Addiction dream meaning

General Meanings:
If you dream that you are having an addiction to something, it represents the mania you are suffering from. This dream tells you, that there is someone who is trying to handle something that you are managing. (read all at source)

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Addiction Dreams
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If you dream that you are addicted to something, you could be suffering from an addiction or an obsession in your waking life. Your sleeping mind is telling you something that your waking mind refuses to acknowledge. (read all at source)

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A dream about addiction means clearly a loss of control and weakness in front of great difficulty. It is not time to give up hope and lose confidence in yourself. Addiction to fear and low self esteem won't help solve the problem. (read all at source)

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Home - Dream - Addiction
To be addicted to any type of drugs means that you are depending upon someone. Drugs can cover things like tobacco, alcohol or cannabis. This dream shows that you have some type of pleasure connected with trying to help your love life by igniting passion within. (read all at source)

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To dream of being addicted to something infers we have an issue in waking life relative to being too dependent on something or someone. It is indication that our life is unbalanced as we are too focussed on one thing in particular that is causing us to overlook areas of need and growth. (read all at source)

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To dream that you have an addiction or become addicted represents an obsessive behavior. A situation or a person may be trying to take over your sense of control. The dream also suggests that you have difficulty relating to the world around you. (read all at source)

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If you dream someone is an addict or has an addiction, your dream may be alerting you to something that has not been revealed about someone you know. (read all at source)

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Addiction - Dependency on something or someone. A loss of control and/or weakness. Driven by unconscious fear or attitudes. Surrendering self awareness to someone else or something else other than what is best for you. (read all at source)

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An addiction in a dream can represent an addiction in waking life. Dreaming that you are suffering from an addiction can mean that you are behaving in a habitual, automatic way, without planning your actions or thinking about their consequences. (read all at source)

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weed addictions; too hemmed-in; time to break out of old, stale patterns; boredom; a need to express wildness; something overgrown; it will grow anywhere; a widow, or widower's, weeds. What needs to be weeded out? (read all at source)

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Addict / Addiction
To dream that you are an addict, indicates that you are no longer in control of a situation. You have surrendered your power and denied responsibility for your actions. The dream is also representative of low self-esteem issues and insecurities. (read all at source)

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A dream where you are displaying addiction suggests you are afraid of losing control of yourself or others.
ADOPT ... (read all at source)

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The idea of an addiction or a nervous habit
Any source of physical, emotional, or mental toxicity in your life
Trying to fill a need for a stronger sense of self-identity and independence
A cigarette burning can represent the exhaustion or "burning up" of resources or energy somehow in your life. (read all at source)

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Grabbing was symbolic of this addiction.
Example dream : Grabbing hold of a snake in a dream linked to the dreamers grandmother being on the verge of death. Grabbing was symbolic of her general anxiety and the difficult and trying circumstances. (read all at source)

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This could also mean an end to an addiction. Alternatively, you may have some repressed aggression or rage at yourself or at others. To dream that you witness a murder, indicates deep-seated anger towards somebody. (read all at source)

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Even the parts of ourselves we give up (such as our addictions as mentioned above) are never permanently removed. We are the sum of our parts (for better or worse) and even those parts we set aside shape our personality upon our path in life. (read all at source)

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It's like an addiction you have recently picked up. You have started doing something that you should not be doing. It will become a bigger and bigger problem the more you do it. The dream is telling you to give this up before it gets worse.
Love and Light
Gypsy... (read all at source)

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Pot (Marijuana) dreaming about smoking pot can be an effect of having a current or former drug addiction. Being around people who smoke pot even if you do not can also stir your subconscious to dream about the event
Pothole-symbolic of a rough path or trouble in life, Prov. 10:9 NLT... (read all at source)

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Monkey - foolishness; clinging; mischief; dishonesty; addiction
Mountain Lion - Satan, enemy; predator seeking to destroy
Octopus - Jezebel Spirit because of the tentacles... (read all at source)

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Ditch-Habit or Snare: Religious tradition; addiction; lust; passion; sin.
(Matt 15:14, Psalm 7:15, Proverbs 23:27)
... (read all at source)

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High school life is especially a volatile stage for us: we form friendships and love there, beliefs and opinions, habits and addictions. It's where we meet nerds, bullies, terror teachers, weirdos, queens and pricks, crushes, friends, and foes. (read all at source)

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It may reflect the unrest and difficulty that you are experiencing. If you are self-mutilating, consider your actions and/or addictions. Take a hint from your unconscious and modify or discontinue your harmful thoughts or actions. See also: Killing - Common Dreams, and Dagger... (read all at source)

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The hook may also symbolize addiction. Is this what your dream trying to draw your attention to? Who’s addicted? To be let off the hook suggests being set free. Are you or is someone else in your dream removing something from a hook, suggesting that you (or they) are being set free? (read all at source)

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To dream of a wreck on the road up ahead can symbolize the knowledge of unconscious tendencies (like addiction) that you know are not good for you. If the police direct you to take another route- some aspect of your conscience is warning you. (read all at source)

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Projecting an ideal on something or someone. Interpreting a certain situation or reality as completely positive, even in the presence of evidence otherwise. Obsessiveness, addiction, infatuation, or over-focusing. Attachment, superficiality, or selfish want. (read all at source)

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To dream that you have committed a murder, indicates that you are putting an end to an old habit and your former ways of thinking. This could also mean an end to an addiction. Alternatively, you may have some repressed aggression or rage at yourself or at others. (read all at source)

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gas pedal, or throttle on a boat and possibly even an airplane, can imply that you have the ability to attain a goal without the assistance of others. However if the accelerator is jammed or broken and you lost control of it, the dream may be cautioning you against acquiring an addiction or... (read all at source)

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Umbilical cord to be connected to any object or creature - burdened by addiction, develop themselves and not be able to become a different. Stone in the navel to have - school teacher, guide, be the subject of an uncritical worship. (read all at source)

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6% of the total disease burden. And that is Europe; the figures for the USA are worse, and that is not counting the alcoholic burdens many people carry or drug addictions. So we live in a sick society. See Ikarian Society to see the difference. (read all at source)

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