Compost dream meaning

adhesive tape, ammonia, apparel, application, array, ass-reaming, attire, attrition, band, bandage, bandaging, Band-Aid, bawling-out, bedizenment, binder, brace, buffing, burnishing, cast, castor-bean meal, cataplasm, chafe, chafing, chewing, clothes, clothing, commercial fertilizer, compost,... (read all at source)

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The shovel is a tool for self-analysis; therefore, you should pay attention to what it is that you dig out in the dream. This dream is meaningful for your daily life. Shoveling compost indicates that you are thinking about the fertile aspect of your life. (read all at source)

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- Manure (compost) pile displays secure prosperity and success, but also admonished not to be stingy, because otherwise you can lose it all again.
- Manure (fertilizer) announces financial results and profits, if he is in a field, looks to it or smells. (read all at source)

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