General Meanings:
Happiness and luck The albatross is certainly not a very common dream symbol. The albatross dream symbol is a lucky symbol. This announces an improvement in the situation and brings glad and happy news. (read all at source)
To see an albatross in your dream is a symbol of liberty and independence.
To see a dying or dead albatross in your dream indicates that you are about to face hardships and difficulties in your life. You will experience a period of misfortune. (read all at source)
Albatross dreams to distant journey that will change a lot in your business life, career. To see a flock of albatross in flight - a good omen: you have to go to work in the community, part of which you might like to be a long time. (read all at source)
Dreaming of an Albatross is most of the time a bad omen: it is synonymous with bad luck and difficult situations. If the albatross is far from you, it might just be a sign for you to be cautious, you might be vulnerable and it would be wise not to expose yourself for the time being.
... (read all at source)
Albatross :
An albatross either symbolize luck or good news. (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism E. Mis
When you dream of albatross it represents the self support and liberty. When you dream of albatross who passed away or dying one, it signifies the unhappiness and sadness you will suffer. Make sure you are aware of that.. (read all at source)
To see an albatross in your dream, symbolizes vulnerability and the risk of exposure. To see a dying or dead albatross in your dream, indicates harsh conditions and immediate bad luck ahead for you. (read all at source)
In the poem, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, the albatross that the Ancient Mariner wears around his neck represents a burden, and since then, an albatross has often symbolized a burden that must be borne. (read all at source)
Albatross - Unconscious warning of difficult situations, possibly bad decisions or bad luck. Something you feel that is hanging over you.
Albino - Merging of competing emotions. Lacking full understanding of oneself. The positive aspect of a bad situation. (read all at source)
Seen from the deck of a ship, an albatross indicates success to those who are interested in any of the artistic... Continue dream interpretation - Albatross"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Albino... (read all at source)
To see an albatross in your dream, represents freedom.
To see a dying or dead albatross in your dream, symbolizes bad luck and harsh, vulnerable times.
Albino... (read all at source)