Slavery dream meaning

Slavery-a symbol of oppression, bondage, and sin, Deut. 6:12
Sleeping-sleeping during a dream may be symbolic of peace or rest from troubles in your life, Prov.19:23. Sleeping while others are working is symbolic of shame, poverty, and un�wise behavior, Prov. 10:5... (read all at source)

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To dream about slavery, indicates that you re not utilizing your power. You are putting power in another's hand and allowing them to make choices and decide for you. Alternatively, you are experiencing a lack of autonomy and independence.
To see a sled in your dream, signifies childishness. (read all at source)

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Disturbing dreams featuring plagues, droughts, slavery, mummies, or other troublesome imagery can indicate issues and feelings that have been buried in the subconscious mind, and ought to be addressed. Troublesome dreams like these can signify that you feel like your life is seriously out of control. (read all at source)

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38. slavery
39. disease
40. trials, fullness of testing, fasting, destroy... (read all at source)

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Brick- slavery and works of men, imitation stone. (Gen 11:3)

Bridge-Support or way: Faith; trail (of faith); joined. (read all at source)

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I find it interesting the woman who emailed me this information about this symbol being a representation of female sex slavery only included an image of the symbol - she neglected to include a history or the process of how the TSR (The Slavery Register) came to dub this symbol as the meaning they... (read all at source)

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absolutism, bond service, captivity, control, debt slavery, deprivation of freedom, disenfranchisement, disfranchisement, domination, enslavement, enthrallment, feudalism, feudality, helotism, helotry, indentureship, peonage, restraint, serfdom, serfhood, servility, servitude, slavery, subjection,... (read all at source)

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Chains are a symbol of slavery and bondage, so if you dream that you are in chains, you may be feeling dominated or humiliated in real life. If you dream that someone else is in chains, you may want to dominate someone else, or you may be feeling frustrated because you believe that you lack power. (read all at source)

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together, historian, so many, invigorating, soaring, furthering, grabbed, commanding, huddled, escapee, slavery, aroused, bickering, lovely, consolation, hand-to-hand, relieved, glanced, glorious, inspiring, failure, enemies, realizing, imagination, mystery, tireless, march, wait, bickering,... (read all at source)

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To dream of having a horse hair, foretells about slavery, miserable life, because slaves used to be bounded together when walking, just like the tail of the horse - all hair is bounded together. (read all at source)

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Bridle Your Horse - How To Bridle Your Horse Step Three
Que dalle ! - French Gesture
Early Africans in the New World: Evidence for Slavery?
Hand Marbling Photo Gallery - Pictures of Hand Marbling Fabric
Lip-Synching For Animation: Basic Phonemes... (read all at source)

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it could mean visiting righteous people, ascetics and renunciates who live in the wilderness or in uninhabited ruins. An oak tree in a dream also may mean homosexuality or sodomy. An evergreen tree in a dream represents the element of longevity and strength, but it could also imply slavery... (read all at source)

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slavery being taken advantage of; not liking what you do for a living; being plagued inside with 'have to,' 'should,' and 'must'; living with a slave-driver. How are you bound by slavery? (read all at source)

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