Stumble dream meaning

Stumble dreams by DreamMean
If you stumble in a dream while walking or running, you will meet with disfavor, and obstructions will bar your path to success, but you will eventually surmount them, if you do not fall.

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Dreaming that you stumble but don't fall can mean that you feel you will be able to surmount the obstacles that lie in your path.
Superstition ... (read all at source)

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trip (stumble)
Tripping or stumbling while walking can represent feeling "tripped up."—for example, experiencing a sudden challenge or obstacle, or someone finding a problem with something you're doing or planning, or you sabotaging yourself.
See also: you falling slipping... (read all at source)

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Example: I stumble into the department for the study of subcultures - everything is grungy and citylike. There's graffiti pieces everywhere, covering everything. Hookers are standing around. A street sign that says "TWO" is on the corner - this was supposed to mean like Second Street, Downtown, etc. (read all at source)

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Quarrels if stumble over - When you stumble over the broom, this announces that you will have discord at home;
Overcoming obstacles if sweep - what you yourself can produce or get lightly, may not be left lying, you can give others. With this You and they will happily overcome barriers;... (read all at source)

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If you are in a dream read written or printed the address, but the numbers 5, 14, 23, 32 and the rest, numbers, which form in the amount of five, your voice stumbles or is interrupted, then it is a sign that your life through the 14 days there will come the long-awaited success. (read all at source)

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wave, source of light, sovereignty, sparker, sparkle, spill, spotlight, sprightly, spry, stand, standpoint, starlight, stars, statement, stemware, stir the fire, stoke, stoke the fire, stopped, straightforward, streak, streak of lightning, stressed, strike a light, striped snake, strong, stumble,... (read all at source)

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See also related symbols: Chariot, Ladder, Incest, Fence, Stumble, Wild, Hills, Countenance, Vatican, Furnace, Steps, Stilts, Precipice, Fits, Heir, Antelope, Raffle, Mortification, Goldfish, Fainting, Jumping, Banana, Orchestra, Commandment, Steeple, Plaster, Parcel, Idle, Load, Fraud, Scaffold,... (read all at source)

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Whether you stumble across the statues, create them, or become one yourself, dreams of statuary can be challenging to interpret, but offer great insight in return for the effort.If you discover statues randomly, note the kinds of figures they are and the emotions they conjure for you. (read all at source)

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If you stumble or fall, you will lose property and reputation.
Running alone, indicates that you will outstrip your friends in the race for wealth, and you will occupy a higher place in social life. (read all at source)

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A toddler stumbles onto the smaller green snake (but still very fat in body just shorter in length) and I quickly grab the toddler asking others in the congregation whose child it is. (read all at source)

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feeling, you know you have stumbled on the meaning and message that your dreaming mind was trying to convey to you. If, however, the answer is not immediately clear, perhaps the dream symbols in your dream may lead you in the right direction. Browse through our dreams dictionary for ideas. (read all at source)

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If you stumble and break it, you will seek to aid others, and in so doinglose your own station, or be disappointed in some undertaking.
To clean a lantern, signifies great possibilities are open to you.
To lose a lantern, means business depression, and disquiet in the home. (read all at source)

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I was so happy to stumble onto it last night, as I've been paying more attention to the signs and symbols I'm getting in dreams as well as waking life. I am currently working with my massage therapist/Shaman to try and analyze my dreams. (read all at source)

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Treasure - Maybe a sign of wish-fulfillment. This could be telling you that you are to stumble upon materialistic gains, or possibly spiritual or emotional as well. Maybe you are looking at life in a different way, and it has become richer and more full of meaning to you. (read all at source)

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If you are walking up the steps it is a sign of good luck in your present endeavors, but if you are walking downstairs expect to meet with bad luck and setbacks. If you should stumble and fall upward on the stairs you will have a happy marriage or relationship,... (read all at source)

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To carry a lantern in your dreams, denotes that your benevolence will win you many friends. If it goes out, you fail to gain the prominence you wish. If you stumble and break it, you will seek to aid others, and in so doing lose your own station, or be disappointed in some undertaking. (read all at source)

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Perhaps you have recently stumbled upon some information that was not meant for your eyes. To dream that someone is spying on you, represents your impulsive behaviour. This dream may also serve as a warning that you are being watched, investigated, or evaluated. (read all at source)

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I stumble downstairs to his apartment and see that the place is empty. Last night was my regular course evening and that was when he moved out. I step into some water on the kitchen floor, which has drained from an unplugged, defrosting fridge. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are a spy, indicates your mistrust of others and your tendencies to be in everyone's business and affairs. Perhaps you have recently stumbled upon some information that was not meant for your eyes. (read all at source)

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To dream of running in company with others, is a sign that you will participate in some festivity, and you will find that your affairs are growing towards fortune. If you stumble or fall, you will lose property and reputation. (read all at source)

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If you dream of looking through someone else's binder, this indicates your mistrust of others and your tendencies to be in everyone's business and affairs. Perhaps you have recently stumbled upon some information that was not meant for your eyes. (read all at source)

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This hub is great misty, bookmarked and stumbled. Can I link here my Dream Analysis hub? (read all at source)

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If you stumble upon a dream of stunning someone with a Taser, it means that you need some get up and go. Stop being bossy, you have your own life to live. You need to know when to let go of someone and trust them. Let them face their own battle. (read all at source)

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Q: I just stumbled upon this site and I am eager to share my experiences with you, in the hopes that I...
A: I think you should first try to deal with the sleep paralysis that you have been having. I think...
sleep paralysis and false awakening
Russell... (read all at source)

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