Crucifix dream meaning

Crucifix dreams by DreamMean
To see a crucifix in a dream, is a warning of distress approaching, which will involve others beside yourself. To kiss one, foretells that trouble will be accepted by you with resignation.

For a young woman to possess one, foretells she will observe modesty and kindness in her deportment, and thus win the love of others and better her fortune.

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Cross, Crucifix
1. Dreaming of any sort of cross - the Christian cross, the Maltese cross, the ancient cross of the Goddess - indicates joy, happiness and fulfillment after a long and difficult struggle.
2. A crossroads implies the obvious: two possible paths lying ahead, and a choice to be made. (read all at source)

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A dream of a crucifix shows that your crown of head may be blocked, and it is important to make sure that you release the energy. Before you go to bed tonight, carry out a simple meditation. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, and imagine that you are floating on a river of white water. (read all at source)

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Crucifix (cross)
dream interpretation
meaning of dream
A cross can have several seemingly varying connotations, or the interpretation may be multifaceted. It may represent your spirituality and the coming together of all different parts of your personality. (read all at source)

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Crucifixion Dreams
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A crucifixion in a dream often represents a sacrifice that someone makes in order to support a principle or a belief. (read all at source)

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Seeing a crucifix in your dream, is symbolic of new life, spiritual guidance, and liberation. The dream may serve as a connection with your inner Christ/love consciousness. Alternatively, it represents your difficulties and hardships. (read all at source)

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To see a crucifix in a dream, is a warning that someone you care about will go through troubling times. If you dream of holding or wearing a crucifix in your dream, you are a kind and modest person and these are the personal qualities that will win you love and success. (read all at source)

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Crucifix - May symbolize martyrdom, sacrificing oneself for their beliefs. This may be an outward condition where you sacrifice your true feelings for anothers benefit or could be repressed emotions where you neglect your real needs. (read all at source)

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Cross or Crucifix
This powerful religious symbol often carries with it either comfort, judgment, healing, pain, or a desire for protection. Obviously, how the object enters the dream and what effect it has on the dream plot is very important. (read all at source)

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Crucifix :
If you kissed a crucifix you can get problems. If you owned it you will get kinder and more modest, something that people will like. Otherwise will a crucifix symbolize that someone you know can get problems. (read all at source)

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- see Dream Dictionary: Religious Imagery
- see Dream Dictionary: Jewels... (read all at source)

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To dream of a crucifixion means you are crucifying yourself unnecessarily. This self punishment and criticism achieves nothing regardless of what you feel you have done wrong.
Crying... (read all at source)

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All people can see a huge amount of images, icons, and appearing in dreams are associated with individual life experiences (for example, a crucifix, Star of David, Buddha, etc.. (read all at source)

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Perhaps one's backbone could be interpreted to mean crucifixion, or it could mean marriage to a virgin. If one sees a tree growing from his backbone in a dream, it means an illness. If a sick person sees his backbone turned into iron in a dream, it means recovering from his illness. (read all at source)

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Dreams About Crucifixion
What do dreams about crucifixion mean?
If you chance to dream of the crucifixion, you will see your opportunities slip away, tearing your hopes from your grasp, and leaving you wailing over the frustration of desires. (read all at source)

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If you chance to dream of the crucifixion, you will see your opportunities slip away, tearing your hopes from your grasp, and leaving you wailing over the frustration of desires.
Crucifix... (read all at source)

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trees crucifix patio willow caught unknown bodies slap light fruit ticket belongings wheels tomb position stillborn arguement iguana trailer west paranormal spirits breasts sharks planning friendly womb with anymore motorcycle
Web 2.0 Searches... (read all at source)

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As i jumped I notice a Crucifix hanging over the stairwell, I tried to grab it to use to fight off this evil force, but as I jumped I just miss the Crucifix. My right hand fingers touched the side. I tried to cut on the lights in every room I went to the light would not come on. (read all at source)

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Crucifix (cross)top list
A cross can have several seemingly varying connotations, or the interpretation may be multifaceted. It may represent your spirituality and the coming together of all different parts of your personality. (read all at source)

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