Collision dream meaning

Collision dreams by DreamMean
To dream of a collision, you will meet with an accident of a serious type and disappointments in business.

For a young woman to see a collision, denotes she will be unable to decide between lovers, and will be the cause of wrangles.

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See also related symbols: Cot, Wild, Chilblain, Collision, Fireman, Rake, Hemp, Cuckoo, Skeleton, Threshing, Boat, Son, Raft, Buzzard, Affrighted, Horn, Cries, Abdomen, Bedbugs, Disaster, Voice, Fence, Veil, Bath, Cars
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Collision :
If you dreamt about a collision can this be a warning telling you that it can happen in real life. This dream can also try to tell you that you should not be so impulsive. It is also possible that the person colliding with you will attack your personality. See also accident. (read all at source)

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Dreams provide a safe environment to explore issues before they lead to crisis. Since automobiles generally represent drive and motivation - a collision can portray how two paths can converge in an unpleasant way. (read all at source)

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*Please See Crash.
To have a colourless dream, suggests a depressed mood and a feeling of sadness. You may be shutting yourself off from others. (read all at source)

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bulling, bump, bump into, burst, burst in, bust, butt in, calamity, cannon, carambole, carom, carom into, cascade, casualty, catabasis, cataclysm, cataract, catastrophe, cave, cave-in, chain smoking, charge in, chronic alcoholism, chute, clap, clash, cocainism, collapse, collide, collision, comb,... (read all at source)

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If a camel on which you are traveling, aggressive - in reality you gain the upper hand in a collision with a tough opponent. If a camel is swinging - to melancholy and bitter Dumas. (read all at source)

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You may feel that people or incidents in your life are on a collision course with you. Or, if you feel that you are in the right, is it time to stand your ground and be more assertive? How you respond to the accident in your dream can signify how you’re handling a current mishap in your life. (read all at source)

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The crash also suggests fear of failure or loss of control. This might be failure in relationship or an argument - you may be on collision course with boss or partner for instance. See: wrecked car; fear in connection with car. (read all at source)

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Brakes - A need or desire to slow down in some aspect in your life. Failing brakes may suggest and inability to slow down, possibly creating disasterous collisions {conflicts}. (read all at source)

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These dreams may be triggered in times of global hopelessness and unpredictability. A millennial change generates this kind of dreaming for some people. Damaging news about the earth, global warming, and cosmic collision potentials will do it for others. (read all at source)

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Accidents at sea relate to your emotional nature - perhaps you feel your emotions have gone dangerously off course or you are on a collision course with someone important in your life. (read all at source)

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If you had gone to college in your past, then also consider your personal experiences and memories of your college days. However, if you are currently in college, then it may be a reflection of your current surroundings. It may also represent stress.
Collision... (read all at source)

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Dream Interpretation/White Tiger and Head on Car Collision... (read all at source)

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When you are dreaming of having an agreement it symbolizes final solution to a collision, it shows a final resolution to a problem or conflict. Your inner self is in developing and making important decisions. (read all at source)

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