Dream " A " Acrostic
The interpretation of the dream "Acrostic"
The newest Dream Book D. Ivanov... (read all at source)
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Dream " A " Acrostic
The interpretation of the dream "Acrostic"
The newest Dream Book D. Ivanov... (read all at source)
Acrostictop list
A warning against making hasty decisions. Avoid unusual business risks, unless you dreamed of completing the acrostic, in which case your contemplated speculation will be lucky. (read all at source)
acronym, acrostic, adjectival phrase, anatomy, architectonics, architecture, arrangement, assemblage, assembly, avyayibhava, back formation, build, building, buildup, casting, clause, clipped word, combination, composition, compound, conformation, conjugate, constitution, construct, conversion,... (read all at source)