll have sharp disappointment followed closely by an unexpected joy. (read all at source)

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To dream of your forefinger, represents knowledge, confident, judgment and direction.
To dream of your middle finger, symbolizes achievement, responsibility, prudence and creativity.
To dream of your ring finger, represents creativity, beauty, success and commitment. (read all at source)

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It stands for mind, body and spirit and is a request to commit yourself, mind body and spirit, to improving yourself in the direction indicated in the dream. The number 3 will often appear in dreams about the heart as people who have closed off their heart to others often lack commitment. (read all at source)

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Bank Dream Meaning- Money, opportunities, life values.
Grocery Shop Dream Meaning- Sustenance and the things that emotionally feed you.
Factory Dream Meaning- Work, Career, a mechanised routine way of life.
Railway Station Dream Meaning- Your direction, the direction of your life... (read all at source)

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A dream of rabbits foreshadows that luck in your business enterprises will be immanent and other events will take a favorable turn in your direction.
A dream of white rabbits foretell faithfulness of a lover, and to see them at play show children will increase your joy.
Raccoon... (read all at source)

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To dream that you are unable to roll up the windows of your car, suggests that you are showing some hesitation and reservation about the direction that you are taking in life or the path that you have chosen.
Related Dreams
You may find these related dreams useful as well. (read all at source)

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Roads, aside from being literal manifestations, convey your direction in life. This may be time to question your current "life path". (read all at source)

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Lauri Loewenberg interprets this type of dream as your subconscious mind sending out a red flag that something in your life is moving rapidly in the wrong direction. This could be your relationship, career, finances or something else. (read all at source)

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To dream of being lost signifies that you are anxious about embarking on a new project. It can also symbolize that you feel a lack of direction or goals in your life.
To dream of losing something means you may cut yourself by accident. (read all at source)

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1. Friends or relatives could be trying to talk you into something you don't want to do. Nip it in the bud before things get ugly.
2. You are torn in two different directions, and having a hard time deciding which is the right choice.
Dwarf... (read all at source)

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To see the same person again and again in your dream is a sign that someone from the world after is trying to get in contact with you and trying to tell you something. You must try to understand and follow his directions.
Find more dreams containing 'person'
Find the meaning in Gematria for 'person'... (read all at source)

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For the wind to blow you along against your wishes, portends failure in business undertakings and disappointments in love. If the wind blows you in the direction you wish to go you will find unexpected and helpful allies, or that you have natural advantages over a rival or competitor. (read all at source)

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A woman may see a serpent in waking life and through fright lose reason or self-control. She imagines it pursues her when in reality it is going an opposite direction; in a like way dreams may be many times unreal. (read all at source)

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i woke up jumpy, then later that night another dream but this time just one snake yellow on the bottom and brown on the top. As a proceeded to get away the snake went in a direction to cut me off and then bit me over and over again. What is the meaning ? (read all at source)

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portends failure in business undertakings and disappointments in love.
If the wind blows you in the direction you wish to go you will find
unexpected and helpful allies, or that you have natural advantages
over a rival or competitor. (read all at source)

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That would signal you need redirection. The bigger the vehicle, the more energy you may be successfully using for your daily lessons, depending on the context of your dream. Note all clues as to how you are faring, and make adjustments accordingly. (read all at source)

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Dreaming that you are following directions, represents your need or ability to accept criticism. It also relates to your feelings about authority. Dreaming that you are giving directions, refers to your goals and search for purpose. You are on a path toward self-realization. (read all at source)

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Direction of Flight
It is important to know what direction where you where going when you where flying, where you flying upwards, downwards or backwards. (read all at source)

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To dream of getting directions from someone (for how to get somewhere) symbolizes your ability to accept criticism. The meaning depends on what you did afterwards. If you tried to follow the directions, you are able to see yourself clearly and listen to the opinions of others. (read all at source)

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Dreams of this nature often reveal a particular feeling about direction or purpose in life. If there doesn't seem to be a point or a destination in a travel dream, you should consider the possible desire to vacate your current locale for a time. (read all at source)

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