Ass dream meaning

Ass dreams by DreamMean
To see an ass in a dream, you will meet many annoyances, and delays will accrue in receiving news or goods.

To see donkeys carrying burdens, denotes that, after patience and toil, you will succeed in your undertakings, whether of travel or love.

If an ass pursues you, and you are afraid of it, you will be the victim of scandal or other displeasing reports.

If you unwillingly ride on one, or, as jockey, unnecessary quarrels may follow. See ass="redir">Donkey.

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If an ass pursues you, and you are afraid of it, you will be the victim of scandal or other displeasing reports.
If you unwillingly ride on one, or, as jockey, unnecessary quarrels may follow.
See Donkey. (read all at source)

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To see an ass in your dream, suggests that you will meet many annoyances.
To see an ass carrying burdens in your dream signifies that after much patience and hard work, you will succeed in your undertakings. (read all at source)

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Ass or donkey: The beast of burden. I have experienced it as a metaphor for how I have been behaving.
Bat: Intuition. Some, like the Australian aborigines see it as the spirit of death. Its black color often is seen as suggesting evil, the unknown, or the unconscious. (read all at source)

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Ass (Donkey)
To see an ass in your dream, signifies a lack of understanding. It also suggests that you will come upon many annoyances. To see an ass carrying burdens in your dream, signifies that after much patience and hard work, you will succeed in business and in love. (read all at source)

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Beasts of burden suggest being saddled to responsibility, while the 'animal-ness' of these creatures suggest that it is not natural. The donkey is stubborn and can portray how you fail to see how you are yoked to responsibility that is not really yours. See also Anus and Animals. (read all at source)

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Ass - May signify stupidity-your own! A symbol for animal impulses that are unconscious, intuitive.
Assassin - Those aspects that tend to 'kill' off potentialities. Subverting realizations of one's goals by one's own actions or by outside forces. (read all at source)

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Hearing an ass bray, is significant of unwelcome tidings or intrusions.
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Hearing an ass bray, is significant of unwelcome tidings or intrusions.
For a woman to dream of eating bread, interpret that she will be afflicted with children of stubborn will, for whom she will spend many days of useless labor and worry. (read all at source)

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Hearing an ass bray, is significant of unwelcome tidings or intrusions.... Continue dream interpretation - Bray"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Bread... (read all at source)

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Ass's head was seen as a source of fertility. As the beast, forever taschuschaya cart, donkey represents poor. In Christianity, the symbol of Christ's birth, the flight into Egypt, the entry into Jerusalem. (read all at source)

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even the area was much alike, in my new building I had friends from way back living ass neighbors..the weird thing was that after we finished hanging out I was walking back upstairs to my apartment . (read all at source)

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Idioms: blow a kiss; kiss ass; kiss curls (hair style); kiss it better; kiss of death; kiss it off; Kiss of life; kiss off; kiss something/somebody good-bye; kiss the blarney stone; throw a kiss
Useful Questions and Hints:
Does the kiss express fondness or passion? (read all at source)

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lmao in my dream there was a snake going wild on my floor moving spazmatically trying to find an opening to bite my ass. (read all at source)

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I would never cheat on my man cause i just don't believe in that and my conscious would kick my ass. (read all at source)

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American, Unitarianism E. Mis
When you dream of an ass it symbolizes shortage of perception. This dream is a sign of coming irritations. When you dream of an ass which is carrying burdens it represents that you will attain in professional and personal life. (read all at source)

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