An Afro hairstyle in a dream symbolizes an explosion of creativity and freedom. If the Afro is merely a wig, however,... Continue dream interpretation - Afro"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Afternoon... (read all at source)
Abnaki, Afghan, Afghani, Afrikaans, Afro-Asiatic, agglutinative, Ainu, Akan, Akkadian, Albanian, Aleut, Algonquian, Algonquin, Amharic, analytic, Anatolian, Anatolic, Andaman, Annamese, Anzanite, Apache, Arabic, Aramaic, Araucanian, Arawak, Arawakan, argot, Armenian, Arulo, Aryan, Assamese,... (read all at source)
Addition Address Adenoids Adjustment Administrate Admiral Admiration Admire Adopt Adoration Adore Adorn Adrift Adultery Advance Advantage Adventure Adversary Advertise Advice Affection Affiliation Affliction Affluence Affront Afloat Afraid Africa Afro Afternoon Agate Age Agent Agnostic Agony... (read all at source)
this wasnt really scarey as suchin my dream there is a afro carribean man saying help me he was at first at the bottom of my bed i felt him sit at my side as i reach to wards him i felt him hold my hand my hand was tingling holding his hand i felt helpless and woke up crying it really has worried me... (read all at source)
A dream about Africa could symbolize any thoughts about Afro Caribbean people.
Example dream : A tidal wave in Africa represented the dreamers worries about those attending a funeral most of whom were African American... (read all at source)
last week it was like she had very long brownish/redish hair, it was an afro and then she straightened a few strands using a tong and asked me to do straighten the rest of her hair but i was very reluctant to do it, i kind of felt lazy to do it. (read all at source)