Stamp dream meaning

To see stamps in your dream, represents a need for communication. Consider what is depicted on the stamp and the amount. The symbol may also be a pun on stamping your feet. And thus you need to show more fortitude and confidence. (read all at source)

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Postage Stamp - you are soon to find a new, and worthwhile, friend.
Prison - if entering, oppression. If leaving or escaping, recovery from depression.
Rabbit - if white or grey, friendship, partnership, success. If black, lies and reverses.
Reptile - slander, betrayal. (read all at source)

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Popular Expressions: Return to sender; putting your stamp on it; stamping grounds
Possible Meanings:... (read all at source)

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I immediately tried to stamp him
out of my dream and tried to replace him with the thought
of a rat at least. Every time I tried though, when I'd
"wake up" again, the stupid roach would reappear after de-
materializing in the previous sequence. Eventually I... (read all at source)

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Postage stamp
Association: Effortless communication. Question: What am I to say or ready to listen? In general: - Who collects it wants to build a new circle of friends around; - Who sticks them is in thoughts on the journey. (read all at source)

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To see a stampede of cattle in your dream, suggests that something in your life is out of control.
To see a cow in your dream, symbolizes fertility, nourishment and motherhood. (read all at source)

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To receive stamps, signifies a rapid rise to distinction.
Postman Pot Potatoes Potter Potter's Field Poultry Powder Prairie Prayer Preacher Precipice Pregnancy Present Priest Primrose Perspiration Toddy Currying a Horse Dirt Fainting... (read all at source)

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To see cattle stampeding means that you will have to exert all the powers of command you have to keep your career in a profitable channel. (read all at source)

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He's also known for stampeding obstacles out of the way. Note: If you're going to wear the elephant as an emblem for luck in business, superstition merits the trunk of your elephant be worn upright (if you subscribe to that sort of thing). (read all at source)

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see also: cattle stampede
categories: Animals
What Does Your Dream Mean?
About Dream Symbols... (read all at source)

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When one receives stamps as a gift, this means that the dreamer will be receiving many gifts of money in the future. When one dream of stamps which are torn or destroyed in one way or another, this shows that there will be some obstacles blocking the progress of the dreamer. (read all at source)

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To dream of postage stamps, denotes system and remuneration in business. If you try to use cancelled stamps, you will fall into... Continue dream interpretation - Postage"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Potatoes... (read all at source)

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with, bearing rein, beat off, bell, bespangle, bespeckle, bespot, bilabial, bill, bill of account, bill of draft, bill of exchange, bill of lading, billhead, birthmark, bit, blackhead, blank check, blaze, blaze a trail, bleb, blemish, blister, block, blockage, blocking, bloody, blotch, book stamp,... (read all at source)

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To see cattle stampeding, means that you will have to exert all the powers of command you have to keep your career in a profitable channel. To see a herd of cows at milking time, you will be the successful owner of wealth that many have worked to obtain. (read all at source)

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A dream of collecting things (such as stamps, stickers, leaves, etc.) is a sign of making new and interesting friends. If you dreamed of someone collecting money and you contributed, you can expect some minor but pleasing good luck. (read all at source)

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Using a magnifying glass, studying the condition of stamps, coins, badges and all that portends a collector's failure in carrying out very complex, delicate and painstaking work. (read all at source)

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All dreams associated with a carved stone are representations of how we have stamped our mark on our personality and life direction. The more intricate the detail, the more success we have achieved via hard work. The more plain the carving, the more improvement is possible.
Obligation... (read all at source)

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Stamp on a snake - dream interpretation
Grabbing snakes - dream analysis
Snake chasing me - dream analysis
Fighting Anaconda with machete - dream analysis
Snake crawls over me - dream analysis
Snake at safe distance - dream interpretation... (read all at source)

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KEY WORDS :offending, rude, stamping your authority, crossing a line, a joke gone wrong, genuinely getting along with your boss/teacher
2. Ancient times... (read all at source)

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Just as some people collect stamps, she collected famous people's arms. One might have been David Niven's. They all looked very colourful, the skin tones were not at all lifeless, and there were drops of blood here and there. (read all at source)

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Highwaytop list
The road you are traveling. Notice any patterns stamped on the highway, they could be speaking of your internal patterns. (read all at source)

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After this I saw in the night-visions, and, behold, a fourth beast, terrible and powerful, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth; it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with its feet: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns. (read all at source)

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Daniel 7:19 "Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast, which was diverse from all the others, exceeding dreadful, whose teeth [were of] iron, and his nails [of] brass; [which] devoured, broke in pieces, and stamped the residue with his feet;" (GMR)
See Also: Crocodile, Demons
ALOES... (read all at source)

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Whatever the label says and its association to the symbol portrayed will describe an aspect of you, of which you are unaware. Designer labels are a type of ‘stamp of approval.’ Wearing a label is your way of being recognized by your sense of style or how you express yourself. (read all at source)

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To dream of healthy, content cattle grazing in a green pasture suggests prosperity and happiness. Conversely, dreaming of weak, poorly fed cattle warns you are wasting your energy on the wrong things. Stampeding cattle imply that something in your life is out of control.
cave... (read all at source)

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The specific aspect is given by other symbols in the dream; however, you may already know what it is. If you are already practicing the aspect in question, it may be that you are blindly following someone else's instruction when you need to put your unique stamp on it. (read all at source)

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the proprietors would be adverse to receiving them into the hotel, denotes that you will engage in some affair which will not look exactly proper to your friends, but the same will afford you pleasure and interest. For a young woman, this dream is indicative of pleasures which do not bear the stamp... (read all at source)

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Lack of control
Uncontrolled or out-of-control power
Anger or rage
Indiscriminate or unconscious victimization of others... (read all at source)

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stamp mailing a letter; putting your mark on something; frustration and impatience; being who you are, where you are; being assertive; angry; returning to your old stamping-grounds. What are you trying to stamp out? (read all at source)

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To receive stamps, signifies a rapid rise to distinction.
To see torn stamps, interpret that there are obstacles in your way.
Postman... (read all at source)

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Seeing someone in authority stamping a document with his ring as a seal in a dream means that one will receive an important political appointment. (read all at source)

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