Airport: The church; family; preparation; preparing to fly in the Spirit; delay; tarry; change; power over demonic forces; provision of nourishment, both natural or spiritual; image of approaching terror. (1 Kings 9: 26-28; Ez. 30: 9; Acts 27: 1-2; Ps. 48: 7; Matt. (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism E. Mis
If you dream of overcrowded airport it represents your intentions of being free. This dream shows how big expectations you are having out of your work and personal life. This dream is a sign of the new beginning, new purposes and new tasks. (read all at source)
Well being at the airport can usually mean change, something new happening, changing direction in life and so on. Here though you are sending someone off for a year which means THEY are going through a change or your relationship with this person is heading for a change or turning to a new direction. (read all at source)
airport fast change may be indicated; someone still waiting for something. Who is leaving on a jet plane and doesn't know when they'll be back again?
album old memories coming back; looking at the past; keeping track of things; Al, the bum. What have you stuck down and forgotten? (read all at source)
An airport or the air journey itself may indicate a new departure in your life. This could include a new job, new relationship or an adventure. It is interesting to note that to a Freudian psychologist the airplane is a phallic symbol by virtue of its forceful penetrative motion. (read all at source)
- Dream : Airport, trains and cars closed and elephants skin whipped
- Deep cut and bleeding dream
- Being attacked by a shark while friend was laughing dream
- Don't judge a book by its cover - dream interpretation
- Dream interpretation about bungalow and amoeba... (read all at source)
The beginning or ending of a process or journey
A recent or expected trip
The idea of trying to "get somewhere," make progress, get ahead, or solve a problem
A specific public place in your real life with lots of people or social activity... (read all at source)
Home - Dream - Airports
The ancient dream interpreters believed that dreaming of an airport shows that your life would benefit from new relationships, new dimensions, a range of backgrounds, some travel, and a new phase of life. (read all at source)
When you dream of an airport, the meaning of such dream may vary according to whether it is an empty or busy airport. A busy airport is an indication of ambitious new beginnings. Som ideas may have been maturing in your mind, and now it is time for you to put them to use. (read all at source)
To dream of an airport with high traffic, you wish to be free, have ambitious goals or dreams, or elevated moral standings. This dream signals that you are ready for a new beginning. You have an idea that will take root and be successful. (read all at source)
An airport signifies the start or end of a phase of your life journey. Arrivals commonly signify your birth and departures signify a new project. See Airplane.
Aisle... (read all at source)
Airport, feel the excitement associated with the flight - it heralds the achievement of pleasure in love affairs.
Dream interpretation from A to Z... (read all at source)
Airport :
A busy airport reflects a wish of freedom or a journey. If it is empty your travel plans can get changed or postponed. (read all at source)
To see an airport in your dream denotes that you are going through some transitional phases in your life. It also signifies the desire for freedom, ambition, and hopes.
Alley... (read all at source)
Airport-an airport symbolizes departure from one place in life to the next
Alarm-symbolic of being alerted or awakened to do something, Num. 10:5
Alcohol-if you dream of drinking alcohol it can symbolize a current or former addiction to alcohol, Prov. 20:1... (read all at source)
Airport. Dreaming of airports is a sign of transition and change. You have either experienced a transition or change or one is coming. (read all at source)
Airports and train stations are places of transition, and therefore are associated with hopes and ambitions. (read all at source)
To see a busy airport in your dream, signifies the desire for freedom, high ideals, ambition, and hopes. It is an indication that you are approaching a new departure in your life. Some new idea is taking off or is ready to take off. (read all at source)
An aiport is a place where you must wait before you can continue on a journey, so a dream that you are in an airport can mean that you are waiting for a new phase of your life to begin. You are at a transitional stage in your life. (read all at source)
A dream featuring an airport symbolizes new experiences, ambition and desire for freedom. It may suggest that you considering new areas of your life or a fresh start. Seeing an ..Read more →
ALCHEMY ... (read all at source)
airport: Making changes or a desire for something different. It could also be a departure point for something new.
alchemist: An agent of change, magical messenger, conjurer of new things, transformation. (read all at source)
Airport - A desire or need for a new departure or new adventure in your personal life. A foreign country may represent your unconscious, in which the dream is telling you that you have not arrived at your desired destination. A busy airport is an indication of ambitious new beginnings. (read all at source)
Airplane / Airport
Airplane dreams usually represent creativity, freedom and health. Dreaming of a plane crash or turbulence means a project will be delayed. Airport dreams mean you are in a stage of transition.
Alarm... (read all at source)
Example dream : A dream where the dreamer is lost in an airport linked to the dreamer being about to take an air plane journey. Being lost symbolised the dreamers need to be prepared for this journey and to make sure that everything was right - otherwise he would end up in total chaos. ... (read all at source)
The wish to avoid responsibility or difficulties and run away from daily routine You pack your bags in a dream, rushes to the train station, airport or gets in the car. (read all at source)
Foreign Countries
Different attitude; different mental or emotional 'climate' than one's norm; sometimes represents meeting an aspect of oneself that was previously unconscious, so unknown or foreign; the unfamiliar a challenge. (read all at source)
In a dream the sight of a busy airport represents the desire for freedom and/or travel as this is the jumping... Continue dream interpretation - Airport"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Aisle... (read all at source)
Dream Symbols: no shoes, airport, plane, panic.
Dream Symbols: being chased by killers, cars. I couldn't run, my car wouldn't start, gun can't fire."... (read all at source)
airport dream symbol
The beginning or ending of a process or journey
A recent or expected trip
The idea of trying to "get somewhere," make progress, get ahead, or solve a problem... (read all at source)
Dreams that incorporate an airport are indicative of decisions to be made in various directions. This dream allows us to see that we are in a hectic headspace and that we need to remove oneself to somewhere peaceful to think clearly in order to make wiser decisions. (read all at source)