Serenade dream meaning

Serenade dreams by DreamMean
To hear a serenade in your dream, you will have pleasant news from absent friends, and your anticipations will not fail you.

If you are one of the serenaders, there are many delightful things in your future.

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See also related symbols: Partridge, Profits, Gold Leaves, Eyebrows, Coke, Niece, Meadow, Conflagration, Ringworms, Canoe, Serenade, Candlestick, Hominy, Countenance, Abundance, Cooking, Pest, Katydids, Fears, Boils, Flying Machine, Apricot, Raffle, Saffron, Jolly, Pillow, Quay, Rooks, Fan, Marmot,... (read all at source)

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violin sweet music; high pitched; strings too tight; being serenaded; music of the gods. What beau is making overtures?
virgin pure, fresh, new; unspoiled; inexperienced; someone named Mary; sign of someone born in Virgo. What new venture are you undertaking? (read all at source)

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Been part of a quartet.
Seen or heard a quartet.
Joined a quartet.
Been sung to or serenaded by a group of singers.
Heard a quartet. (read all at source)

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maker, musical, musical comedy, musical stage, musical theater, musician, occasional poet, odist, opera, opera ballet, opera bouffe, opera buffa, operetta, Parnassian, pastoral poet, pastoralist, performer, player, poet, poet laureate, poetress, rhapsode, rhapsodist, satirist, scald, scop, serenader,... (read all at source)

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