Abuse dreams by DreamMean
To dream of abusing a person, means that you will be unfortunate in your affairs, losing good money through over-bearing persistency in business relations with others.
To feel yourself abused, you will be molested in your daily pursuits by the enmity of others.
For a young woman to dream that she hears abusive language, foretells that she will fall under the ban of some person's jealousy and envy. If she uses the language herself, she will meet with unexpected rebuffs, that may fill her with mortification and remorse for her past unworthy conduct toward friends.
>Since I was 6 years old I've been emotionally abused by them and I can see how I got that feeling of sad and empty-ness in my dream< So my only option was to run away, I'm an only child and the only friend I had was my dog Jake,... (read all at source)
To see violence in your dream, indicates unexpressed anger or rage. You need more discipline in your life. The dream may also reflect repressed memories of child abuse.
To see violets in your dream, signifies joy and possible marital bliss. (read all at source)
abuse dream symbol
A feeling of ill will, manipulation, or an attempt to gain power (thus boosting the abuser's low self-esteem or sense of powerlessness)... (read all at source)
Abuse with a weapon.
Any dream involving weapons in anyway shows that you need to approach things with extreme caution. (read all at source)
A feeling of ill will, manipulation, or an attempt to gain power (thus boosting the abuser's low self-esteem or sense of powerlessness)
A feeling or fear of physical, mental, or emotional abuse (for example, you may feel that someone is trying to manipulate or take advantage of you)... (read all at source)
To feel yourself abused, you will be molested in your daily pursuits by the enmity of others. (read all at source)
Dream "Abuse"
The noble dream interpretation H. Grishina
Quarrel, swearing to hear - the situation is favorable to you, a strong public position. Swear - beware divulge. Woman scold - good. Men, children - quarrel with children. Cattle curse - a disease. (read all at source)
Dream Interpretation Abuse
To dream of abusing a person, means that you may be unfortunate in your affairs, losing good money through over-bearing persistency in business relations with others.
To feel yourself abused, you might be molested in your daily pursuits by the enmity of others. (read all at source)
If you dream of being abused, it forewarns that an enemy will trick you. If you abuse someone in your dream, there will be negative results from not doing the right thing in a friendship situation. (read all at source)
Abuse :
If you dreamt you were abusing someone, you will either have to explain yourself to a friend you have not acted nicely against, or you can loose money because of stubbornness. If you got abused in your dream about might someone exploit you. (read all at source)
Dream interpretation - Abuse
If you dream you are abusing someone you are about to suffer repercussions from friends toward whom you have acted less... Continue dream interpretation - Abuse"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Abyss... (read all at source)
abuse hurting yourself; time to say no; speak up for yourself. Who is angry and at what?
accident consider the accident a stern teacher; not paying attention to matters that are important; check your body and car for potential problems. Where do you need to be more careful? (read all at source)
Abuse. To dream of abuse in any way indicated hidden anger and resentment.
Accents. To dream of having an accent or to dream of other people with accents indicates confusion or indecisiveness about a particular matter. (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism E. Mis
To dream of abuse you are using against someone, represents the pay back time. It means you will have to compensate for what you have done in the past to your family or your friends. (read all at source)
To dream you are abusing someone, foretells that you will suffer repercussions from friends toward whom you have acted less than honourable. To dream you are being verbally or physically abused, forewarns that you will fall into the hands of an enemy. (read all at source)
A dream that you abuse someone else can mean that you are feeling frustrated or angry and you are releasing your feelings of anger and frustration in your dream. If you are a victim of abuse in your dream, you could be feeling vulnerable or you could feel that you are being used unfairly. (read all at source)
Quick and Clear: Most popular explanation, which consists of most common meanings and interpretations about abuse in dreams To dream of abuse you are using against someone, represents the pay back time. (read all at source)
If you dream of being abused, it's a sign you feel you're being taken advantage of in some way in your waking life. You feel powerless or helpless to protect yourself in a situation or relationship. (read all at source)
To dream you are abusing someone suggests that your past actions will come back to haunt you. You may be expressing some regret or remorse over your actions. To dream you are being verbally or physically abused suggests that you are feeling victimized in a waking situation. (read all at source)
Abusetop list
False friends are indicated if the dreamer is being abused. Bad business deals if the dreamer is doing the abusing. (read all at source)
A dream involving abuse implies that you feel that you are being violated or taken advantage of in some way.
ABYSS ... (read all at source)
abuse, accented, account, acquaintance, active, aerial, aeriform, aery, agile, airish, airlike, airy, alabaster, alabastrine, albescent, alfresco, alight, allegorization, alveolar, amplitude, amusing, angle, angle of vision, ankle-deep, announcement, Anschauung, antelope, antinode, apical,... (read all at source)
Abuse. To take advantage. Need to defend yourself.
