When you bow to another person in real life, you are acknowledging their superior status, so if you are bowing in a dream, it is a sign that you are feeling inferior to someone else. (read all at source)
Dreaming that you are bowing, symbolizes respect, honor, humility, and reverence. You need to be more submissive to another's wishes. (read all at source)
Alternatively, it symbolizes anger, aggression, or tension. This dream symbol may also be a metaphor that you are aiming for perfection.
To dream that you are bowing, symbolizes respect, honor, humility, and reverence. You need to be more submissive to another's wishes.
Bowl... (read all at source)
Bowing can represent:
Gratitude for something being given, such as applause
Honor towards the person or thing being bowed to
A greeting or introduction
An intention to leave or finish, as in "bowing out"... (read all at source)
fawn innocent and helpless; cringing and bowing down to someone. Who do you call 'dear'?
fax a quick message; being electronically scanned; copied and sent on your way; not having all the facts. What important faxes have you sent, or are waiting for? (read all at source)
While the elbows can symbolize exerting your power as in 'elbowing your way in,' the knees have an association with groveling or not standing up for yourself. (read all at source)
He said to them, "Please hear this dream which I have dreamed:
Compare Joseph's dream of the bowing sheaves
See also: Label , Kettle , Daniel 1:17 , Dancing Master , Lamp-post
Dream-Dictionary INDEX:... (read all at source)
Chinese Meaning of Numbers
Get fresh perspective and deeper insight into number meanings by bowing to the wisdom of the Tao and learning the Chinese meaning of numbers here.
. (read all at source)
bowing dream symbol
Bowing can represent:... (read all at source)
Bowing-symbolic of submission, being burdened with work, or the cares of life, Ps. 145:14. If you are bowing down in a dream if symbolizes that you serve that person or object, Mal. 1:6
Boxer-fighting, hostility, 1 Cor. 9:26
Boy Scout-helping others, civically minded... (read all at source)
To dream of bowing to another implies we feel inferior to that person or people in general.
Additional Dream Interpretation...
A bow, as in a bow and arrow, suggests a desire for love. (read all at source)
Bow - Dreaming of a archer's bow may represent pursuit and accomplishing goals. Bowing symbolizes resepct, perhaps for one's own ability or oneself. (read all at source)
Bowing in prayers
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren
(arb. Rukii') Seeing oneself bowing to God Almighty in prayers in a dream means submission to His will, abstaining from arrogance and establishing God's rules in one's life. (read all at source)
In general: Bend (in the sense of bowing) has often pointed out that one tends to degrade themselves to make their own light under a bushel, the symbol of calls in this case to continue upright and self-conscious to go through life. (read all at source)