Cellular dream meaning

Cell Respiration, cell sorter, cell synchronization, cell theory, cell wall, Cella, Cellang, cellar, cellarage, Cellarer, cellaret, Cellarist, CELLAS, cellblock, Celled, Cellepore, cell-free, Celliferous, Cellini, cellist, cell-like, cell-mediated immune response, cellophane, CELLSIM, Cellular,... (read all at source)

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Think about it - your wireless cellular phone transmits signals in the air. Thoughts are measurable signals that are also air-borne. What does this have to do with Celtic symbols and swords? Swords would have been made with a focus on purity of intent. (read all at source)

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Neither Freud nor Jung had anything to say about cellular phones. However, as they become more prevalent they are obviously making their way into people's dreams. Cell phones have changed from being a symbol of status to a symbol of security. (read all at source)

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Some leading-edge research suggests that in this way we may even be able to change the cellular memory of the body. Above all, dreaming puts us in touch with the hidden sources of illness and wellness, and opens paths to recovering soul. See Secrets of Power Dreaming... (read all at source)

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