Colours dream meaning

Dream Colours
Colour, like everything else in your dreams are there
To Heal You
To Guide You
As an expression of your reaction to the subject matter of your dream... (read all at source)

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Dreams Involving Colours
Most of us are aware of the fact that colours can affect our moods. Many people feel more peaceful and tranquil after seeing the colour blue while some may feel angered when they see the colour red. (read all at source)

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If you were the colours found within the rainbow then discover that we have a palette of boredom and life we colours. If you work with healing then blues are associated with growth. (read all at source)

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A dream involving the use or presence of a comb can infer the dreamer is in need of tidying up loose ends in life or straightening out problems in need of tending to. (read all at source)

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Colours. You can expect increasing success and security if you dream of a mixture of bright colours. (read all at source)

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Colours in dreams represent energy, emotions, and vibes. First consider what that single colour in your dream means to you and your own personal associations and relationship with that colour. Please see Dream Themes: Colours. (read all at source)

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A dream with distinctive colors can imply various things. A dark shade of color symbolizes strength, while a pale light color symbolizes an early stage of something. Colors in general ..Read more →
COLUMN ... (read all at source)

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To dream of pastel colours, indicates that you are not completely recognizing and dealing with some part of your emotions. It... Continue dream interpretation - Pastel"continue dream interpretation
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We live in a colourful world therefore it’s very important to pay attention to the colours we see in our dreams. Because we dream in symbols, colours usually indicate our emotion. (read all at source)

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His aura seemed to glow a soft white hue faintly tinted by all the colours. I don't remember what he was saying to me but I was asking if he was God. I remember only him smiling and then a white Horse sliding its face up beside mine. It was soft and he was very sweet. (read all at source)

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I wonder what this means, and the landscape begins to spin until the colours blend and shimmer. Suddenly my body seems to open to them, as if they are spinning inside of me, and with a most glorious feeling, a sensation of vibrating energy flows up my trunk to my head. With this comes realisation. (read all at source)

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The water was crowded with moray eels in all colours, but i never felt uncomfortable. Especially one moray, a yellow one with black stripes, knew me very well and i was petting it all the time. It swam around my legs like a cat will rub around tour legs when it wants so pet. (read all at source)

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flying bird, Flying boat, flying bomb, flying bridge, flying buttress, flying carpet, flying cat, flying colors, flying colours, flying dragon, flying drainpipe, Flying Dutchman, flying field, Flying Fish, flying fox, flying gecko, flying gurnard, flying horse, flying jib, flying lemur,... (read all at source)

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As you can see by the above links common themes that occur in dreams can be categorised into themes such as Animals, Anxiety, Authority, Bad Dreams and Nightmares, Being Lost Dreams, Buildings, Colours, Danger, Flying, Houses and Home, Places, Money, Sex, Scenery, Wars, Weather and Work. (read all at source)

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Every colour possesses its own symbolism for everyone of us. Colours play an important psycho-physiological role in our daytime lives. Hereunder we are giving details in regard to the different colours we see in our dreams and their significance. (read all at source)

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riot things getting out of control; wild colours; without constraint. Who needs to be 'read the riot act'?
river life passing by; smooth sailing; easy path ahead; a change in lifestyle or job; things are moving fast. What might the river say if it could speak? (read all at source)

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Pay attention to the colours, animals, emotions, and people in your dreams. Remember you have the power to find the deeper meaning in your life and search for happiness. We give you the dream key now it is up to you to open up the dream door. (read all at source)

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Did you do something that you regretted yesterday? Maybe you have some friends who others do not like and you feel slightly ashamed of them? Did you feel as if someone showed their true colours yesterday and revealed their darker side. (read all at source)

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the owls i describe are light brown wide faces with lighter colours fringing.they didnt make any noises.all the birds wanted me only to see them. i did not sight any dead animals,but will only assume they didnt come out of the water the same as they went in. (read all at source)

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