Celebration. Festivity. Pleasure. Want to participate in a common activity. (read all at source)
Example dream : Huge bloody claws in a dream linked to the dreamer being abused by her husband.
Example dream : A wound with no blood linked to the dreamer having depression for a long time which had turned her suicidal. (read all at source)
I took this abuse with my 'I'm above it all stand'. When the building crashed I cried and cried it was the death of my adulthood, for want of a better word. I was now confronted with old age and the way I had lived trying to stay above it in all ways. (read all at source)
It deals with the issue of child abuse. The story does not match real life but that's not important. The dream simply captures this similar set of emotions.
2. Dream about tidal wave and child. (read all at source)
Especially if that authority does not abuse their power over you. Then the bear in this dream could be saying, "Pay attention and learn something. Do not rebel against that authority, you will only hurt yourself otherwise". There are plenty of people in authority that abuse that authority. (read all at source)
1 im being chased by the man that abused me my grandad. No matter how fast i run i cant seem to get anywhere. 2 im naked in public. 3 im driving a car, i cant drive and in my dream im aware i cant drive but im doing. 4 im swimming under water but im aware that i can still breath and 5 i can fly. (read all at source)
Similar to Alcohol, dreaming about drugs can be indicative of not facing the idea of substance abuse. Since they alter perception, taking drugs or being given a drug can be a message about changing how you view experience. (read all at source)
Blood in dreams is typically symbolic of abuse, however, when it appears it rarely applies to bleeding as a result of direct physical violence. Generally, it arises as a result of emotional type suffering including sexual abuse.
- also see Dream Dictionary: Journeys... (read all at source)
To dream you lose your way, warns you to disabuse your mind of lucky speculations, as your enterprises threaten failure unless you are painstaking in your management of affairs. See Road and Path
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wealth... (read all at source)
Rape-Violating Another's Will: Violation; abuse of authority; hate; desire for revenge; murder. (2 Sam 13:12,14-15; Deut 22:25-26)
Rapture-Revival Spiritual awakening; (Personal or concerning the Church): warning of unpreparedness if left behind! (Hos 6:2; Hab 3:2)... (read all at source)
Just as the vital essence of the soil, the mother of nature, may be extracted by abuse, either from omission or commission, until neither the light of the sun, nor the moisture of the heavens will wake the flush of life,... (read all at source)
Shot: To dream that you are shot, and are feeling the sensations of dying,denotes that you are to meet unexpected abuse from the ill feelingsof friends, but if you escape death by waking, you will be fullyreconciled with them later on. (read all at source)
If the lion is threatening, it means that someone abused their authority over you and this is now distorting your view of authority. In turn it affects your view of leaders and causes you to restrict your leadership ability. (read all at source)
Nightmares can also signify deeply rooted psychological problems. Individuals who have been abused as children will suppress memories at the time of the abuse only to dream of them years later. (read all at source)
You may have been putting off getting help with something, such as a problem like alcoholism or drug abuse. If you have been feeling a weight on your shoulders due to the lack of confronting this issue, seek out qualified help for your problem. (read all at source)
To see tweezers in a dream, denotes uncomfortable situations will fill
you with discontent, and your companions will abuse you.
To see twine in your dream, warns you that your business is assuming
complications which will be hard to overcome. (read all at source)
Damsel in Distress - In a man's dream the dream may be calling he to rescue his anima from its imprisonment in the unconscious, to realize the ignored and abused feminine side of his nature.
Dam - walled up emotions; if dam has burst emotions are being released. (read all at source)
To think you are enveloped in the flames, or are up in the air where you have been blown by an explosion, foretells that unworthy friends will infringe on your rights and will abuse your confidence. Young women should be careful of associates of the opposite sex after a dream of this character. (read all at source)
Lucid dreaming is fun but try and be careful and not abuse the power. Studies have shown no real dangers but one concern is that people get hooked on dreaming lucid and focus there whole attention to there dreams and not focus the problems in their walking life. (read all at source)
This youth presented numerous complaints at the outset of counseling, all of which revolved around home life and the absence of his father. Upon further inquiry, the youth admitted that he was a drug abuser with sexual identity problems. (read all at source)
Privacy To dream that your privacy suffers intrusion, foretells you will have overbearing people to worry you. For a woman, this dream warns her to look carefully after private affairs. If she intrudes on the privacy of her husband or lover, she will disabuse some one's confidence,... (read all at source)
A dream in which you are abused can foretell some chicanery on the part of a rival. A dream in which you abuse someone signals trouble with a friend.
People who have actually experienced abuse are more likely to dream about it. (read all at source)
When these types of dream are connected with deep traumatic waking events, such as abuse, war and death the evolution of the dream into a more positive form may understandably take longer and require more waking attention and focus. (read all at source)