Aquarius: This free-thinking star sign is symbolized by a water carrier and is said to govern the ankles and circulation. Its color is electric-blue and its gemstones are garnet and zircon. (read all at source)
Aquarius. He likes to plan everything. Always looking ahead. Unaffected. Honest and kind, but it is difficult to understand. Virgo. Conservatism. Everything is critically. Has an analytical mind and good organizational skills. Intellectual. Capricorn. Ambitious, materialistic. Afraid of 'inadequate. (read all at source)
Aquarius (Water-Bearer) - The circulation of blood and the ankles.
Pisces (Fish) - The feet and toes.
A dream portraying a person as being in a zoo is the unconscious alerting the individual to their primal instincts and possibly resultant "primitive" behaviour. (read all at source)
Aquarius - the Zodiac sign that is mostly affected by blood circulation, heart and ankles. The color of Aquarius is steel blue and the gemstones are garnet and zircon. Suggestion for Aquarius - learn to concentrate on one particular subject, instead of doing few things at once. (read all at source)
Dear Aquarius,
Yes, earth - Saturn aliment in month of October this year. Contact us. Please give us a good rating.
Thank you.
Institute of Astrology and Occult Science
Nuagaon Square, Vijoy Vihar, Bhubaneswar 2.
Orissa, India
Pin: 751002
Ph: +91 0674 2340474
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a better place, Acheron, acme, aerial heights, afterlife, afterworld, Agapemone, age of Aquarius, air, Almighty God, Alpha and Omega, apex, apogee, Arcadia, Atropos, Avalon, azure, beatification, beatitude, bewitchment, Big Rock-Candy Mountain, blessedness, bliss, blissfulness, blue sky, brow,... (read all at source)
Indeed, the industrialization of the western world took place under Aquarian/Uranus influence as this planet was transiting in the sign of Aquarius during the Industrial Age. (read all at source)
Astrological parallels: Sagittarius or Aquarius.
Dream Tarot Card: The Chariot
Alcohol (Beer, Wine, Liquor)... (read all at source)
In a sense, you are searching for a way to contain your feelings or to allow them to flow freely in your interactions with others. Associated with the astrological sign Aquarius as an Archetype, the water bearer or waterjug brings forward ideas related to aspirations and goals,... (read all at source)