Rack dream meaning

Rack dreams by DreamMean
To dream of a rack, denotes the uncertainty of the outcome of some engagement which gives you much anxious thought.

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Seeing an empty rack in your dream means your preoccupation with a problem that has given you much anxiety. Seeing a rack of clothes in your dream means your indecisiveness and the lingering uncertainty and doubt over the faithfulness of your lover. (read all at source)

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To dream of a rack, could denote the uncertainty of the outcome of some engagement which gives you much anxious thought.
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To see an empty rack in your dream, signifies your preoccupation with a problem that has given you much anxiety. To see a rack of clothes in your dream, signifies your indecisiveness and the lingering uncertainty and doubt over the faithfulness of your lover. (read all at source)

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Dream " R " Rack
The interpretation of the dream "Rack"
Dream Interpretation Longo... (read all at source)

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To dream of a dish rack shows you are domestic minded but may be spending too much time home alone. A clothes rack denotes uncertainty in a coming marriage. (read all at source)

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zigzag taking the straight and narrow path; too narrow and confining; sewing; rick rack trim. How are you having trouble deciding on this way or that way?
zip racing around; keeping your mouth zipped, check the postal code; compacting information. What are you in a hurry to do? (read all at source)

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I had to from a place before the gates are closed, i think i have no shoes in my foot, so i stole a pair of shoes that was lying outside a house. After picking it i realized i have my own white slippers on my foot. But when i enter my house and keep the shoe in the rack,... (read all at source)

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I had a dream that I went over to a coat rack and found my grandmother's coat. She has been deceased for almost 2 years. In my dream I confirmed it was hers because I reached into the coat pocket and pulled out keys on a key ring and her picture was on the key ring. Can you tell me what this means? (read all at source)

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If the rack we observe is an old torture rack, then this might infer we are stuck, trapped, undertaken ill doing, and/or have made ourselves a victim to another.
Radar ... (read all at source)

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The oldest depictions of Cernunnos show him with a radiating rack of antlers. That branching out is symbolic of the expanding rays of sunlight - an agricultural omen. (read all at source)

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See also related symbols: Rack, Exile, Quadrille, New Year, Convention, Advancement, Wake, Fox, Chains, Vinegar, Castle, Lead, Distance, Mirror, Baptism, Teeth, Dogs
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Share Your experience on dreaming about Engagement symbol. (read all at source)

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To be in agony over the loss of money, or property, denotes that disturbing and imaginary fears will rack you over the critical condition of affairs, or the illness of some dear relative.
See Weeping. (read all at source)

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Nourishment for body, mind, emotions, or spirit (as hay is nourishment for some animals)
Reaping results or rewards from a process
Autumn, hay-rack rides, or any other concept you associate with hay
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It portends worry and pleasure intermingled, more of the formerthan of the latter.
To be in agony over the loss of money, or property, denotes that disturbingand imaginary fears will rack you over the critical condition of affairs,or the illness of some dear relative.
- See Weeping. (read all at source)

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You feel anxious about your ability to do something, or to get through a particular situation. This dream may also reflect a desire to change your status or position in life. To dream of a bicycle in a bike rack means you are still searching for your talent or the special niche where you belong. (read all at source)

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