Creek dream meaning

Creek dreams by DreamMean
To dream of a creek, denotes new experiences and short journeys.

If it is overflowing, you will have sharp trouble, but of brief period.

If it is dry, disappointment will be felt by you, and you will see another obtain the things you intrigued to secure.

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If a river or creek is dreamed of, is it within its banks and apparently traversable by usual means? These are all examples of controlled water.
Water presented in this way is often indicative of renewal. For example, while traveling and growing weary, the dreamer suddenly happens upon a creek. (read all at source)

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To see a creek in your dream, represents your energy flow and the healthy expression of emotions. To see a dried up creek indicates that you are out of touch with your own spiritual side. You may also feel physically or emotionally drained.
Crib... (read all at source)

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To see a creek in your dream, represents your own personal energy flow and steady emotional release. To see a dried up creek, indicates that you are being cut off from your spiritual being and being out of touch with yourself. You may also feel physically or emotionally drained. (read all at source)

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Creek camel in a dream heralds the Hajj, Jihad or a thriving trade.
The American Dream Book
Camel - a way to pass the difficulties, endurance. (read all at source)

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Dream Dictionary
To dream of a creek, denotes new experiences and short journeys. If it is overflowing, you will have sharp trouble, but of brief period. If it is dry, disappointment will be felt by you, and you will see another obtain the things you intrigued to secure. (read all at source)

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The Creek tribes still practice the turkey dance during its annual fire festivals. The feathers of turkeys are also used in ritual (see my Native American Feather Symbolism post )... (read all at source)

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border, botanical garden, bottom, bottom on, bottom side, break, breech, bridebed, bridle, broadcast, brush, build on, bunk, bunk bed, buttocks, camp bed, canal, channel, cohabitation, Colonial bed, confirm, conjugal bond, conjugal knot, cot, couch, couche, coulee, course, coverture, cradle, creek... (read all at source)

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- Bathes you in the creek, to the point to a speedy recovery from illness.
- Clear Water promises professional and financial success, cloudy water or the raging torrent professional problems and financial losses. (read all at source)

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Rivers - An Overview of Rivers
Life on the Mississippi - Mark Twain (1835-1910)
Fall Fishing Tips
Mountain Creek photo water park river ride New Jersey
The Annual Shad Run... (read all at source)

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While taking pictures I remember seeing all of a sudden another rainbow only in the ditch off of the shoulder but flowing vertically on the ground filling up the ditch as if it were a creek of flowing water. It literally took my breath away and then the annoying alarm clock went off and I woke up. (read all at source)

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creek get more exercise; keep those joints oiled; a trickle of emotions; a 'crick' in the neck; under a lot of strain. Whose bones are creaking? (read all at source)

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To dream of a creek, denotes new experiences and short journeys. If it is overflowing, you will have sharp trouble, but of brief period.
If it is dry, disappointment will be felt by you, and you will see another obtain the things you intrigued to secure. (read all at source)

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