Candle Wax dream meaning

Candle Wax
To see candle wax in your dream implies that you are taking on too much responsibility or trying to tackle too many tasks at one time. You should do a little at a time or you will find yourself physically and emotionally exhausted. (read all at source)

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Candle Wax
To see candle wax in your dream indicates that there is too much activity going on in your life. You may need to slow down and take a breather. Alternatively, it may symbolize the passage of time that has long passed. (read all at source)

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Candle coal, candle flame, Candle foot, candle holder, Candle meter, Candle power, Candle Wax, candleberry, Candleberry tree, Candlebomb, Candlefish, Candleholder, candlelight, candlemaker, Candlemas, Candlemas Day, candlenut, Candlepin, candlepin bowling, candlepins, candlepower, candlepower unit,... (read all at source)

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