Chiropractor dream meaning

Seeing a chiropractor in your dream, suggests that you are seeking support and advise. Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it; it is not a sign of weakness. (read all at source)

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Chiropractor - A need for advice or to seek support. Also may symbolize a need to straighten out those things that are out of whack in your life.
Chocolate - Rewarding yourself for a job well done. A need for nurturing. Or, are you indulging too much ina good thing? (read all at source)

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a dream you are trying to find someone's future through palmistry - then you will be confronted with unjust accusations against him. If a woman sees such a dream, it will be well received in the company of men, but not loved by other representatives of the weaker sex. Saw himself as a chiropractor -... (read all at source)

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The chin often symbolizes character, strength, and resolve.
To see a chiropractor in your dream, suggests that you are seeking support and advise. Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it; it is not a sign of weakness.
Chocolate... (read all at source)

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twist feeling 'bent out of shape'; a need to visit a chiropractor; do some yoga; peculiar ideas; unbalanced; twisting someone's arm; distort the meaning of someone's words. Who is trying to twist you around their little finger? (read all at source)

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