Dreams of this nature are common among those who pursue astral projection or out-of-body experiences. Windows of this kind may be revealing potential realities for you to experience. Did you open a window in your dream, walk by one without looking, or close a window? (read all at source)
Astral Projection
To dream of astral projection indicates that you have altered your viewpoint or attitude towards an issue or situation. You are expressing your individuality and unique personality. It may also signify your feelings of detachment and disassociation from the rest of the world. (read all at source)
Astral Projection
To dream of astral projection, suggests that you are looking at things from a whole new perspective. You may be feeling liberated and free. Alternatively, it may indicate that you are physically or emotionally disconnected from those around you.
Astrology... (read all at source)
Astral Projection (astral travel, OBE)
American, Unitarianism E. Mis... (read all at source)
Astral Projection: You Can Do It Too
Secrets of Success - 10 Secrets of Success That Help People Make Dreams Come True
Focused Dreaming - Using Dreams to Answer Your Deepest Questions - Interpreting Your Dreams
Healing Sounds Qigong: Use Healing Sound & Light To Transform Pensiveness... (read all at source)
You are probably going through a personal identity crisis at this time in your life and your guides are pointing out to you that in the dreaming world you have the option of traveling in a lot of different areas available during shamanic journeywork or astral projection. (read all at source)