Push dream meaning

Like Pull, pushing can represent an unacknowledged sense of obligation. While pulling something can show what you unwittingly carry with you from the past - pushing can embody forcefully moving in a direction that may not be appropriate. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are pushing something, symbolizes energy, effort, encouragement and a new drive to succeed in life. Consider also how you are someone in your life may be a "pushover". (read all at source)

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Shove-to push someone in a dream is symbolic of aggression and anger, Ps. 118:13
Shovel-symbolic of doing hard work
Shower-being in the shower or seeing someone shower in a dream is a symbol of exposure, or intimacy... (read all at source)

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A common dream is that you push the button in a lift and you'll actually find yourself on the wrong floor. The actual number of the floor is significant in your dream. If you dreamt of floor six for example then you need to think what representation the number six has in your life. (read all at source)

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Hands - can you push your right fingers through your left hand?
Time - can you read a clock face or digital watch?
Magic - can you fly, shape shift, or walk through walls? (read all at source)

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Thus, to dream that you are fighting with an animal signifies a hidden part of yourself that you are trying to reject and push back into your subconscious. Apology If you dream about either giving or receiving an apology, this is a reference to your friends. (read all at source)

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overburden, overcharge, overfeed, overfill, overflow with, overlade, overload, overstuff, overweight, pack, pad, panoply, parley, party, peer group, phalanx, pile, pile drive, platoon, plunge, poke, posse, post, pour, precipitate, press, press forward, press on, prod, pullulate with, punch, push,... (read all at source)

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Example dream : A dream where the dreamer is running from her boss linked to her realising that she should not push him too much because the previous day he had fired an employee. (read all at source)

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Things will remain the way they are at the moment if the horse is white - which shows, that there won't be any big changes, that would push you out of stable zone;... (read all at source)

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An ambitious man, hoping that a rich relative leave you a legacy - your hopes are dim, the other will push you!... (read all at source)

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When you where falling to the ground in your dream, did somebody push you? If so, the person who pushed you can help you understand the causes on why you are having this dream. The person in your life maybe pushing you to the point of exhaustion. (read all at source)

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My brother was trying to push it away with some garden tool and I was fumbling with my phone. It was pretty slow and deliberate and expected when the snake bit my left foot. It sank its teeth all the way in. (read all at source)

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Emotional pain or fear of abandonment may push us into childish or even baby levels of reaction and can lead to jealousy and rage. (read all at source)

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Most often the button in your dream is a button on a piece of clothing, rather than a button that you push. Button or buttons on clothing represent something from your physical, or outer, self . Note if you were buttoning or unbuttoning, and, from there, attempt to obtain meaning. (read all at source)

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I make a deliberate effort not to push my anger down into my body. My anger, symbolized by the Western dragon or separated piranha in my dream, can be allowed to mingle with the other aspects of my character. As a result, these aspects are transformed, as symbolized by my dream butterflies. (read all at source)

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My brother had to push the plane and jump on to get it to go while my mom got it in the air. The lasso's my dad and I were holding were used to throw onto buildings and pull the airplane up and over as it would not go higher than the buildings themselves. (read all at source)

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I had a dream and it felt so real and it still feels real that i was standing there and all of a sudden the tiniest spiders started crawling all over me and i got afraid and tried to push them off of me but they would no get off of me and there were lots crawling all over me. (read all at source)

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To try to be heard in a crowd, foretells that you will push your interests ahead of all others.
Crown Crucifix Crucifixion Cruelty Crust Crutches Crying Crystal Cuckoo Cucumber Cunning Cupboard Curbstone Currycomb Currying a Horse Limp Archbishop Hermit Marmalade Bantam... (read all at source)

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To see or wear goggles in your dream, forewarns of shady friends who may try to push you into lending them money. If you can't see through the goggles you wear in a dream, this suggests you have made some errors in judgment, and you may be having trouble with making good decisions.
Go-Kart... (read all at source)

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Continuing this illustration, the Manipura chakra's animal is the ram: Proud, strong, determined, willful and able to push through obstacles. In our example we could visualize the ram "pushing through" digestive blockages. (read all at source)

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To dream of an athlete, denotes that you are trying to push yourself to the limits.
To see an attorney in your dream, suggests that you are seeking advice and guidance. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are trying to find your path, foretells that you will fail to accomplish some work that you have striven to push to desired ends.
To walk through a pathway bordered with green grass and flowers, interpret your freedom from oppressing loves.
Paunch... (read all at source)

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To dream that you are angry signifies vexation and regret within yourself. You push the negativity down and this reveals itself in anger toward others. Evaluate yourself. (read all at source)

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But, if something out of the ordinary happens, say, she has another child or a parent or sibling comes to live with her, that one event may be enough to literally push her over the edge. (read all at source)

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I tried to push what I had seen away, because there were some who thought I was going over the edge. In time I began to interpet the meaning of many of my own dreams for others. My hope today is to help you the best I can and for you to get the understand of your dream. (read all at source)

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To dream of bats implies we are concerned with hidden fears that we have shuffled to the back of our consciousness that are attempting to push through and escape.
Bath/Bathing... (read all at source)

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Swing. This dream is a suggestion that issues hanging in the balance can be made to swing in your favor if you exercise patience and caution. Don't push.
Syringe. A symbol of renewed sexual vigor or alternatively new energy and ideas which should give you pleasure and satisfaction.
T... (read all at source)

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A dream about a cake may mean a celebration is at hand. It can also indicate there's something to celebrate that has been overlooked. Maybe you should push for something you desire, such as a promotion at work.
camp... (read all at source)

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Whatever it is, in real life really look at your love life and see what you can do to actively work on it and make it better. A solid relationship can survive anything - but a relationship that is crumbling already often needs just a slight push to destroy it. (read all at source)

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If the driver is a successful family member the dream tells you to listen to their guidance - let them sit in the driving seat for a while. If it is a member with difficulties, a parent or partner, it means you are not following your own direction in life and are letting others push you around... (read all at source)

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To see people in the street, indicates unusual briskness in trade and a general air of prosperity will surround you.
To try to be heard in a crowd of people, foretells that you will push your interests ahead of all others. (read all at source)

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If your outfit is really foreign to what you would normally wear then it’s definitely time, to push your boundaries. (read all at source)

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